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Everything posted by cobaltstarfire

  1. Added a 7th signature thingy
  2. I am a lady, but I often leave it be when people get it wrong, cause it's kind of awkward to pop back in and be all like "oh dude I'm a girl!"
  3. I'm making sigs with backgrounds from (almost) every stage, so look forward to multiple flavors of sonic signature in the near future.
  4. I'd be interested in doing something with graphics.
  5. I honestly was very nonplused by the story SA2, until I got to the final ending then suddenly I thought it was pretty neat. I did enjoy the game play a bit though, (well except the rouge/knuckles levels bleg, atleast the rouge ones had good music). In retrospect the dialogue was pretty bad, but the controls/camera never bothered me as much as they seemed with everyone else so I can still play and enjoy random levels even now. Most of my fav music from that game is from Tails levels, his prison level, and the arc levels especially. I liked some of shadows music too, the others I like but not as much or consistently.
  6. I don't have much to say about sonic games right now. Except that I'm extremely disappointed and pissed off at bioware now after "finishing" sonic chronicles. If you can even call that a bloody ending. *rages*
  7. The last thing I saw in the news said, video game sells are down, but renting is up, and so is playing. So I wouldn't necessarily blame pirating for the drop. No link, cause I saw it on TV news, and I can't even remember which station cause my grandmother is constantly flipping between channels for news. Anyway I've gotten two games new today, one I got for myself, and one for my birthday. I might get a few more too after I get a job.
  8. I gave you my codes in pm. Sorry it took a while to respond. :3
  9. I got wireless access now. Does anyone want to be the middle man in getting a thick club from my platinum version over to my diamond version?
  10. You sure you're not someones mom, you're great at guilt tripping I'll have my bit done on Friday I think, unless something comes up.
  11. I've gotten the key for the rotom room (got platinum for my birthday ) but, I don't know of anything else I can unlock without having to physically go to a movie,or toys r us.
  12. I'm finding it extremely annoying that they keep adding more and more things that are event only. Not all of us have the luxury of driving to some random store or download station, nor action replay or whatever. *wonders off grumbling about locked game content*
  13. I don't think it can do multiple parts visible at once, but Anvil Studio will show you two staffs per instrument, which is customizable what range the staffs are in. (Here's an example for you) It's free for the most part (and when I say that I mean you can do anything with it for free, but there's stuff you can pay for I've just never used any of it) you can drag and drop notes as you please, or input notes with a keyboard (or guitar I think...). If you want any help pm me or something I guess lol.
  14. I don't know, but now all I'm thinking about is Gargoyles, and how the original creator can't keep making comics cause the license for it is too expensive, so you might be onto something there. I haven't really watched CN much in years though, it has slowly been taken over by shows with obnoxious characters and/or art styles, to the point where now there's not much of interest for me to watch. There was/is a Disney equivalent to Boomerang too I think isn't there?
  15. The female PC is ugly, I might have to play a boy in this game. :S
  16. I do agree it's a pain to breed and train for things like that, but I think I would miss the variety in stats produced by the combination of IV's, Nature, and pokemon battled. It's kind of cool that if you battle a lot of fast pokemon they probably provide speed EV's and that in turn influences your pokemons overall speed. I think if the game made it easier to to control where EV's go and relocate them (and possibly lower the range for IV's?) It might make it less a pain to play with pokemon genes, without taking away the neatness of such a system. At least breeding in pokemon isn't like in Monster Rancher, although the two games could take some pointers from one another in various things within their battle/breeding/training systems.
  17. See I don't know the game well enough to play against the likes of Drack, but that's ok it's a nice challenge.
  18. That can be applied to any form of music, it's not really fair to say that it's happening because it happens to be orchestral. I'm probably just biased though, orchestral/symphonic music doesn't tend to run together for me unless it's pretty crappy and undistinguished in the first place. Then again I can pick out most music I'm familiar with based on just a few bars, even if it's just variations on a theme (such as is done in video game music). So I dunno maybe I just focus a lot more on the music or something as it's playing? *shrug*
  19. I think what they're picking out as sounding "Japanese" might be the kind of chords/key you use, I mean lookit Okami, sure a lot of it's music is full of ethnic instruments, but some of the tracks have very few, are mostly orchestral, but still has a Japanese feel. I don't think the stuff you posted has a Japanese feel, but it does sound like something that would have come out of Japan, just on instrument choice, and also the way they are (processed? I'm not sure of the word to use here, cause I'm really only knowledgeable in working with a real band/orchestra). I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing either just like others have said lol. It doesn't seem to "feel" Japanese to me so it doesn't seem like it would upset the mood of the game any as you are worried.
  20. I don't mind battling people, but I just can't win in a competitive situation (I'm not talking about literal winning or losing). I'm talking about the split between player types. See I do EV train on occasion, as well as sometimes breeding for moves, IV's, and nature. So some people will be rude to me for daring to do that, example: my last battle in the OCR tournament before it fizzled out, my opponent said it was lame that I EV trained (only 4 out of was it 10? that we had to register). Apparently it's no fun that way? (Well I thought it was pretty fun, especially knowing full well that no matter how far I got I was going to be squashed like a bug by Drack should I reach him lol, best I've done against him is knocking out maybe half his team). Or it'll go the other way, since I favor NU/UU/BL pokemon, and suddenly people have to slam me for pokemon choice. I like battling though, it just has to be on friendly terms, and with people I know, cause really it just get's tiresome dealing with both sides of the split. Course it doesn't matter either way, cause I don't have the means to battle online anymore, so now I get to just play around with breeding, and the battle tower. I do hope that G/S has the extra battle area stuff like platinum has, it'll give me more to do post game since I don't have anyone to play with these days. (I only have diamond, I don't want to restart either cause I have a lot of pokemon traded from clanocr people). Some little bit of me thinks it'd be cool if they somehow crammed all the countries into G/S instead of just Johto and Kanto, but that won't happen, and even if it did they'd have to add another 100 levels or something. XD (would it even be possible to fit all the countries on one gamecard?)
  21. I've only really played the games semi seriously, I can't play them fully seriously, cause well, a lot of the pokemon I like fall into the "never used" or "under used" category as far as competitive play. So screw competitive play. As far as stories being pointless? Eh well, I dunno I like games with story elements so I don't mind gamefreaks half baked attempts at adding them.
  22. I guess you'll just have to wait patiently for the next generation, instead of complaining about the random remakes in-between. Gold/Silver had the most play time of any pokemon game I owned, I'm not really sure why, my copy of diamond is starting to get close I started trying to make teams of pokemon I like, that aren't necessarily powerful. But, I've realized I like less and less new pokemon each generation, so I don't really care if they make a new one or not. Now a new mystery dungeon games are a different story, if I had the money I would own more than just the first iteration that's for sure (yes I know, most people hate dungeon crawl games, but that isn't the draw of mystery dungeon for me in the first place, although I don't mind rogue style games at all).
  23. He does a remarkably good murloc impression...
  24. The studies I've seen around have found that it's dependent on the person, in other words, video games aren't going to suddenly turn you into a killer that is mega out of touch with reality, unless you're already pretty screwed up and out of touch with reality in the first place. Unfortunately most people you'll come across will expect the opposite. I've had to deal with a few psychology/sociology/child development classes that run the idea that video games are the ultimate evil for children (even games that are rated E) into the ground even though there isn't much out there saying for sure that they do or don't. Really the only thing that seems to have some backing one way or another is video games (and tv, and an overactive busy environment in general) are not good for anyone under the age of 4 or so because it makes them have trouble focusing on things when they get older and stuff.
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