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big giant circles

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Everything posted by big giant circles

  1. Aight, so Scott is a hater. Nobody else thinks this is cool?
  2. Got what shipped to you? The KB37 or the Lexicon? Either way, I suppose I'd say "hot diggity, that's a good deal!" And then probably ask you if you got it new, and where you managed to score that deal.
  3. I would agree with you that most are. However, the Ionix's really is quit above par, as is the Fast Track Ultra's (Octane Preamp in that one). Really great tone straight out of the box on either of those. You just have to hear it, I guess
  4. I doubt that. I don't think any other country is as spoiled rotten greedy as us Yanks. They also seem like a generally pretty sensible lot, which also rules out that likelihood.
  5. Yeah, there's a small handfull of all-in-one-keyboard/interfaces. I believe M-Audio and EMU make them as well. They're pretty good if you are in dire need of a keyboard and want to stay as mobile/compact as you possibly can. That being said, I guarantee the preamps in the Ionix are going to top the Line 6's. Not to seem biased against Line 6 (because I'm not), if it were me I would get the Ionix and something like the M-Audio Oxygen v2 or Keyrig 25. That being said, the KB37 does look pretty snazzy.
  6. Oh, totally my bad for not mentioning that. Thanks, Jay! Richard Devine is a beast. If you kids like crazy electronic awesomeness, give him a quick google search.
  7. I don't think they can. Someone tell me if I'm wrong, but I heard that they monitor post, and if they detect something that has been banned, they send a trained pack of angry wallabies to your house and eat your face. Right? I'm pretty sure I'm an expert on Australian culture, custom, and protocol.
  8. I am excited about this. http://www.toontrack.com/products.asp?item=55 It may not have any more/better sounds than Battery, but it's sure to come with an onslaught of handy MIDI files that cover lots of electronic styles. Toontrack has always been a great company. Some people are a little anal about EZ Drummers simplicity/limitations compared to stuff like Addictive Drums, BFD, etc (all of which are also great products), but it's still undeniably a great value. Plus, you can load EZX sounds into Superior Drummer 2.0, so that solves that issue if you don't like EZD's interface Set for release in November, I will most likely be picking this fella up as soon as it's out.
  9. Well, I know the UX1 does, but y'all are recommending a POD in his "I need a USB interface" thread. Not that it's a bad gadget, I'm just saying
  10. I have the least experience with Line 6 interfaces, so I can't really say good or bad about them. I hear they're pretty ideal for guitarists who don't really need much else. Is there no XLR inputs on that thing?
  11. Oh man, that sucks. I am sorry to hear that, my Aussie friends. I can't wait to hear what Yahtzee has to say on the matter, which surely we will eventually. Bummer. I'm sure Valve isn't happy about this either.
  12. $400? I'd go for either the Lexicon Ionix or the M-Audio Fast Track Ultra. They're both pretty awesome and have great preamps. There pretty on par with each other, so if you can get the Ionix for $75 cheaper, that's probably what I would do.
  13. I've been ribbing people in this discussion all in good fun but seriously. What is wrong with you?
  14. lol, I have never before heard anyone assess a "hug situation" so analytically. If you even have to think if it's ok or not to hug someone, you probably shouldn't. And I maintain that seeing as it's usually 90(+)% guys at these meetups, why is this even being discussed?
  15. What is with you people. There are far too many dudes at any of these meet-ups to sit around babbling about "*~*Oh gOsh, I duNNo iF I'd gIvE hugZ or nOt, I am sO sHy, LoL *~* I mean, listen to yourselves. Also, stop covering for an excuse to hug Jill, Jade, or any other of the OCR ladies if you ever meet them in person.
  16. Well, yeah, I wouldn't say it blew me away either. Between the preexisting Kore FX and Glitch and a few other things, I can already get most of those FX sitting down in the studio. However, I don't think any of them are nearly as intuitive for live performance. Their phone support sucks, yes, but I've never had any issues with their forums.
  17. How do we feel about it so far? http://www.native-instruments.com/#/en/products/producer/powered-by-kore/the-finger/ I think it looks pretty darn spiffy. I'll probably pick it up in the near future to use for live stuff.
  18. The first time I saw Taucer do a barrel roll I got all hot and bothered. Same thing goes for Mazedude's backflip.
  19. Fair enough. Beware though, Image-Line is a larger forum for this sort of stuff, so with the increased number of knowledgeable people comes a HUGE increase in egotistical pricks and idiots.
  20. If you're insecure here, why would you not be insecure at other places?
  21. Well, to be fair, the first run through took about 7 hours.
  22. I think it would be good for zircon to weigh in on the matter. I can see both sides of the coin, and I'm personally not sure which call is the "proper" one.
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