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Everything posted by cobaltstarfire

  1. So that's where the best part went!
  2. The kirby in There Will be Brawl is pretty freaking creepy if you ask me, although he was just kind of spoofing Hannibal Lector...
  3. Sonic is dead, they need to just take him out back and put him out of his misery. Or sell him to a game house that knows what the heck they're doing.
  4. Pokemon, Monster Rancher, Digimon/Tamogachi Most of the badguys in Mario and Donkey Kong games are also "creatures". Ecco the Dolphin, various baddies in the Spryo games. There's lots of "creatures" out there, right under everyone's noses.
  5. I wish my school did neat things like this. All we get is vegans handing out fliers about how we're evil because we eat meat and cheese.
  6. Fortune cookies are awesome I can't figure out how to color my picture. Maybe I'll just submit the line art!
  7. lol, it got moved back into community.
  8. Lol, she totally does indeed. And for the record, had I voted yours probably would have been one of them. I really like the gestural feel of it.
  9. It doesn't really sound so bad as a remake if their goal is to explore the nuances of the book.
  10. Cue her going. NOOOO I'M SO TIRED OF SCULPTURES NO! Unless she's enjoying the class in which case probably not. <.< >.>
  11. This may seem like a weird question, bu~t are you planning on printing these "posters" out yourself since you're aiming for digital work?
  12. Hmm that's true, but if Bonzai! said no I'd have to sit them down and whine at them about how people are required to take a sculpture class as an art major so it should be allowed for an art contest. XD
  13. Going off answers from the past I'd say yes. I don't see why not anyway.
  14. I was born to draw for this theme! Wheeee.
  15. Er, I need to know what else to draw for the artwork, I've been sitting on my hands wondering what I should be doing for a while now since I finished up what I had. I guess for now since I'm feeling restless I'm just going to draw more random pokemon and see if any of them can be used for the site or something.
  16. Wario Ware might be good? (I actually dunno, I've never played only seen, but they do look like a fun game to play with a group).
  17. Like that super saiyan one with the hair...lol, I need to go back and look at that one again sometime, just thinking about it makes me feel a million times more cheerful than I have all week.
  18. I think not getting as much attention as he may have deserved is fine considering what HAS happened to the ones that were popular. Lang Before Time and your squajillion sequels I'm looking at you!
  19. Yeah, I think the reason that he could never "get a break" is because he was always pushing the boundaries on animation/content, and he didn't tend to sugar coat things a whole lot. I kind of wonder what his movies would have been like if he had had more control of what was going on, I know with Land Before Time he had to tone some stuff down cause it was considered too hardcore for the kiddies or something. More people should be willing to push the boundaries like he did.
  20. I think the people that voted the way they did disagree, just because you like or dislike something more doesn't mean it should default to more or less votes.
  21. I've found the easiest way to stop doing something, whether it's visiting a website, playing a game, or something else is to shut yourself off from those things cold turkey. Just saying, cause it seems you need to "stop" a lot of stuff, and most people I have observed are more successful at it when they just stop rather than trying to ease off of something, if they try to go the weening route so the speak, they're way more likely to never actually stop.
  22. The artwork and coloring in that trailer seem really off to me, I dunno what it is, but maybe that's just a side effect Disney making an animated feature within the same 2-3 years of closing down most of it's major animation houses. The last good animated movie I saw that was good on the art, story, and sound front was Lilo and Stitch. Hopefully this movie is just a warm up, and they'll put out some amazing stuff in the future once they've built their animation houses back up.
  23. He's pretty much the only guy that did a great sprite animation in that lot too. He's got a really good sense of rhythm. Also, holed cows a new episode finally came out!
  24. No fun text effects for me, GIMP's text editor and I don't get along, so I'll use paint instead. I might have to show this meme thing to one of my teachers, it'd make an interesting design problem solving assignment. It's pretty similar to one I had to do before anyway.
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