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Everything posted by Toadofsky

  1. Yeah, actually I'm doing it right now. This is a work in progress, seeing as how this is the first time I've actually been using a tablet. So, were you just wanting me to do the CD work? Or the entire page? I mean, it'll take some time for me to do page work,
  2. Thanks for the preview, now I have to wait, after being totally in the dark on this project. It's sounding great so far, keep it up!
  3. Hey, I enjoyed it. It was cheesy, and honestly, I think some of it was purposefully campy. I mean some of Zangeif's lines, like, "Change the Channel" were just priceless. I have to admit, the guy who played Sagat was a perfect choice (he was the Indian that sold out the British troops, and later gets slammed by an ax across the arm, and I think the head too), he had his look down pat. Too bad he didn't really fight in it. Not too mention Kyle Minogue as Cammy, not too shabby. Or Ming Na (she looks better than she did in that movie). In regards to the new movie. You can either see it or not. It doesn't really matter. Chances are this movie's gonna tank anyhow. Most game to movie transitions don't go over well. But if you just see it without comparing it to the games so much, you might enjoy it as a film. Just like I do with the Super Mario Bros. Movie. But I totally understand what Nekofrog is talking about in this topic.
  4. Hmm, sounds fishy. But from what I heard it has nothing to do with Zelda... http://www.destructoid.com/mmv-and-sega-test-your-patience-with-countdown-teasers-117903.phtml But hey, I'm usually wrong on these whole guess what's coming things....
  5. I'm eager to hear it already. I'll have some artwork up hopefully by next week for it.
  6. There are just so many of these for me. When Super Mario World came out, I had just graduated from 1st grade, and my parents bought me a Super Nintendo (thus began my gaming), and Super Mario World came with it. I remember trying to get good at it, which was progress. I remember my dad beat it for me, I was so nervous watching him fight Bowser. In fact, I think my mom has my very first drawing. Which was the Super Mario World characters. It's almost faded out, but my mom has it somewhere stored safe. My other fond memories were of Donkey Kong Country 1 and 2. DKC 1 came out, and me, and my dad, were just floored by the graphics, there wasn't anything like it. And one of my friends growing up with me, had it. We'd take turns playing it, as well as laughing along the way. DKC 2 came out, and we'd go through it together as well. Man those games were so hard for us to beat. I remember showing him SMW 2: Yoshi's Island when I rented it too. N64. When my aunt told me and my dad about the new Mario game that came out for it. I asked my dad if we could go see it, so off we went. And I vividly remember like 12 N64's sitting there, and everyone playing it. Every game was Mario 64. And I remember playing it for the first time. Holding the N64 controller, and tilting it around when I'd control Mario. Such an awesome time. Gamecube. Playing the demo of Luigi's Mansion, and Rouge Squadron at Toys R Us. The Death Star Trench, was just incredible. XBox, sitting and playing a small portion of Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath next to my sick brother in law. He was in the hospital for a hernia removal, but developed a blood clot in his lung. It was taken care of, and all the while, we'd play Soul Calibur 3, watch the Two Towers extended cut, and play one or two games. For this generation, it would have to be playing the Wii for the first time. I played Excite Truck, and was just blown away by it. I bought the game eventually, and it's still pretty cool in my book. Another memory would have to be bringing the Wii home for the first time. I was so excited, and my Brother in law and my sister came over to play it too. They too enjoyed it.
  7. Gosh, I envy you guys, looks like a blast. Maybe I could attend next year, circumstances permitting such as, meeting miss right (as if that'll ever happen)...
  8. I watched Spirits Within very closely before it came out. Even before trailers came out, I'd look at very early screens that were released (and the EARLY footage was VERY different), and I knew it wasn't going to be based on the games, and I had/still have, no qualms with that. I really don't care about seeing the exact same game being interpreted as a film. Yeah, if anyone asks, I like the Mario Bros. movie, big freaking deal. I even liked DOA, it's a good bad film, if that makes any sense (plus it had Jamie Presley, which isn't a problem with me). There's been talk of Metal Gear being made into a movie. I honestly hope they take it into a different direction. Sure, it'd be cool to see MGS Twin Snakes (or the original for purists) done on the big screen, but I've played the game over 20 times at least, I know the story like the back of my hand. But I'm sure that if they do, fanboys will do what the irritatingly do best, whine and moan, and be on forums thinking they're doing the world a favor by posting stuff no one's gonna care to hear about. If people would accept the fact that games don't necessarily translate well into a film, or that changes ARE necessary for narrative, I don't think there'd be as much complaint. I mean, you get to see live action renditions of your favorite characters on rare occasion, done well, right?
  9. People didn't like it (this is my opinion, may not be with everyone), because it didn't revolve around characters from the game, and I really was glad they didn't involve the characters from the game. Then people would have complained about how the story wouldn't have been accurate to the cannon of what Final Fantasy game they would have based it. Of course, it would have been cool to see the film based on earlier Final Fantasy games (ala airships, knights, etc.) I'm so sick of hearing about the uncanny valley. I really don't care about the realism in a film/game. I don't care about how a body flies around from an explosion, or how a limb should flail around. I just want to play a game/watch a movie without being confined to realism. I know people who'll sit there watching a movie, and dictate the possibility of each of those things happening, or how unrealistic it is. And I refuse to watch movies with said people.
  10. That was just waay too good. In regards to the film. The spirits within was better in my opinion. The fight scene with that giant creature with everyone helping to fight it, that was the only part I liked the most out of it.
  11. If I can get this to run with Linux, I think I'm game.
  12. I see where this thread is going... Oh boy... Knew I shouldn't have posted this... (Shaking head with hands over face)
  13. If I recall, at one point, Gamepro got called out on being paid to score a game higher than it should have been, and lost it's credibility with a lot of fans. But I think the same goes for Play. I LOVED play, they resonated with my opinion on games. First issue I bought was about The Wind Waker (I wish I had the Beyond Good and Evil issue). Some games like Viewtiful Joe, Wario World, and Gunstar Super Heroes, wouldn't be in my collection had I not read about them. Fast forward a few years later... They feature I don't know how many freakin' ads, hardly any letters (one if they're lucky to fit in next to or below/above an ad). I mean they have a section called ask Alienware, can I make that anymore obvious? It's just like Xplay's 30 second clips "presented by (insert brand/company here)". Not to mention Dave Halverson is a complete flippant jerk. He's been nothing but a jerk on the dumbest little nitpicky things on games. "Oh, I can't see Gordon Freeman's arms or legs on his body, TOTALLY RUINS THE EXPERIENCE. This game is flawed and overhyped!" Or his newest irritation, calling out the movement and facial movement of characters in Fallout 3, and not understanding how said game could sell so well, and how this so called problem just "destroys" the experience. The guy back pedals on his opinions in almost every issue. My favorite, talking about the excessive violence and sex coming into games, or the excessive amount of heroines in games having at least a C to D cup, then reviewing an anime and just loving the gigantic boobs on one of the characters, or his promoting Girls of Gaming (that' just soft core gamer porn to me, not all of it, but most of it really is). Don't get me started on his views of the Wii. Yeah sure, Nintendo has more than likely ditched it's core audience, where most of said audience just had to have a plethora of M-rated games and went to Playstations and Xboxes to fill that needless void (and no, I'm not calling out anybody here on that, but I've known people to do that). But if that's what makes them money in the sad state our economy is, so be it. Maybe if things turn around, and the game market has to start all over again, they can win people and their fans back over with good games. In regards to EGM, the first issue I bought, was the Pokemon issue, with nearly 300 pages if not more than that. And had Hsu and Chan's premiere comic. I even remember the backlash on DK64's review and article (They weren't happy with said game). EGM, you will be missed. And I apologize for going off topic.
  14. Jeez, five pages in, and we've got into the what's wrong with Sonic topic. I guess I'll be the only one to defend Sonic Heroes, it was the last good game of Sonic in my opinion. Sure, it was annoying as heck in some spots, but I enjoyed it. The whole tag team thing didn't bother me, I adjusted to it, especially when I would replay a stage I would get the idea of who was up next. As far as Mario goes, I'll admit, he's shown his age. But we only get a new Mario game like what? Every five years? So that's a good long break. Mario 64, I'll still keep coming back to that till the day I die, but Galaxy was an improvement. But I'm hopeful that Nintendo will maybe change him up a bit, not much, but a little more subtlety. No, not with an RPG (which by the way, let Square handle the next one please?), or a Mario Sports game, but a platformer. Just please don't add no STUPID building machines gimmick ala Banjo Kazooie. God that game was awful for me. Sorry off topic... And I recall (not here), but alot of people complaining about the so-called "Butt Rock" of Sonic. I honestly ask, what's wrong with it? I loved the ska feel from Sonic Adventure 2. Every time I play the first stage in Sonic Adventure, I get this great fuzzy feeling inside. The guitar, the beach, the killer whale in the scenes, just takes me back to better days. Well, these days, Sonic is catered to kids, like he probably always has been, and that's not going to change anytime soon from the looks of it. So most kids today, are probably not concerned with the quality of it. If they enjoy it, that's all they care about, and really, isn't that what it should be with games? But that's the point, most fans from the early Genesis days, no matter how hard they've tried, have not enjoyed almost any of the recent Sonic games, and the blog shows why. Sonic Team is put under a proverbial gun every year, to make another Sonic game time and time again. They don't get a chance to spread their wings on new IP or change Sonic up. Here's hoping Sega may start seeing they need to ease up on the team, maybe...
  15. Wow. Just wow. I can't believe it's going away. I figured Gamepro would disappear before it. Next will be Play, mark my words, maybe. That's sad. This isn't the news I was wanting to hear starting today. But with the economic struggles these days, it's possible. Not to mention this buyout has been a long time coming. Such a shame.
  16. Ask and you shall receive Sindra. Well Nekofrog, I think you got your opinion across, though I do admit, there was more love for S3&K, not to mention a whole remix collaboration on it from here... Still, I have fond memories of that game, pre y2k madness. I remember buying the P.C. edition of it, had a Y2K compliant sticker on it, not to mention it was in the giant P.C. game boxes (I honestly still miss those things). Even had a fancy Screen Saver of Sonic that you could edit. Yeah, I'm geeking out now.
  17. Take a look at this... It's the archived blog from the article... http://web.archive.org/web/20070408161400/http://bossrush.blogspot.com/2007/03/nights-2.html Interesting, no? After reading this, I now have no real desire to buy Sega's games, especially regarding Sonic Games. I'll be getting Outrun Arcade when it hits XBox Arcade, but that's it. Unless they have something good to put out, something worth the time to play it, I'll gladly pass. But I'll say this, this isn't necessarily just Sega, it's also the company that owns them, Sammy.
  18. S3 and K was actually my favorite of the 2d games. Sonic Adv. 1 and 2, and Sonic Heroes were good (in my opinion), everything after that, well, you get the idea.
  19. Eh, I took the game back, and got my money back and then went around and put it on the Special Edition of Street Fighter IV. Now I'm gonna dl ST2HD Turbo Remix, in support of OCR. And that listing of problems on emulating original xbox games, sad, just freaking sad. Maybe I can at least play Panzer Dragoon w/o a problem... maybe...
  20. If this has come up already, delete/lock this thread mods... So most here have had a strong distaste for this generation of Sonic games, with good reason. I mean, for me, the last good Sonic Game was Sonic Rush (Though I hold fond memories for Sonic Heroes). Everything since then, has been downhill, and for many reasons. This article even leads to the potential reason why Yuji Naka left Sega behind. Why for many, Nights was an awful iteration on the Wii. Read and be shocked (well, maybe not anymore), not just at Sonic Team (I actually pity them), but at how Sega pushes their employees... http://www.tssznews.com/2009/01/05/the-blog-sega-doesnt-want-you-to-read/0 If all of this is true in the article, then I think it's time to give Sega a little punishment, with our wallets.
  21. Yeah, but he'd be more inclined to start complaining about the lack of arms and feet when you look down in Half Life 2/Orange Box. And how games need to be more artistic/cinematic/realistic. If I wrote a letter, I wouldn't be a jerk, but it'd be tempting. Sorry, that magazine just irks me now. I used to love it. But with all the hate they put towards the Wii (I understand, some of it is warranted), ridiculous articles on little quirks in games that "MUST" be addressed, has stopped me from even bothering to pick the magazine up anymore. But I'm getting off topic. Sorry.
  22. I honestly have to say, I've never been a big fan of Street Fighter I just never played it (not hating on it), but after playing Marvel vs. Capcom 2, I decided to start liking these sort of old school 2-d Fighters, I'm still contemplating if I want this game, or if I should go ahead and reserve SFIV Special Edition and start paying it off (hey, I'm on a shoe string budget here, sorry and that little figurine that comes with it looks pretty cool). I remember the original remix SF 2 album had become a glitch on my computer where it refused to delete (might have just been my computer), but it didn't bother me, it's gone anyhow. Anyhow, this is a great soundtrack guys, this site has truly come a long way, even though I came about 4 years late into it. I hope it keeps going forward the way it has. And that the developers of the games, really take notice of the talent that everyone puts into this site. And also, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE IGNORE Play magazine's review of this game, they're idiots. At the very last paragraph, the reviewer (probably Dave Halverson, who's a copmlete moron) starts complaining about how terrible the music was, saying that he expected more out of you guys. Not only that, he suggests that when you get the game, select the original tunes instead. I won't get into how stupid this magazine can be about it's reviews or articles nitpicking faults in games, it's just an excuse to criticize the popular games that come out, not to mention the objectification of big boobed women, hence they still put out girls of gaming (to me, it's just soft core game porn). Sorry, starting to rant here. I've really considered writing an angry letter to the magazine, but with all the ads that have to support it, they can barely put in letters anymore, not like they'd listen anyhow...
  23. I just managed to find a copy of Marvel vs. Capcom 2 for Xbox. Got the update, and I'm completely frustrated. The character sprites have glitches in them (I even saw the "hit" box, for a second on one of them). So now I see the problem everyone had with backwards compatibility, but it angers me even more with the fact that Halo 1 and 2 work perfectly fine on it, with absolutely no hitches in gameplay, but not every game does. Why? And yeah, welcome to three years ago with this issue, I know. But rarely do I find games like MvC2. I wonder how Shenmue 2 or Outrun 2 plays on it. I think I just need to find an old Xbox and have my friend mod it so I don't have to keep the discs in it (ala install to hard drive!) Of course, you didn't hear that...
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