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Everything posted by Toadofsky
I don't think that they get that sort of comedy (Kind of like Johnson Family Vacation, I just didn't find that movie funny at all). That sounds incredibly racist, I know, and I humbly apologize to any if that offends... I'm gonna get banned for that comment for sure ... What was your feelings on the movie Nekofrog? I'm curious...
Yeah, you won't be disappointed dude, not at all. And go see it in Imax if you can, I won't because there isn't a theater around my area that has one, but I'm sure it's even better in that. Good point. SPOILER.... Who was that green skinned girl (is that an Orion chick?) that Kirk was making out with? She was pretty hot. I've seen one site say it's Diora Baird, but I'm not sure that's correct. I didn't ever hear her name in the movie anyways...
Yes, Yes it does. And I had no idea that was Tyler Perry. And honestly, I don't think it was that big of a deal, he was only in it briefly. And was that Winona Ryder playing Spok's mother? Could've sworn it was her...
The night before the movie, me and two of my friends watched Star Trek 2: The Wrath of Kahn, and Star Trek 4: The Voyage Home, kind of our way of preparing for the movie. That was definitely, one of the finest films I have seen. The effects were great, the acting, superb, by EVERY person involved. I'm not a die hard Trekkie, not in the slightest, but I have enjoyed the films, and a few episodes of the shows tremendously. I do have one friend who was complaining about what they were doing with the film (as far as I know he hasn't seen it, and yes, he's a Trekkie), I only hope that he'll wake up, and just enjoy the film. Any who, this is THE summer movie for me, now all I need is UP, Terminator, and Transformers, and I'm set. Go see this movie first chance you get, YOU WILL NOT BE DISAPPOINTED!!!!
I always wanted to play that game. Thank goodness someone remembers Mischief Makers, I still have that game, and wish it would come out for Virtual Console... Amongst other games that are ALREADY out in Europe and Japan.... Stupid NOA, they're really getting on my nerves with their bull crap.
I'm very excited for this movie, can't wait to see it. And that's saying alot, since I never really was into Star Trek. Maybe it's because Simon Pegg, and J.J. Abrams are involved with this movie...
Well, this is unfortunate news... http://movies.ign.com/articles/979/979654p1.html I can only hope they can do better, but I doubt it highly....
If you play games as a hobby, then you're a gamer, there are no prerequisites. That's just my two cents on that.
I see where this thread is going now that more have seen it. I'm beginning to agree about Deadpool, he's a good character in the comics, and he was woefully under used in the movie, then again, this is about Wolverine here. At least Stan Lee didn't make his 8 billionth cameo in this movie (sorry, he's been in enough comic book movies now).... I'm very hopeful for Star Trek, counting the days till Terminator, and amped to see Transformers. Yeah, I know Transformers 2 is going to have just as much ridiculous action as Wolverine, but at least that's what I expect from Michael Bay. Plus, the special effects will look way more realistic than it did with some of Wolverine (at least to me).
Well, when I first saw the teaser for the movie, I was excited, then I saw the trailer for the movie, and the action in it was just like, wha? And my suspicions for the movie were correct of if it was going to be bad (at least for me). Look, I don't go to movies for realism, nor do I expect it (I'm of the very few that probably enjoyed Indiana Jones 4). But at least make most of it consistent as you can. It did some of the Wolverine comics okay, but that's from what I know of Wolverine. I liked some of the cameos, but even then, some of them just didn't seem that necessary, or important. Oh well, at least Star Trek comes out next week...
Metroid Movie Samus Aran Backstory: Yay or Lame?
Toadofsky replied to jezon2000's topic in General Discussion
Back when I was in high school, I wrote a potential movie of Samus Aran's origin, I remember fondly doing the scene where Samus' father is flying a ship their in, him trying to get it to crash it "safely", and after the landing, keeps the blast doors closed (a large explosion happens after they land), he sacrifices himself for them. The Chozo arrive to late to help fight the pirates, they find Samus' mom and her in the ship, they take the both of them, but as they walk away, a captured space pirate pulls out a gun and shoots Samus' mother, killing her. A particular Chozo elder takes her with him. Yeah, that's the only fan fiction I've ever really written, I never really finished the story, and I lost it at that..... As far as an origin movie, if they casted the right girl, had a competent director, then I'd be willing to see it. -
Stumbled onto this thread from another site, but the guys at NeoGAF have been making some really cool box art for their favorite games, akin to what the Criterion Collection does with films. Here's and example... No doubt many will find a favorite, and, you can even get some of these as printable! The GAF Collection.... http://www.palesky.com/misc/gaf_collection_collected/ Printable link... http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=357454 Sorry, I know that this looks like shameful promotion of other sites, but this is just too cool to pass up...
I'll check up on Brasero, I've read K3b can do it, but I'll probably have to do a ton of work with it. I'll still try to buy the games legitimately though, even though it really doesn't make much difference with it.
Okay, so I have the dreamcast, and now, to get the cords, controllers, and a few games. My only big problem now is how on earth am I going to burn the games onto a disc in Ubuntu....
Great, not only did I misspell "cord", I even got the title of my topic wrong. Yeah, Coop, he's giving me the Dreamcast, he's not making me pay for it. So I think I'd come out alright with buying the other things for it. Like I said, he's sure that it works. One of his friends had given it to him, but forgot to give him the cords, and they somehow wound up in Evansville IN with one of my other friends....
You know, I thought I misspelled that... Thanks for the joke though. And the ThinkGeek order was what made me bring this up, plus, I already saw it was sold out... sigh... I see your point though, You know, I was going to set up a pay pal account, but then I had heard about a fake pay pal site that was ripping people off around the time I was going to set my account up, I'm paranoid over the internet I know. Guess I'll take the plunge though. Could you maybe give me some tips on Ebay? Just how to look at reliability of the sellers or businesses within Ebay? Sorry if I'm being lazy about it, I like to get your guys' advice on some of this (and I'm seriously crappy at typing tonight). And thanks for the info on some of those other games!
I typed up the name of the thread wrong, it's So I'm getting a Dreamcast.... I always dislike making topics, but, here it goes... Well, my room mate has a dreamcast that he's going to give me (he left it at his old place he used to live at), and I've ALWAYS wanted one, even when I was a die hard Nintendo fanboy back when it first came out. The only thing though, it doesn't have it's power chord, memory card, controllers, or av cables, or even games. So, my question to you guys is... What would be a good website(s) to order those things, at a reasonable price? My room mate is pretty sure it's in good working order, but in case it isn't, at least I won't be out of a huge amount of money. I'm not so worried about getting games, if you know what I mean, (yeah, I know that's bad), but that's my second option if I can't find a game reasonably priced, let alone find one for it. Yes, I know Ebay would be the best, but are there any other reputable websites that I could order from, without getting screwed? I rarely order things online (I've only bought 2 shirts, and a decal for my Nintendo Wii) so I'm kind of in the dark with this. You don't have to recommend any games, I've got a good idea of what games I'm searching for, but any suggestions other than Sonic Adv. 1 and 2, Rayman 2, Ecco Defender of The Future, Shenmue, Ikaruga (already on my gamecube), or Jet Set Radio are welcome. If this is flame bait, well, go ahead....
Read an article in I think a Sci Fi magazine or Popular Mechanics, and Lucas has enlisted guys to make a database of all the Star Wars stories, characters, planets, time-line, you name it, it's being put into it. Of course, a good sum of it, just as it has been summarized, is not part of official cannon. It was funny, because in the interview with the guy (and yeah, he gets paid to do all that), he typed something up, that showed something that isn't even out yet, or has yet to be shown in at least another year or two (he had to cover the monitor up so as not to spoil it). I agree, Timothy Zahn's work on Star Wars, as well as Karen Travis', is excellent. The Republic Commando books really show a side of the clones that you don't get to see. I can't wait for the next Republic Commando book. Man, I wish they would bring another Clone Commmando game out, that first one was incredible.
Hmm, I never really got that engrossed into Star Trek, I loved the movies, and I enjoyed some of the episodes in The Next Generation, but never got into any of the other series. Not that I disliked it or anything, just wasn't something I dove into like I did with some of the Star Wars books. I did enjoy Nemesis alot, more than some people I know.
So I've been playing through Chrono Trigger...
Toadofsky replied to 1337 1's topic in General Discussion
I didn't play Chrono Trigger till about 2 years ago, on an emulator. Back when I played Super NES, I didn't really get into RPGs, I thought they were boring. Of course, I was like 8, and I would mostly play platformer games. The only RPG I played heavily was Super Mario RPG (which I think is what got me to start playing them). Anyhow, I agree, you associate (in your mind) those good feelings when you play from a certain game in the past, and if you ever go back to play it, sometimes it will either, A, not be as good as it was... B, still have that spark. I have to say though, that some games I didn't play until a few years ago. Super Metroid, Earthbound, and Chrono Trigger were a few games I didn't initially like in the beginning, but now, they're my top favorite games. -
I was thinking the same thing, that John Denver is full of Sh$@ man. Seriously, this movie looks very interesting.
Pilotwings ReMix in Game Informer article
Toadofsky replied to glasfen's topic in General Discussion
I love that song, and I really liked the article. I've been waiting for a new Pilotwings, c'mon Nintendo, what gives? I need to fly a gyrocopter with Goose again!!! Hmm, maybe E3 will show or say something about it. -
That's hot right there....
Then they (the CEO and top executives trying to pull this stuff), don't need that money from selling the franchises. Same goes for the banks pulling this crap. They have the power to fire the boss of a car manufacturer, why can't they do that to the banks? Forget I said that, I hate politics, mainly because of the hypocrisy in it.
Good thing I'm running Ubuntu Linux, but I'll probably unhook the computer from the net tonight, just in case. As far as I know, it's only going after Windows OS. I wonder why I'm asking this, but why do people get a thrill from making this junk? Why do they even make this crap in the first place? Just to say, yeah, I wrecked thousands of computers across the U.S.