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Everything posted by cobaltstarfire

  1. What they should do is just make new original games for these weird ideas they keep getting instead of trying to shoe-horn sonic/"sonic style" game play into them. Or at the very least get the sonic characters to fit into their environment better. I am disappointed that Tails isn't a proper character, even though I probably won't ever play this game, even ignoring that the character set up they have doesn't make much sense at all.
  2. Spanish and Portuguese are similar enough that someone who is Spanish and someone who is Portuguese with no training in the others language can communicate without a huge amount of difficulty in understanding between them. One of my Portuguese friends say that Portuguese is far superior and "prettier" sounding than Spanish, but it's understandable that an outsider would mix them up.
  3. Massive QFT, these are amazing guys (and gals)! I'm going to have to use up my whole week trying to decide which to vote for on this one. Probably the best month yet.
  4. Most of the original music in the films is also heard in the anime. I've found websites that sell all the different Japanese CD's for a pretty penny, but I'm too lazy to find them for you, just type in random stuff into google and you should find it easily. Here's the CD for some of the original Anime Music though through amazon. http://www.amazon.com/Pocket-Monster-Sound-Anime-Collection/dp/B000034CKB
  5. I remember Sadorf was doing a remix of that a long time ago, but I guess he never submitted it to OCR I thought he had but can't find it. :S I know I've seen the finished version somewhere online, I only have wips of it though (I liked the wips better ehe...)
  6. Aww stinky photoshop, have you tried reinstalling your drivers?
  7. I know most of us can cough up something decent in that amount of time (4 hours at the time), because there's always been good entries despite every month almost everyone going AHHHH IM RUNNING OUT OF TIME!!1 It's really more of a procrastinating competition if anything else. Who can wait the longest before deciding to actually make something and submit it!
  8. That's because he speaks in crazy angry fanboy about everything. That means anything he says is "fact" and everything anyone else says is an unfounded "opinion". I really wish this was coming out on the wii, but I'm pretty sure that's been mentioned somewhere in this thread before. I'll just have to wait till my guy gets a PS3...and then mercilessly harass him until he buys this for us to play together. (Also, the Ecco Games on it better have the original mega drive music, but it won't be any skin off my nose if it isn't, just disappointing).
  9. Of course I'm silly! That's probably my best quality!

  10. I should harass you on aim more often, because harassing people is good..for uh someone..yess....

  11. Draw something without nipples.
  12. Yes, it's mine, see it has my name on it, and now I'm on yours! Oh no!

    Profile page whatever.

  13. What's so interesting about my user page huh? :P

  14. I hope someone makes a "by [name] Age 6" Entry for December.
  15. You might want to brush up on your copyright law.
  16. Wouldn't it be more like "Rambo doing his best impression of strawberry syrup" after he gets killed dead and slaughtered among other things?
  17. That's not very fair, every month has had a pretty healthy number of entries since it restarted.
  18. I am such a sucker for good 8-bit music, I think this is the only place that doesn't think that's insane. I'm a bit of a fan of the music from the original ecco the dolphin and tides of time. (not the CD/PC version) Edit: Here's an exampley Most people seem to only know of and remix the CD/PC/Game Gear version's of the ecco games, which is really disappointing to me, because I prefer the original music. (original music fits the game much better in the case of megadrive vs cd...) Here's one for Tides of Time http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FKEaDvKwXEY
  19. I've never had huge lag issues, well I did once against another Yoshi player, but I'm pretty sure it was his end being slow. Or at least what lag I've had I've been able to adjust to. Except on the animal crossing stage, that one always crashes online... Sweet!
  20. A.PC, consoles can be replaced far more easily, and I really need my computer to keep up with everything school related. (not to mention most of my entertainment is derived from my computer these days). Otherwise E. My Nintendo DS, it's got the most games I want to play/enjoy playing. Edit: I guess I should add that I don't use my PC to play any games, there aren't any currently installed on it anyway.
  21. I think this is a nice start, it might take a bit more poking at though to distinguish it more from the source. I do agree that it could build up into something more for the middle, it feels like it's swelling up so far but doesn't quite make it before tying it all up. At the same time I feel like cautioning against going overboard with what it is built into. This really reminds me of the ending of the main story, maybe it's the same song I dunno. (The end of the main story seriously made me cry, I'm such a pansy, but it really spoke to me). I hope you keep working on this and get something even more lovely to listen to out of it. (I also hope other people swing by to give it some feedback).
  22. It looks like an interesting concept, I'm kind of surprised it's a wii game though. I don't feel particularly drawn to it, but I'd play it if I had a chance.
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