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Everything posted by cobaltstarfire
cobaltstarfire replied to The Damned's topic in General Discussion
I'll just leave my ds connected to the internet, it's not doing anything else right now besides being plugged into the wall. -
cobaltstarfire replied to The Damned's topic in General Discussion
I'd like a shaymin too, they're all cute and things. I'll have to make sure to remember so I can try to get online...won't have cosntant access to a computer then. -
cobaltstarfire replied to The Damned's topic in General Discussion
Hmm, I wonder if I can pass you back up now that I'm back home and can make use of my dads computer again. >P -
cobaltstarfire replied to The Damned's topic in General Discussion
Added/pmed -
cobaltstarfire replied to The Damned's topic in General Discussion
You can't delete the entire intarporns! I mean net...er I mean do you happen to have a misdreavus I could trade for? The GTS kind of sucks and is always asking for impossible things so I can never get one through there. >( If you happen to know anyone with a shroomish that'd be nice too...although uh I dunno what I could trade you, so let me know... Also, I've never owned the .5 bit of any given pokemon generation, unless you count yellow, I rented crystal once, I wish they'd reimplement the phone system they had going with crystal, where trainers would actually TELL YOU when they are ready to battle agan. I may very well consider getting platinum though, just because I want to start the game over, but I don't want to lose all the pokemon I've aquired from the clan or through breeding. (or I might use it as an excuse to get my boyfriend to play...but I think it'd be better to dig up my GBC/Yellow as an introduction for him first, just cause it's simpler, and neither of us really have the cash to buy a DS for him). -
cobaltstarfire replied to The Damned's topic in General Discussion
I think this conversation was much more fun with brushfire, he's actually nice, and not insane, or anything! As such, thanks for talking civilly with me Brush, you're nice and things. To other guy, eh? No U? -
cobaltstarfire replied to The Damned's topic in General Discussion
Granted, the pokemon games that were GBC weren't technically pure GBC games, they were GB games with support to play with some color on the GBC. So I guess technically they actually are the same gen as the first group of pokemon games, but at the same time not. If they had been full blown GBC games they wouldn't have been playable on the GB, but they weren't. I'm going to classify them as some weird inbetween in my head forever now. That doesn't really change the fact that GBC games don't work on a GB. The GBC is however backwards compatible with GB games. -
cobaltstarfire replied to The Damned's topic in General Discussion
Meh, TD didn't really strike me as rude as your "blah blah blah, deal with it" spheal. He doesn't have to deal with anything, because he was right, they're not the same generation, they're similar but not exactly the same was his point. It seems more like you have trouble with understanding that, while everyone else understand they ARE seperate generations. There's actually some GBC games that don't even play on the original game boy. -
Thanks! I've been looking at the different trophy descriptions, and they all seem like stuff Sakurai has written, at least going off of the things that were on the Dojo. To say the least the trophies are very cute, and endearing to read. Same could be said about the descriptions for the challenges, hehe.
Blind Guardian? Lucca Turilli? I dunno, but I like those, along with the Nightwish and Some of Strat. I heard Hammerfall is ok, I'm a little on the fence about it though.
cobaltstarfire replied to The Damned's topic in General Discussion
He wasn't really "supporting" either of us, just saying "they're not that different, but they are still considered different generations" So I'm going to stand by my don't be an arse comment, cause either way you could have been less rude about the way you posted that particular comment. -
I'm working my way through registering people for my smash game, but it would be nice if some of you guys would add me and let me know though, so it's less people for me to sift through and PM. My friend code is 1203-9938-7090
Peeps taste pretty bad, I wouldn't suggest playing with them unless it involves a lighter or a microwave.
I'll say first I want to play competitively but doubt I'll get a chance to really do so, but I'd like to answere the questions if it'll be helpful. 1) How long have you been playing Smash? Since it came out on the 64, although I'm not sure how soon after it was released that I got it. Before the first Christmas at least. 2) Have you been to any tournaments for Smash 64, Melee or Brawl? I have for melee, two of them actually. Once within the first day of me playing Melee at an Anime convention. I lost in the first battle, it was kind of an icky tournament though they were 4 person free for alls. The other one was in Highschool, there was maybe 10 people in it. I wooped several foxes asses with Yoshi (much to their disdain, the first one was a bitch to me the whole time before and during, then left very silently after I three stocked him). I came in second place, got completely owned by a guy that played as Marth. He wanted to stick around and play with me afterwords cause I was the "best Yoshi I had ever encountered". Ego booste++ I guess. (Probably the only Yoshi really in retrospect). 3) What do you like about Smash Bros. in general? I like the fact that it's simple, yet still able to have serious play/strategy. I've never really liked the crazy button combo pushing style of traditional fighters, it's neat other people can do it, but it's just not what I'm looking for when I play games. I also like not feeling like I'm tied to the ground. Customizability of rules. Also, it makes the fangirl in me very happy. 4) What do you dislike about Smash Bros. in general? Snooty, asshat players. These people can be any level of play, but they're still asshats. I also wish that the different characters could be more balanced, but having little history with fighting games in general I don't know if that's possible. 5) What do you like about Brawl? I like that it's kind of slow, and I like the new characters. There's more characters that fit my play style more readily than just Yoshi, and these characters aren't scoffed at or considered low tier. I also enjoy the floatyness of it quite a bit. (The music is neat too, and I actually have enjoyed playing subspace emissary, even if the end is a flipping long bitch). 6) What do you dislike about Brawl? Really? I dunno, it seems like a solid game just like its predecessors. I don't tend to want more from a game than is already in it unless it's just horrible. (As you can imagine I'm fairly soft on my judgement of games). My only real gripe is Yoshi has ass for priority, and that can be made up for with smart play, and easier combo potential from the character. Edit: Oh yeah, tripping sucks, I just rarely notice it when I trip, I haven't had it greatly effect my play...yet. 7) What made you decide to jump into the competitive scene? I'm kind of naturally competitive, I'm really timid and such, but at the same time I'd really like to see how I stack up against other serious players and not just my friends. I know I'm not that great even if I pretty much dominate my friends. I also know that if I subject myself to harder matches I'll eventually get better. And that's my goal, to be a better player. 8 ) What are your goals as far as competitive Smash is concerned? Play better, specifically with Yoshi, but I'm starting to like other characters too, so I'm sure I'll have more than one "main". Although I always sort of felt that a person could only ever have one main at a time, whatever. 9) Do you play other games competitively? Hmm, no not really, possibly pokemon if I wasn't lazy with breeding, and had other people to play with. I mean I'm always competitive, even while playing casually. But I tend to play a lot of one player games. 10) How does the community for Smash compare to the communities for other games? Well Comparing it to two different MMO's World of Warcraft, and Puzzle Pirates, it's a nice happy medium. WoW being a very bad end as far as community and PP being a relatively nice end of the spectrum. The Smash community is definitly neither horrid nor especially nice. 11) Any thoughts or comments you would like to share that were not covered by these questions? No not really, can I have a cookie now?
I added my smash code, but am too lazy right now to add/pm everyone in the database, I'll do it later, or harasse people in the Chat...whichever comes first. Oh I have added Neo Samus though, cause he pmed me his code a month or two ago.
I may like brawl more, I'm not sure, but I've never been more than an average player. I can say it's more fun to play as Yoshi, I know I said I'd try out other characters, but right now that's hard since I don't own the game. That'll come when I own it. What I really hate though is auto pick up, sometimes I don't even know I'm holding an item till it's too late. Maybe I need glasses but, this is playing on the dorms gigantic monster tv that could crush me if it fell over. Although don't really care what others think of the game, just saying how I feel about it, cause I'm bored...and there's this message board here.
Well you made it seem like the game was pointless to you now becaus Lucas had that grab weakness with. "My friends and I are having a tough time trying to like Brawl, heh. It just sucks when some of our favorite characters aren't fun to play anymore." Right after several posts about ness and lucases problem with being grabbed. So Lucas an Ness are gimped against a few characters, the point I was making is Yoshi is considered gimped against all but like 3...yet he's still pretty fun to play as (to me) and he can actually win battles, so it's possible maybe people can work around the grab thing and still have fun with Ness and Lucas. Although it's true you never said you hated it, just that it was less fun now. Nothing wrong with that.
You're the one wigging out over the grab thing, sorry for posting a link that might be usefull, I'll just be silent next time. :\
I agree, then again I've mained Yoshi from way back in the 64 days. Yoshi doesn't seem as unplyable as other people make him out to be. Those of you who main them, keep playing as ness/lucas and see if the chain grabbing thing really is as horrible as it seems to be or if it can be overcome, instead of just forgetting them at the drop of a hat. Edit: Also, for you Lucas/Nessers, someone tested the death grab thing, and it seems most of the match ups aren't THAT bad. http://smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=167122
Maybe I should try to find one before leaving Denton then...finding a "smaller town" around where I live outside of College is pretty much impossible. (San Antonio=Massive Sprawl). Twighlight Hack sounds really neat.
Actually I've met plenty of girls with no prior video game experience in their life that have picked up and played the game just fine, without having trouble grasping how to play the game. This is the first girl I've come across that couldn't do anything. Granted all these girls were fairly intelligent, and I'm pretty sure the one I witnessed falls under the category of "good at school, but a close minded pompous retard for all other purposes" after having her decide she's going to sit with me in the dining hall and talk to me. >.< Also, I'm not sure how well I am at brawl, but when I get a wii and brawl later this month, I can show you that there are girls that can play the game to some extent, but I've been playing games since I was four so I understand that different buttons serve different functions at least.
How can the speed feel too chaotic? Brawl is slower than melee. There's nothing wrong with "everyone must be able to play" I think that's always been the point of smash, given the simplicity of the controls from the start. That said, there's still apparently a clear divide between good players and not so good players, so get out and find some good players if you think it's "too easy". Sad thing is I met someone that can't play smash. We gave her a control, and she started spazzing out at the buttons mashing them like crazy, but try as she might she couldn't figure out how to get the character to so much as move. I tried to help her and she yelled at me that she was pushing the buttons. Some other guy got her to calm the hell down and she finally was able to walk at least, but jeeze...She's gotta be one in 10 million.
Thanks, now when we get a chance we have to just find one. It seems online places gauge the cost, but store locations hide their wiis from the public eye. Wheee.
Random question about the wii when you buy it, what all does one come with, and what should I expect to have to buy seperately? My dad is thinking of getting me one (and himself a 360) when he returns from Iraq, but he doesn't know what all comes with it, and neither do I, neither of us are in a possition to go to a store and ask. I've looked around for info but I've never been great at finding information online, and that holds true in this case. So I decided to ask you all.