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Everything posted by Toadofsky

  1. God, I didn't even think of going that far to replace the text, I just thought it would be enough to put the video on, thanks....
  2. Quoted for empahsis. I'm waiting for someone to cover the beach music with a real saxophone. Also, I'd say that Chuck Rock had a pretty good soundtrack as well.... I would say something about Mischeif Makers, but I don't really recall much from the soundtrack... And Nekofrog, I beat you on Plok! earlier. Why hasn't anybody covered this song yet? Or Plok's House or the Beach Music? WHY?!!!!
  3. In this case, Malcos, or Prot, or whatever the heck is going on here....
  4. Ah a vivid vernacular most verbose! Victorious is he who vividly validates this vortex of verily questions! And, that's all for me... G'night!
  5. My V for Vendetta quote was a bit much?
  6. I'm not one to use vulgarity, but I believe this image holds merit for said quote...
  7. So does Fire Red and Leaf Green have the new pokemon at the time they redid it? Or is it just a straight remake of the originals with battle system tweaks?
  8. In view, a humble vaudevillian veteran, cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of Fate. This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is a vestige of the vox populi, now vacant, vanished. However, this valorous visitation of a by-gone vexation, stands vivified and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin van-guarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of volition. Verily, this vichyssoise of verbiage veers most verbose!
  9. I'm waiting for the game to be released here, yeah, I know not to hold my breath...
  10. I guess Fire Red and Leaf Green it is then! Now I have to finish Final Fantasy IV on my DS
  11. I wasn't sure if those were remakes or not, but if I can track them down, I'll give them a shot, if that's the one people keep suggesting (not that your opinion doesn't count).
  12. So I've never played Pokemon, like, ever. Sure, I've played bits and pieces of one or two of them, not much. I'm thinking I may finally give one a shot. So, I'm wondering, which game would be a good one for a noob to start off with? The new DS games? The remake of the original two for the GBA? The original GBA games? Would the recent one or the new one coming out be a good place to start? Yeah, not the most interesting topic to post I know, but I'm doing a Pokemon image on my computer right now and just thought I'd ask.
  13. Is this hatred for Earthbound as the cool kids call it, in? Guess I'm a square then. I wouldn't mind trying some Commodore 64 games though...
  14. Great video. Absolutely awesome.
  15. I'll go ahead and show the other two here... And Gollgagh, I only wish it could be that way at my place. I have neither the time, room, or funds for all of it.
  16. Found this from destructoid.com, and one could only wish it was like this.... it gets better... and better... I actually wiped a tear away with this one... there's two other images that I have to link to with the 4 image limit.... http://www.destructoid.com/elephant/photo-m.phtml?photo_key=82354&post_key=122071 http://www.destructoid.com/elephant/photo-m.phtml?photo_key=82355&post_key=122071 Source... http://www.destructoid.com/console-wars-declared-dead-in-the-cutest-way-possible-122071.phtml#comments
  17. What he said. And believe me, this is no where near as bad as when Cuddly Pyramid Head and Firedrake thought the ruled the roost here. Just take the criticism good and bad, and learn from it. If it's a first video, I understand, there is room for improvement, but hey, anything art related can always be better, at least that's the way I feel with my artwork...
  18. That image will haunt me now... Thank you. It doesn't help to add the fact I'm listening to James Newton Howard's Signs soundtrack right now either...
  19. Well at least someone stays on target with the topic... Meanwhile, I, what was we talking about???
  20. Oh.... well my most humble apologies and I graciously prostrate myself for forgiveness...
  21. Har har har. The Coop always gets the good jokes... Does McAwesome come with a side of Mcshake? Or a Mcfist to the face?
  22. Okay, okay, we see the video, that's fine, don't need to keep linking, or I'll agree with the Damned here. We've had enough spammers here, don't start passing yourself as one too. Is that your guys' first film?
  23. Nice video, but if this is your first post, you need to go here friend.... http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=10835 Welcome to OCR, and watch out for the flames coming for you on this one...
  24. I'll listen to it... Have you guys checked out Mega Ran 9? It's as they say on the street, "tight". http://www.capcom-unity.com/s-kill/blog/2009/02/04/mega_ran_9
  25. How are these XBLA games? I saw a few, but I wasn't too sure about getting one when I was still playing XBOX live...
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