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Everything posted by cobaltstarfire

  1. The concept described kooks weird, I kind of wonder how it works. I'd be surprised if it came out in America though, if it did though it might be interesting to see how it plays.
  2. If he does he must be without a soul, because that's what one has to be to have a problem with legos. I think this is a pretty weak troll though, I mean, he's on a forum talking to "nerds", which he apparently hates talking to, telling people to get a life. Someone needs to get a life alright, but I have a feeling it's not who he thinks it is.
  3. I kind of really really want the hanafuda cards for some reason, I don't know why, they just look really fun to look at. I like looking at fun things see... But most of the stuff I registered doesn't seem to be redeemable for coins, I only got 170 coins out of everything I had registered. :S
  4. I think it's interesting that he seemed to have liked the nighttime parts, which everyone here seemed to have hated.
  5. That's kind of sad, cause the theme that it was apparently stolen from doesn't sound very much at all like the MGS theme at all. I mean I can hear bits that are vaguely similar in some areas but that's about it.
  6. Yeah I know, I don't know who's male or female around here either, as far as I know most of you are androgynous automatons making or enjoying cool music and stuff.. It just bugs me a bit to be misgendered, I always feel bad like I'm lying by omission if I let people call me a he. Also I can't guarantee I can do the custom pokeman, I'm going to finish the original work load first and then this custom business. I'll post again about that after I finish inking/coloring what I currently have.
  7. If you guys really have your heart up for them I can try to make some just for fun. I can't guarantee they will be nifty like the ones Poinko did though, but it would be nice practice for me as an artist Just send a PM. (This is for people in this project only I don't expect anyone to take me up on that offer, but if anyone does...yeah). I'm also a girl, just to set that strait. >.>;;
  8. I like the art style for it a lot. I haven't finished sands of time yet (Okami kind of usurped it for my interest over the summer), but I found the game play enjoyable and the characters amusing. I want to play with this one, if only to stare at the nice stylized graphics. I don't normally care about graphics, but stuff like this that makes the game seem like playable artwork really hold my attention easily.
  9. I'm not entering this month I think, I don't really feel any optimism towards it at the moment. Oh well, my entry wouldn't be missed anyway.
  10. I dunno, some of the relatives of my moms partner are pretty damn tall...although you're right most Chinese (or Asian girls really) are...short... My mom used to have legs like Chun Li...then she threw out her knee during a tournament so she isn't as hardcore anymore, she could still pwn a man many times larger than herself though...
  11. He squished all the funny into the end!
  12. I like it...and the song, but I don't know anything about music scenes at all. It didn't sound like any D&B I've heard before, but I've heard very very little of the genre. It seems hard to find good D&B though.
  13. That's close, but if you want to really say it how it should be in Japanese, it's Mah-sah-moo-neh. Unless it's been romanized completely wrong then I dunno.
  14. U gif beach ball boobs? Yeah, the only FF game I've played to completion if FF7, I came pretty close with FF2 on the SNES (4) but the save battery came loose and lost the save files, so I never got to beat the final boss. Then my memory card for 5 and 6 got corrupted...shortly after that I just took my PlayStation apart cause I was bored, and it could no longer play games reliably anymore anyway. I got to the other planet on five and battled gilgamesh, but I don't think I got very far in 6, only to maybe the opera or something?
  15. Yeah, this month the december daily doodles contest for puzzle pirates owns my soul, so I might no submit anything. (Although if I have an idea suddenly jump out at me I certainly will try). Of course now that I've posted something in this thread I've had an idea, so I might do something, but no guarantees of more than a scribble.
  16. There's also a bit in one of the Dr. Mario songs that I've heard in a Jazz tune before, although the Jazz song escapes me, (well I never actually knew the name, since I wasn't in the Highschool Jazzband, but it was one of their main songs one year).
  17. It's only worse because it doesn't look like Nintendo is going to make it's online modes any better in the near future either. I'd be pleasantly surprised if whatever it does for next gen is any more useful than the DS or Wii has been. But I know that'll probably never ever ever happen! >(
  18. Too true, too bad there aren't any Xbox games that I desire to play online.
  19. I LOVE the Patchabel rant. And it's so terribly true, always fun to pick out that particular chord progression in songs. Cause then I get to run to one of my friends and go "look look!" /nerd
  20. It could just be a coincidence, I remember writing a song once and then hearing something with a very similar motif a few weeks later.
  21. Might be better to pm or try to catch people on aim. I've had very little success with clan ocr, except with Arek personally, but I think that's partially because he's a lot more approachable to me than most people. I'll add you to Mario Kart during winter break if I remember to.
  22. Yeah, I'd be happy with Tails and Knuckles, but it somehow feels inappropriate to me to have any of the other Sonic characters as playable, unless they did a character rouster like Mario and Sonic at the Olympic games, instead of a smash-like one.
  23. I hope the controls are better than wii boxing >.> I like the music that plays during it it's nifty and things.
  24. I must have lucked out with my friends and family, just about all of them are musicians full time, or as a little side thing for college, so I've never been exposed to people that say different things about music depending on who's around. To them, if they like it, they like it regardless of where it came from, if they don't like they'll tell you about how much they hate it and wish it would go away so they wouldn't have to hear it. Well ok, one of them thinks it's "creepy" whenever she finds out some of my music she previously liked was from a video game, I don't really know what is so creepy about that but whatever, she listens to mostly alternative or extremely "weird" stuff like digeridoo, so I'm not sure how she grades music.
  25. Never going to get a strait answer on this one I guess, cause half this thread is full of peanut gallery it appears. Oh yeah, and since we've multi bumped this thing I guess it's a good time for a "vote nao pls!" or something so Bleck doesn't have to!
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