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Everything posted by Siamey

  1. Mines gonna be called Teddy's Day Out! Im imagining this teddybear walking down the street and waving at people and its sunny out and hes having the time of his life :-P
  2. i just think it would be nice to have a list
  3. this gives me an idea We should start an official thread for misnamed songs found on p2p, so people can figure out the real names of the songs. for example i know for a fucking fact that paul oakenfold didnt make an ff1x remix and i know that "nintendo" is not the author of "megaman rave" which isnt a megaman remix unless its some rare song that was only found in soundtest of some obscure master system version of megaman that only 5 carts were made. anyways yea
  4. hi guys! whens the next WIP deadline?
  5. i would tell you to search the source for the file but for some reason when i downloaded it, it sounded worse that it did on the site, different instrument set or something. doesnt really make sense. If there was any midi cool enough to make an mp3 directly from the midi, this is it hahahaha. anyone want me to do it? and yea its kinda a bad page, but its totally worth enduring its bad design
  6. Visit http://www.msxnet.org/gtinter/mgear2us.htm and listen to the mg2 theme, and wait till the chorus kicks in at maybe 3 minutes. if there ever was a midi that could pump someone up, this is it. SNAAAAAKE
  7. over time, the ps2 cd tray (or something inside the drive) can become slightly tilted, and thus the laser is reading from a different angle, and minor scratches become a bigger problem. its a defect that many ps2s have, but if you dont mind voiding your warrenty, there are tutorials for opening it up and fixing it, and i think they are pretty straightforward and simple. i for one never had this drive problem, because i broke my ps2 long before the problem could have developed yay for X-acto knives and their apparent attraction to extremely thin ribbon wires that connect the laser to the drive. (i was installing a mod chip and my hand slipped if you must know) oh well, at least i have the Emotion Engine chip on my wall now
  8. yikes well thanks for the suggestions, but i think im gonna check my local hardware store for generic metal screws
  9. Naw, it doesnt, and I've had trouble finding one that does, plus i already have some northbridge fands that would work fine but i would need the right kind of screw.
  10. Hi guys, im gonna buy http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811999701 to attach to my northbridge heatsink, but i dont know what kind of screws are used or where to get them. all i found was some whackjob who attached it with string :/ no thankyou. anyways, any help would be much appreciated!
  11. i can get this for you, message me on msn, i added you
  12. especially http://www.thejasoneffect.net/music/MapleStory/MemoriesofVictoria/EastofHenesys.mp3 that songs is the shit, whenever i was like "why am i playing this game" then id stumble into some meadow accidentally where this was playing and it would totally suck me back in. this song kept me in maplestory for like a good 5 months, and is responsible for me paying like 10 USD to get some fake money so i could buy a freaking cat that would follow me around and i could yell at it. anyways...
  13. one of my fav songs on the soundtrack is Badlands, i just love how fast it pumping it is, and thats the track i was trying to remix but came up with a mashup of the boss theme and city lights, cause i wasnt cool enough to capture the flavor of badlands. also i listening all the way through the boss music when it gets to that really fast rap, anyone know who or what its from?
  14. I have an einhander remix on vgmix but since its down ill link to my site. http://siamey.com/music/original/Siamey%20vs%20Einhander%20-%20Daybreak%20(Lunar%20Death%20Mix).mp3 im pretty sure its the same version (i remember having some old betas lying around but i think i made sure i didnt confuse them) im not sure whether its worth my time submitting it and biting my nails for 7 months only to be rejected. we'll see.
  15. Is it just me or is this midi from the original King Kong movie really cool. http://www.freeweb.hu/dzsedzs/midik/kingkong/kingkong.mid I think it needs an overhaul by someone here
  16. are we allowed to remix more than one song? like im happy with my back to sleep mix, but can i start a second mix aswell? or is that a nono
  17. thanks. the "synth" is actually just a seperately panned version of the piano samples with some fx and detuning on it
  18. Where do we post wips?
  19. my bad, i forgot which sites id posted it on
  20. Forgive me if I've already posted this here, I couldn't find the topic in search. http://www.siamey.com/music/remix/Opus%20III%20vs%20Miss%20Jane%20vs%20ATB%20-%20It's%20A%20Fine%20Day%20(Siamey%20Remix).mp3 (url is too long to work with bbcode, sorry) for reason users: www.siamey.com/fineday.rps
  21. thanks guys, thanks spongerman1
  22. thanks guyses
  23. http://www.siamey.com/files/martha.mp3 Last night i stayed up till 630 chopping up this song in recycle. i pitched the piano 3 or 4 notes to make it sound cheap, and im still working on chopping the trumpet section from the original (i got a filter working in winamp that lets the trumpet have a solo at some point ) anyways, i dont know if ill have a sample of paul singing the chorus and have hiphop lyrics for the verses yet, but we'll see. as of now its still just something im dicking around with. any feedback/comments/ideas? vocalists? whatver
  24. wow, you managed to fit in the 4th (final) part of the song into trance format... i couldn't do that, i just wigged out when i tried
  25. i like the mastering work on the bass n stuff you've done but i have to say i really really prefer my detuned version of the instrument which comes in at :43 in my edit. but yea, good stuff
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