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big giant circles

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Everything posted by big giant circles

  1. I'd be interested in seeing if I could make this, though I'd prefer October to this month.
  2. Hey Wes, you wanna join my project? WELL YOU CANT BECAUSE YOU'RE NOT BLIND
  3. What on earth are you talking about/Now you're just being silly/Whatever man, it's your baby do whatever you want with it.
  4. Dang man, now there's a face I haven't seen in a while. How you been since I saw you in Louisville, bro?

  5. I'm disappointed to see a lack of picture updates in this thread lately. I'd post some, but it's pretty much the same.
  6. Hey man, I'm putting together a project called "EVERY TRACK IN THIS PROJECT IS BY BLIND". It's going to be about 72 tracks over about 6 discs. Would you like to join?
  7. Woah, chill Prog. I don't think Larry was trying to do anything other than jest with ya man. He's a laid back guy, don't take it personally. Truthfully, I would say the clap is the single worst part of the track and if I had to single out a deal-breaker, that would be it. I've made the point before that a single bad sound can bring down the overall quality if a track, and I still stand by that. Besides, with something so easy to do as change out a sample, why all the fuss at the request to do so? I've taken on a more sympathetic role in my voting lately, but since this one had the fatal flaw to begin with, I felt compelled to point out some other simple things that would be worth touching up on as well. My, there seem to be a lot of upset people in this thread. Whatchagonnado?
  8. I'll be honest, I don't think I want to vote on this until we get a version that's the proper file size. (We are still doing <6MB, right? I've noticed we've had several subs lately that go over). There is a LOT of stuff in this mix, and I can't help but be a little skeptical that it can be squeezed under 6MB even using VBR, and not have obvious encoding issues. :-\
  9. Your sigs are ever so entertaining. :)

  10. Happy birthday, bud! Happy bday to dPaladin too!
  11. I think the REAL question at hand, is will it be more of an Austin Powers private jet, or an Air Force One?
  12. Larry's smelly fro is the 153rd. Hey, on a serious note, why haven't we added OCR-tan to the mascots?
  13. Moron is a little strong, I prefer to say that you guys were just over-thinking it a bit
  14. Fair enough, but if you read the original decision thread, you'll see that we said the exact same thing.
  15. I am going to say something, and it may come across as harsh. I will say it's more my intent to be blunt and direct, and harshness may just be an unfortunate by-product. People, ESPECIALLY those in the music business, need to STOP operating under the assumption that everything is always perfect the first time. This goes way beyond OverClocked ReMix. Learning to grow a thick (enough) skin is critical to achieving success for 99.9+% of all musicians in the world. Just because you think a track is good enough does not always mean there's no room for improvement. In the case at hand, Meteo received 3 votes all citing that the mix was really close to green, and ALL of them specifically requested him to resubmit it. We generally don't bother asking for resubmits if we feel like a track is weak enough that it would probably be too much trouble to fix it than to just start from scratch or else move on entirely. Some of you seem to be "epic failing" to comprehend that. Quote time: Vinnie's vote is full of positive stuff, although I don't agree that we "ripped [Meteo] a new one" at all, seeing as simple yet direct feedback with the intention of helping improve a track that's ALMOST passable can only be seen that way to someone looking for an excuse to cry. At any rate, please note that none of us requested anything unreasonable, or even difficult. Vinnie and I both noted that the arrangement was fine, and that there are some (reasonably quick-fix) production issues that can be resolved, as well as picking a different clap and panning it center. I realize that for some of us (the collective OCR community) that music is simply a hobby/passtime. And that's fine. And for some of us, it's something we'd like to do as a career (and some of us are doing). And I PROMISE that for the latter, having music rejected is something that will happen A LOT. If you think you are good enough that it won't happen to you, you are sadly, sadly mistaken. And I'm not saying it won't ever bother you, but the point is, you're going to have to accept that you are not the only person who has a set of ears in the world. Sometimes, it takes the opinions of others to point out things that you have missed that could be the difference between having a bad track and a good track, or a good track and a great track. The sooner this is learned, the better off you will be as a musician.
  16. Just out of curiosity, which ones do you feel are undeserving of posting? You're entitled to your opinion and I'm not here to argue or insult you. But you obviously feel strongly about this. Please, share. Also, I was kidding about the title. Seriously.
  17. Well man, if you can't learn how to deal with advice (whether it's good or bad) then perhaps "Epic Fail" isn't that far off. Look man. You don't need a dang church choir, and you don't need to buy a new mic to get a better clap. I don't mean to put down anyone who's been thoughtful enough to respond, because I know they're only trying to help, but here's the deal. I used a free soundfond called "Florestan Choirs" in my Super Metroid mix. There are quite literally THOUSANDS of better snare/clap samples out there, and many of them free. Who the hell records a clap for electronic music anyway? Just use a different sample, and then slap a little EQ/compression/verb/whatever on there. It's not complicated. If you're getting overwhelmed because of some of the suggestions that have been presented here, don't. Because while I know their intentions are good, some have overshot the mark quite a bit. I was simply saying that the phrase "Epic Fail" is not only trite, but kind of a silly title for any remix. Especially a Metroid track that has nothing to do with failing.
  18. Sweet mercy, that was obnoxious. I want my brain cells back. Just for the official record, if anybody submits anything here that sounds anything like that, it will get rejected. Cheesy chopped vocals, game-ripped audio, and ridiculous neglect to reasonable volume and mixing/mastering, swimming in reverb. Pure poop. Also, by technicality, even if a decent track is made, if it relies too heavy on game audio sampling, it will be rejected. Of course, these guidelines only apply if anyone plans on subbmitting here to OCR. If you just want to do it for fun, by all means, do whatever you want.
  19. what sideshow is that? also, I've heard epic fails before, and I'm sorry to say (for the sake of your title) your track is not an epic fail.
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