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Everything posted by cobaltstarfire

  1. Complexity isn't always a good thing you know. Sometimes simplicity will give you the best sounding song.
  2. Yeah Meteo Xavier gets a giant QFT from me, I could not have put it so eloquently (and probably not quite as antagonistically either ) People have been saying the developing music of the time is going to destroy society for ages. I don't really like much American pop, most of what has been posted in this thread doesn't appeal to me at all, but I'm not going to say it's horrible horrible stuff, I might complain about the themes in some of it. I'll complain about those themes regardless of the genre or time period that music was produced in. I honestly don't pick my music on Genre though, I'll give everything a listen at least halfway through to see if I like it or not.
  3. I think the only way people will be happy with another iteration is if it's melee 2.0 with characters from both games, and all of them more viable I don't honestly care myself well not a lot I miss mewtwo , although I think I'd be more likely to buy melee 2.0 with character from melee and brawl mixed together than a brawl 2.0... Also I can always hope the next game has Tails in it, I might be supremely convinced to main something other than Yoshi in that case. (I don't think more 3rd party characters will ever happen though).
  4. I have no solid idea who in this thread is and isn't female, normally I don't really care or am aware of gender, but now I'm really curious.
  5. Be HAPPY you played the gamecube port, they really cleaned up the controls compared to the dreamcast version. I remember when I played the DC version the camera was like a wild animal, and the controls were pretty loose. Although oldschool 3d sonic is pretty awesome...
  6. Why do you say "not a Nintendo native"? Sonic and Snake aren't Nintendo natives are they?
  7. Well looks like I can't listen to this till I get home for christmas, since I can't use any form of torrent while living on campus.
  8. Sounds a lot like whirled, only without the player made content, and the possibility to be paid real money for stuff you put up on it.
  9. I was saying this just the other day to a friend, but Sega would probably mess it up somehow if they had to make a whole movie. I'm kind of sad having watched one of the Japanese Sonic Unleashed cutscenes, the visuals are wow, but Eggman doesn't have the awesome laugh anymore. /pout I really liked Sonic riders, even if the learning curve was higher than usual for racing games, although I haven't gotten a chance to try out Zero Gravity yet, I really want to. Be happy you didn't play Shadows Game, I got it just out of curiosity for the story, and I can say, horrible horrible game, interesting idea (although in the wrong direction I think), abyssal execution. If they could make any of their games into a movie, Shadows Game shoulda been one rather than a game.
  10. I must make some pretty especially terrible art then cause I don't think I've gotten any "oh you're a girl!" boosts in the votes I receive.
  11. No, I just have this insane urge to snark at people that post like arrogant pricks but can't back it up.
  12. Yeah, I haven't laughed so much in a long time number 3 is epic. XD
  13. Good job at reposting what I said about it being isometric, and being a self important dick all in one post! Were you patting yourself on the back the whole time you wrote that? I'm going to have to agree with what Darkesword had to say.
  14. I wouldn't, because "2.5d" still only really allows left and right movement (Such as in Yoshis story in certain areas), Sonic 3d Blast is isometric, you can go in many different directions (rather than just left and right) and jump.
  15. Sonic 3D blast gave me a horrible horrible headache whenever I tried to play it for an extended amount of time. It had some nice music though. Sonic unleashed is pretty much not sparking any interest from me at all, maybe the daytime levels are nice, and I'll rent it or something some day. But this is the first sonic game I've felt no compulsion to at least try out.
  16. Oh this again, heaven forbid someone dislikes something you like.
  17. You've never gotten one of those before? I'm not sure if you're lucky, or not, it's interesting, but also really gross. Also a bit of a let down, cause now you have to clean this bloody egg and possibly partially developed chick fetus out of the skillet before you can have breakfast...
  18. Aww man, at 40 dollars I'll have to pass and hope the price drops in a year or two.
  19. It was one of the the biggest fails at sarcasm I've seen in the universe. Hence me asking if he was trying to be sarcastic.
  20. Do you think before you post? Or are you trying to be sarcastic?
  21. That was so demented. And fun. The tofu games were more interesting than the turkey ones, I wonder if they did that on purpose.
  22. I've never played most the games he's reviewed so I don't really care how spot on or off he is I just think this particular one was kind of boring it didn't make me laugh. That little bit at the end Azure Prower quoted is probably the only thing that got me to even giggle for this weeks review.
  23. It was a boring review.
  24. Yeah, I wasn't really sure cause normally you guys are gushing over chrono trigger, but nothing was ever said in this case or I managed to totally miss it when I was sick. But yeah.
  25. I don't know the ending of either (nor am I going to spoil myself) but a lot of people on another forum said they think the movie ending is better/more satisfying than the comic one. But meh I dunno, I guess I'll find out when I have time to read the comic and then watch the movie!
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