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Everything posted by Toadofsky

  1. If I have a Wii U by September (which I doubt), I'm probably going to bypass picking up Wind Waker HD and whatever Mario game may be out by then. As much as I would love to get those games, I'd rather give SOME support to Michelle Ancel, since Ubisoft seems keen not to. He must have asked about Beyond Good and Evil 2 and whether or not he could get the go ahead on it. And Ubisoft must've went into a tizzy and decided to punish him over it. LOL.
  2. Kuchera is a hack and is as bad as the rest of game journalism.
  3. I'm going to just quote a website I frequent on this particular subject: http://www.learntocounter.com/used-video-games-the-new-software-piracy-part-one/ And lastly... In short, to control distribution, the game industry will do whatever it takes, even pissing off consumers until they all just finally bend over and take it, just like the fanboys do.
  4. I think his point is that the game is going to be slaughtered against a major release like Mario Kart or GTA 5. I wouldn't expect those who play GTA 5 to pick up Rayman Legends for fear of being "uncool" to their friends, but it still isn't going to help the game. A real kick in the nuts to Wii U owners, and Nintendo.
  5. They can also run games off of USB now, but some games STILL require a disc in the drive, it's just the way they were programmed I guess.
  6. Twilight Princesses' Hyrule field theme to me was leagues above the Ocarina of Time's version. Rayman Origins. And to go further back Beyond Good and Evil.
  7. The other problem with Corruption was the way it FORCED you to do objectives instead of allowing you to do it in your own direction. There are times in the first two Prime games where you could carve a bit of your own path in terms of gathering items and power-ups. Not so with Corruption. As much as I would like to see a return to the Prime format, I agree that they need to do something better with it.
  8. Sakamoto has repeatedly dismissed the Prime games in numerous interviews I've looked at over the years, and to me, that is the biggest insult to the staff at Retro Studios. He had little involvement in the Prime games, and that was a good thing. If Retro is given the chance to another, they'd be better off keeping Sakamoto's grubby hands off of it. If they do another Metroid game similar to that abysmal Other M, with Sakamoto attached to it, I won't even bother with it. People wondered why they didn't do a 25th Anniversary Metroid celebration, I think Other M explains that easily.
  9. Disney is letting Marvel chart its own course for the most part. So far, that's worked out well, considering how well The Avengers did. And this is precisely why this news has me more excited than anything I've seen come out of the Star Wars franchise in a few years. In fact, it's brought my interest back into Star Wars.
  10. I wasn't trying to be a smart alike about the game, honestly. I hadn't looked into what was being changed in it because until recently it seemed so little had been talked about the game over the past nearly 2 years of the 3DS. That list is some pretty substantial improvements, which I'm happy to see. I may pick it up after all. Also, is anyone going to be "shocked" that Nintendo's digital releases of past 3DS games are probably going to be $40 a pop? I'd hate to see them do that, but I won't be surprised if they do it.
  11. (Wasn't sure if there was already a thread for this or not) This has become a bit of a hobby, and I wanted to share a few covers that I've made for my Super NES and Gamecube games. Most of it is just artwork I've found from various Google/Deviantart searches (though I'm working on giving credit where it's due from here on out). Let me know what you guys think (I'm no Photoshop buff, but I feel I'm getting a bit better on these). If you guys make any, I'd love to see them. Here's a link to some of the others I've done.
  12. I didn't play the WIi version very much, besides being Mayor, what else have they put into the game? I'd hate to just play the same game from the past few editions (gamecube, wii, ds).
  13. Sega seems to have really stepped up on at least a few of their STEAM offerings, I'd say it'll probably be or month or so that it comes out on there. Not a big deal to me anyways, I've already got a few games I'm waiting to get on Steam anyhow.
  14. Just go to reddit's cosplay thread, you at least get more out of it.
  15. Pikmin 3, Rayman Legends, NSMB U, and Wonderful 101 are probably the must have games for me. At the moment, I'm just not seeing a reason for me to get this at launch. That'll probably change once I finally get a chance to play the system.
  16. "Hardcore" gamers, what a joke.
  17. Even the Blade Runner Video Game's story involved McCoy (the main character) possibly being a replicant, but that depended upon your actions.
  18. Oh come on, did you expect Square to do a respectable port? They know fans will eat anything Final Fantasy VII, even if it's mediocre (Advent Children, Crisis Core, etc.)
  19. Phil Fish should have researched dealing with XBLA before he jumped into making the game exclusive to it (of course, he took 5 years to make a game that has barely any challenge). That patch is his responsibility, and the fee for that is ridiculously high, but the fee is that high to make sure the games are at least stable and playable. I don't agree with the price tag, but I see SOME reasoning behind it. This is the guy who's now clamoring to put his game to PC now after saying they're for spreadsheets (he must not have made bank like he thought he would, boo freaking-hoo). And based on what I've seen and read about the guy, he looks certifiably crazy.
  20. You didn't miss anything. It looks like another version of Superman Returns only as a reboot. Superman is mopping along on the road, then he's a fisherman on a boat. Then they cut to his logo and him flying. Nothing worth getting excited over. I'm not looking forward to Snyder's version of Superman. I liked 300, and I've watched a little of Watchmen, but there's something about him doing Superman to me that just doesn't match up. When more footage is shown, I'll be willing to give it a shot. Other than that, I'm leaning towards skipping it, at least for now. Now, as far as the Dark Knight Rises, I enjoyed it thoroughly. I really wish they would have had more time with it, it feels more "boxed in" where as the Dark Knight felt pretty big and open. Maybe that was all part of the plan with the film? A number of my friends complained about Hathaway being Catwoman, to which I say, "People complained about Ledger as Joker, and look how wrong we were." I liked Hathaway, there was plenty of chemistry that I wish could have been explored, but again, time was not on their side with this film. There are problems in some of the story-line, and even Bane's voice sounded like they over compensated for those who complained about his dialogue in test screenings, but I liked him. I didn't mind the ending though I hear plenty of complaints by numerous outlets (Bad Ass Digest's main guy Devin Farcey has been quite critical of ALL the films). It wasn't exactly the ending a lot would have wanted, but I think it was fitting. I feel that all 3 films feel fairly congruent with one another, and this was a noble effort by Nolan. I can't wait to see what he goes on to do next, I'd love to see a Sci-Fi film from him again (though I guess Inception wasn't exactly a Sci-Fi film was it?).
  21. I went to Wizard World Chicago Comic-Con back in 2009 (or 2010?), and went to maybe three or four panels (I learned Edward James Olmos has a HUGE ego, and ). Only two of the panels for me were enjoyable or engaging. But I spent FAR MORE time in scouring comic books, and a few bits of memorabilia. If I had the opportunity to go to SDCC, I wouldn't even bother with Hall H. Unless there was an interesting panel that I wouldn't have to wait days in line for, I'd go to it. Anything else is just stupid and ridiculous. It's even more sad when you think about how the comics are essentially shoved out in favor of Hollywood peddling their next big potential flops, but I guess whatever helps advertise (unfortunately). The best part of Comic Con for me? The artists alley. I got several really good prints from talented small time artists at great prices. We got to talk to them quite extensively, they even threw in a free art piece to us. This is a better experience to me than waiting in line for some autograph from washed up actors/actresses/porn-stars. Going to go to Star Wars Celebration VI, and I don't think it'll be even close in comparison to the Con that I went to. I hope they have an artists alley that I can check out, because I'd rather look at artwork by talented artists than talk to people who probably had two seconds of screen time in a microscopic part in Star Wars.
  22. Hmm, I never said anything about blaming the media on this. The only thing that I suggested was how soon, IF, is when the media will blame video games or other media forms for this. Sorry if I derailed the discussion by even talking about it. I won't discuss gun control, that's not something that I feel qualified to discuss and this isn't the thread for it. What is there truly for me to say on the issue that needs more respect? I feel awful for the movie fans that were there that either died or are suffering right now because of some lunatic with a weapon.
  23. Well, unfortunately, you know the media is going to want to blame someone or something. How soon can we start hearing that Video Games are the culprit? Or comic books?
  24. I'd rather have an update of Final Fantasy IX over this.
  25. That's because game companies have been completely backwards on how to finance and develop a game. Companies would be able to deal with this bad economy if they would have tried to manage how they finance their games. Constantly shelling money out for aesthetics and advertising can't help forever. I can already guess that most companies are not going to want to bother making anything on Wii-U that won't be a port, in the vain hopes of financing their next next-gen blunder. Can we really expect games to take that significant of a leap in graphical power next gen? There will be a slight difference, but not as substantial as people think there will be. If companies go all out on graphics next gen, consider them as good as dead. I honestly doubt the hardware is "going to go all out". The tech is probably going to be A LOT more conservative to help cushion any sort of loses that they'll inevitably take. Of course, I'm probably wrong, and Sony and Microsoft are going to continue bleeding cash while trying to sustain their other products to keep them afloat.
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