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Everything posted by Toadofsky

  1. Yeah, I'll be honest, I hated rap in the past. But I love to listen to some that has a good beat at times. I mean, you can't deny the sound of "Big Pimpin'" I love the whole Arabian sound that's looped in the song... Or my favorite, LL Cool J's "Momma Said Knock You Out"
  2. Never accused rap of destroying the English language, not saying anybody did. But I have to admit, Soulja Boy is the most annoying one I've heard. Don't get me wrong, I love Run DMC, Young MC, Bis Markey, Snoop Dogg, and a few others. Underground/Indie rap, has some really good stuff. I've really been enjoying Flobots, quite different in their sound. I think the problem people have is that all they hear/see is the songs that get played on the radio. Where some of those songs (if not most that are played on the radio, but I don't listen to much radio anymore so I can't really say), just talk about their rich life. But they get that impression simply by what they see or hear, and it just doesn't entice them, and said people get disgusted by it. I hated country, don't listen to much of it. But since my boss played quite a bit of it at work, I've grown used to it. I've liked Johnny Cash, and I'm interested in hearing a few different others. But I won't typecast rap, not anymore. I've grown in my taste in music, and it's still growing. I'm sorry if I've offended anyone, seriously. It may be the Internet, but I still feel the need to be respectful to people. God I sound full of myself.
  3. Finally! Downloading it now, 1st track is mighty impressive! Way to go guys!
  4. Soooo, what's the boy going to be raised on? Nintendo? Playstation? Figure you gotta plan these things out, just like College. Worst, Joke, EVER....
  5. Dang, it. I guess having heard that song on the radio till my ears bled that it wasn't ingrained enough. And I lost my joke...
  6. It sounds incredibly gay coming from me, but that picture at the top of page 1 was adorable.
  7. Hey, it's like rain on your wedding day, it's a free ride, that you just didn't take. And who would have though it figures?
  8. That song (as well as Chrono Trigger "To Far Away Lands" I think it was called), started the OC Lockdown, 3 times, if I'm not mistaken. In that run, I think quite a few forum members, mixers, and listeners left. DJ Pretzel was VERY hesitant about doing it, mostly because of the backlash coming from it, as what I heard/saw. But they went through and systematically removed conflicting songs, or ones that didn't meet the criteria on posting a song. The "Dr. Stuard" by Jefftoad (I think that was his name then), was nothing more than the exact same song (yes the music sounded different), with sound effects dubbed in along. And no, I didn't hate it, I REALLY liked the song, but again, it violated many rules. Now this new song you're referring to, I haven't listened to, nor do I know of the game from which it's from, but if it's slipped through the cracks, I have no doubt they'll probably review it again, especially if they read this thread...
  9. Yeah Star Wars Galaxies was good when it first started, because you had to WORK to become a Jedi, you might of had to put in at least a hundred hours before you could even start getting powers of the force. But when Sony Online took the reigns, they decided it would only be fun if you could be a jedi from the beginning, and thus, all the time people spent building themselves up to be a jedi were angered at Sony. Because it essentially made what they did a waste of time (hey aren't all video games like that anyhow? Not that I don't enjoy them). As for this MMO from Bioware, it's intriguing, but honestly, I'd prefer a traditional single player RPG from them. That's just me, plus, from what little of pictures I've seen, the artwork just does nothing for me. Here's hoping to a remake of Shadows of the Empire, or a new Jedi Outcast/Academy.... Yeah, I"m not putting much hope on that...
  10. I agree with the above, Advent Rising had an INCREDIBLE soundtrack, that honestly boosted the game even further for me. Although I had kept track of it even before it came out. Beyond Good and Evil. It wasn't until the moment you head to your first assignment that the music finally hit me. That piano tune,hit me hard, with the eels jumping out of the water. Or when you go through the mines, where that creature is hiding in a conch shell. I must have stayed there for about 5 or 10 minutes listening to that music. For some reason, that game still hits me that way. I just hope the sequel will actually come out. PLOK! The Follin brothers best Super Nintendo soundtrack. Speaking of the Follins... I wish I could play Ecco Defender of the Future, I've listened to it's soundtrack and absolutely love the main theme, and a few others from it. Mario Galaxy was one I have been going back through to experience the soundtrack. I believe it's one of Nintendo's best in the soundtrack department. In the meantime, I've gotta rent Prince of Persia, saw some videos with the actual music, and it sounds like a winner to me.
  11. Can't be any worse than the DragonBall movie... Maybe...
  12. I'm just about to trade Warioland Shake It! I just didn't really enjoy it that much, not to mention that I ended up not liking the whole shake aesthetic. I'd prefer Wario World on Gamecube or Virtual Boy anyday. I think a new 2-D metroid on DS or Wii is in order. I think it'd be cool to see it either done with hand drawn style, or with great detail.
  13. Hard to really say as Sephire put it. I mean, Frets on Fire has a few OC/Video game cover songs, but for this game, unless you sent it through as a package to a friend, then maybe it would. Then again, I've barely played GHWT, mostly because I like Rock Band 2 better. And because I'm pretty much sick of these music games. Stupid market is being over run with them.
  14. I second that statement. As well as Ecco: Defender Of The Future. Great music in that one!
  15. I was saddened to hear about that. I've read Jurassic Park, The Lost World (JP2), Sphere, a little bit of Congo (It was too boring for my taste, but I did enjoy the movie), Timeline, and The Great Train Robbery. Crichton had a penchant for detail, and absolutely loved applying his scientific knowledge into his books, and it's always a pleasure to read them. I may start reading Jurassic Park again this week.
  16. Neversoft is a part of Activision, what do you think? I'd be surprised if they'll fix the models that are not functioning without a price tag. After all, one guy their thought Bands should PAY THEM for putting their song on the game, how conceited can you get?
  17. I honestly don't do much on the computer these days, so I think I'll just keep learning this program, it is a bit of a headache, but I guess if I get good enough with it, I can give pointers out... Like that could even be possible.
  18. Yeah, I wouldn't recommend extended play times. I've been playing on a new 32" inch widescreen as well (I don't mean to rub it in, my parents bought it as an apartment warming gift, but they got a 42 inch for themselves to make up for it).
  19. My friend put WINE on there already, and we did manage to get Watchtower Library (a literature catalog I use) on there, especially since it actually only runs on Windows. I got a vers. of Dos Box to run on here, I just can't figure out how it needs me to mount the C:\ drive as it needs me to. I forgot how he searched for WINE on there, how do you exactly get to package manager? I know, that's just plain sad.
  20. Honestly, this is might be MY GAME OF THE YEAR for 360. I love it when a company can pull off a game that does new things in an old format. I'll admit, it takes getting use to with the timing of jumps, moves, and controls, but overall, it's looking to be a solid game, I looked at the list of achievements, and to me it doesn't look like it's that long of a game, but hey, what new game is these days? I'll definitely rent it, I wish I could buy it, but I don't really have 60 bucks to spend. Besides, Banjo Kazooie is coming out around the same time, and a $40 price tag, doesn't sound too bad (the demo was okay, but I didn't want to invest too much time into it because I want to play the full game). Back on topic, Mirror's Edge demo, definitely worth checking out. The game itself will be something to see.
  21. Eh, I'm not much into PC games anymore, I admit, I want to still play Outurn 2006 edition on my computer, and to play Episode III of half life when it comes out, but I'm not that much into PC games, mainly because it's so pricey to keep them up to date.
  22. So my computer pretty much refused to load windows anymore, especially with the partition drive that would help recover it, and I pretty much was just sick of it (I had Windows XP, and I really don't want to go to Vista, or buy a new computer at this time. So one of my computer whiz friends suggested I try Linux/Ubuntu. I can't say it hasn't been an uphill battle learning this thing, but I've been really enjoying it so far. As of now, Dosbox is running on it, but it's something else entirely to get a Earthworm Jim The Whole Can O' Worms (1 and 2, the CD editions, you know, the ones with better audio, and a little better graphics? And I mean a little better of graphics, not much) to run. I'm really liking the desktop, and some of the features, and the fact that so many people have been doing modifications for it. I'm just curious though if anybody here uses it, and if so, besides the Ubuntu forums, where would you suggest would be good places to check out FAQs and help on learning Ubuntu? Wiki's? Googling things? And if you use it Ubuntu, do you like it better than Windows? I'm open to anything... Here's my desktop ]
  23. Bravo! Very enjoyable! For some reason, your voice and character reminded me of Yakko on Animaniacs... But your lecture was great. Though I do admit, I thought that Final Fantasy looked pretty real, but just as you had said, it didn't look that realistic. The Incredibles is a good example because no CG movie besides Final Fantasy came close to emulating realism with people. But I still feel that they have a long way to go. Beowulf, for example. Gorgeous movie (I'll refrain from story, because honestly it was horrible), but there were parts I would still say, it's fake. Of course, I tried to keep that kind of thinking at a minimum to not hamper the experience. But I like the examples of characters you used, like Jade from BG&E, or Aki from Final Fantasy. Keep up the good work.
  24. The Bubble Man one was the best sounding of the bunch. See that is why I don't even care about the song creation mostly because of the midi format. Granted, you can get some great songs made from midi tunes, but that isn't always the case, as it seems with the majority of songs. Hopefully, Rock Band 3 (you know it's inevitable), will have a better song creation method. At least here's to hoping.
  25. Most of the reviewers do have an opinion on a track. And as I'm sure most have replied here, a song is reviewed by a PANEL of judges, and each one puts their vote on whether to allow the song to be placed on the site, or to deny it. Usually when one gets a rejected song they'll get a reason, either it goes against the rulings on songs (no constant looping of the song, no ripping audio from films, and as far as I know, no taking sounds off the game itself, though I could be mistaken), or because of quality. There's been remix albums I didn't like, but that doesn't mean I don't appreciate all the hard work that everyone puts into their songs, no matter what their skill level in music or what hardware they use.
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