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big giant circles

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Everything posted by big giant circles

  1. http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/extra-credits/2264-Symbolism-101 A most appropriate use of Monstrous Turtles.
  2. Yeah, the keyswitches can't hurt, you probably wont need to use more than 1 or 2 at a time but yeah, once you get used to them you'll find it a lot easier to play stuff on a keyboard as well as sequence a more realistic performance.
  3. Not bad. First of all, remember that as is the case with most people who actually play the instrument that they hear being sequenced electronically, it's going to be harder to fool them than your average joe-schmo casual listener. So if a guitarist or other listener with a more highly evolved ear tells you that they can tell that it's not a "real recording" or whatever, it's not always the end of the world That being said, listening to your first example, I'd say the first thing you can do is to humanize your performance the same way you would any other faux-organic instrument. Adjust the timing here and there so it doesn't sound quite so perfect and quantized. Maybe make some notes overlap just a bit--most guitarists would agree that it's pretty difficult to have the other 5 strings remain completely silent the ENTIRE time while you're playing one note. Second, be sure to make use of all the awesome and handy features that Realstrat has to offer. Slides, bends, hammer-ons, modulation, etc. And perhaps just a tiny bit of wetness on top of all that won't hurt either (subtle delay or reverb are usually best). Hope that helps.
  4. Realstrat + a good amp plugin will get you about as close to a real guitar as anything will. I use it all the time. It's not 100% perfect, but it's passable. Can you post an example of your work?
  5. I ask, nay, I demand, DEMAND sir, that you eat some cake and have a great day.
  6. Indeed, very cool! Was gonna post this yesterday, sorry . Update the OP.
  7. Welcome! Lotta sfx work, that's cool! SFX are a crucial part of the game, and I've always thought it would be fun to work on them. Just checked 'em out, indeed, they're pretty rad. I would just like to remind you that we have hundreds of composers that visit the site Anyway, as Roz said, we'd love for you to submit a remix!
  8. Diversity - http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/extra-credits/2175-Diversity
  9. So I just heard this as this week's credit music for Sephfire's Extra Creditz video and while I'm sure I've heard it before cycling through my OCR playlist I never paid it any particular mind. So I did now, and it rocks. Very groovy, love the beat, the synth work, and the pseudo-guitar thing. Recommended.
  10. I enjoyed Borderlands enough to have faith that the game will be decent. I preordered B-lands before it came out though, I feel like I should have a free pass lol. (Though I only own 2 of the DLC so far)
  11. There's quite an influx of newbies b/c of the sale, and it seems a lot of 'em are jumping straight into vs without a decent sense of gameplay and proper teamwork. Half funny, half irritating. Depends on which team they're on
  12. So does anyone have any idea what the "surprises" are yet? There was supposed to be a surprise Monday, but it got pushed to today. From http://www.l4d.com/blog/post.php?id=4433
  13. Ah, good observation. I've sort of blended the two together without meaning to Also, I'm DLing the updates now. Woo!
  14. Not that this actually answers your question, but I just wanted to throw out a reminder that "composers/arrangers" are often (and sadly) not the copyright owners.
  15. fair enough, I'm not saying I'm for or against, necessarily, I was only curious.
  16. If I wanted to be condescending, I would have taken cheap shots at you. Instead, I merely pointed out the flaws in your understanding and corrected them and gave examples. Hell I even threw in a smiley. Sorry you took my replies that way. Not sure what else to tell you. If you can't stand to be corrected, do your research before posting your opinions I suppose.
  17. Not quite sure how I qualify as a douche because I pointed out that you were ignorant on a subject. Do you even know what ignorant means? Ignorant: adj. "Lacking education or knowledge." You lacked knowledge. I and others educated you. You resorted to name calling. And somehow I'm the douche here. 'Atta boy.
  18. I do understand that. But it's fair to point out that your post shows that you're a bit ignorant on the subject, and we're merely pointing out why. Not trying to argue, just understand Yep, I should have mentioned that as well. Derivative works are a whole other topic altogether. Let's keep it to just straight up rips for now, just to keep the topic on point. Plus, silvagunner wasn't posting derivative works (like VGM arrangements *cough*) he was posting the actual unaltered music. Also, I'd like to take this time to say that I'm fairly indifferent about the SG issue at all. I'm simply pointing out the reasons WHY he doesn't have the actual right to post that stuff. I'm not saying he should or shouldn't have. I agree with the rest of your post Roz, but just out of curiousity, do you feel the same way about, say, movie or television soundtracks? (I'm only curious, not actually trying to push the discussion that way)
  19. Just because you see people do it, or that the content hasn't been removed for whatever reason, does not mean people have the right to do it. Most people just get away with it because companies either aren't aware or it's just not high enough priority for them. Also, it's not Youtube that gets "their panties in a bunch" over it. It's the copyright owners.
  20. This made me lol. Stating credit does not give the user some sort of special license-bypassing rights. It's one of the most ignorant things when a person uploads and shares content which they did not create and do not have legal consent to distribute but then says "I did not make/do not own this, _______ does! No copyright infringement intended!" Think about it. Let's use movies instead of music since for some reason people have an easier time understanding that it's not ok to upload movies (bootlegs or rips) to places like Youtube. Movies make their money by ticket and DVD sales. When people upload them so others can watch for free, it's bad for the people who own the rights to that movie. If I were to upload a movie, but provide full credits in the description, or say something like "I do not own this, no copyright infringement intended!" as I'm sharing something not meant to be free with millions of others for free, would that excuse me from any sort of legal repercussions?
  21. As is Samus. Also, has anyone thought about putting together some sort of teaser video for this? Like OCR does for their albums to build some moar hype. Jose? Ex. -
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