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Everything posted by cobaltstarfire

  1. *waits around to see the entries*
  2. Now that you have said that, I don't really see what "technical ability" has to do with ability to compose good music. I used to have "technical ability" at playing the trumpet, but I would be lying if I said I could regularly compose anything that was good sounding. I'm not really sure I could say anything I have written is even partially good. (you'd have to ask sadorf, if he even remembers who I am )
  3. Yeah uh, having technical ability in writing a piece of music has nothing to do with what kind of medium is used for the notation. Using a synthesizer is no different from noodling around on any other instrument and writing down what sounds nice to you.
  4. I think it depends on the person too. Some people need the theory, while others will just make something cause they have a neat sounding idea in their head. I think there's no argument to be had because they can come hand in hand, or they can be totally separate, and all variations will produce good music.
  5. I've managed to kill Arek before a few months ago, but I don't think I've beaten him before. He's probably quite a bit better now and would eat me for breakfast. Granted now I don't play any at all cause I can never catch anyone online, and playing alone is boring...(not to mention now I have no way to get my wii online anyway since I live in a dorm...and have no tv and stuff).
  6. I liked it up till near the end, I think I'll have to stew on this a little before I decide to download it for real listening.
  7. Hmm, I don't really consider myself barbaric, the thing about halo that drew me to it that no other fps has was an interest in the aliens, their society, the story too, even if the story isn't extremely obvious and spoon fed to the player, but it is there. I never got a chance to read the books, but I had a friend give me a run down on them and they sounded pretty enjoyable. Maybe some day I'll have the time and money to read them myself.
  8. I've seen bits and pieces of Reboot over the years. I remember the last summer it was on CN I was pretty confused because it was into the parts with the kid all grown up and I didn't realize at first that he was the kid. So I was all like "wtf happened to everything?" Then the end came and his home computer got reformatted, and a copy of young him came into existence cause his badge was in the wrong mode or something. Then I was sad cause I wanted to know what had lead up to all of that, but I may never find out! I never got to see either of the sonic cartoons, well no more than maybe 2 or 3 episodes at random. I wanted to, but I don't see it as a huge loss either cause I hate watching tv shows that are incomplete. Cause I start to like them, than the end comes abruptly and it's like NOO! *pout*
  9. Well for one I'm not talking down to you, for two, if you've heard it plenty of times there's probably a reason . For three what you have said about the show is not very objective. Also, I don't care what kind of overblown indignant response you may now have ready for me so whatever. You don't like Fosters and I don't care, but it's annoying you keep having to bring it up as if people have to justify liking it to your opinion of what is worth watching. Also, Reboot was neat, but since I only could watch it when I was visiting my grandparents I've seen far too little of it.
  10. Just because you don't like a show doesn't mean it's "unworthy" and other people have to hate it too. There's people out there who don't like the show's you've listed, some of them have even posted in this thread. I've never seen Foster's so I can't really speculate on whether it's good or bad myself. Every time you post about anything you like it is apparently the best thing since sliced bread, and if it's something you don't like it's somehow inferior and you just don't get how people can possibly like it. Maybe you should start looking at your own reasoning when you ask why people like something.
  11. You could apply those questions to soooo many cartoons and such out there whether you like them or not, so it hardly really matters I imagine.
  12. Yeah that's my point, saying someone "must not live in the South" should have no bearing on whether someone finds humor in the show or not. You and I are a good example, we live in the same relative area, one of us likes it and one of us doesn't. I guess really there's nothing about the show that appeals to me, it's pretty ugly in all areas. Although I guess I shouldn't wish it to disappear since there are those who do enjoy it, I can always watch something else. (most of the time I don't even have access to CN, much less AS anyway).
  13. I guess Texas doesn't really count that much for the South, but really, I don't think living or growing up somewhere like Georgia would increase the appeal of squidbillies to me. To each his own though, a lot of the AS stuff is hit and miss with me anyway.
  14. What does being in the south have to do with liking squidbillies? I hate that show, it fails at...whatever the hell it is trying to achieve.
  15. It's not that he thinks they're illegal, I think it's that he doesn't think he'd have room for them, both of them are large bikes (one of them is Valkyrie, I forget what the other is). But that Valkyrie is huge, it's a cruising bike, and takes up nearly as much space as a small car. I somehow doubt he would be able to get much enjoyable riding out of them in Japan too. Seems to make more sense to just sell the bikes (or give him to his brother to care for) and buy a regular car if he gets stationed over there. Having a curfew sounds stinky, but I can't really say I'm surprised. It seems soldiers like to get into trouble in Japan, and that doesn't help much considering how Xenophobic some Japanese can be. :S
  16. Hmm, I'm starting to think there's more reasons my dad doesn't want to be relocated to Japan than just "low space requirements" and "I'd have to sell my motorcycles"
  17. I don't think I really know many artists be they in music or visual art that don't "borrow" stuff from time to time in one way or another on purpose or not. I might go check that forum linky out later, but as of now I'm too incoherent.
  18. With any luck Sonic Chronicles will be good, sadly I won't be able to buy it till long after everything has been discovered about it. I guess at least by then though I'll know if it's any good or not.
  19. I thought at the time batman beyond was last aired it was going on an "indefinite hiatus" Although I guess that's about the same as canceled in tv talk anyway. :S
  20. Really I've only had access to CN when visiting my grandparents, so I only really remember the space ghost guy. I think I'll miss the cartoons from then more than I will any anime that was shown later on Toonami, mostly because it's not all that hard to find the anime that was aired there, but it's comparably harder to find things like swat cats (kats?) to just watch on a whim.
  21. "Tom" was not the original though. Moltar was (space ghost villain of lever pulling doom!)
  22. I could never chose between Yoko Kanno, all of the music I've hear of hers from Various Anime is spot on and great. She's got every genre out there mastered it seems, be it pop, jazz, or symphonic... Speaking of symphonic, I need to get a hold of some Escaflowne music...
  23. Billy and Mandy is annoying if you ask me. Then again I also hate Sponge Bob and it seems lots of people like that annoying load of tripe too.
  24. Yeah, I remember when Toonami had the likes of Swatcats, and some really old Godzilla cartoon (with godzookie). And it had some villain from space ghost being the announcer type guy between shows/commercials. As far as I'm concerned though Toonami died before I was even in highschool, and thinking about that...well it was a long time ago now. D:
  25. This thread has become a giant "Here's all the reasons you're wrong for saying anime is full of crappy jpop." Also makes me want to check out some of these anime I've never heard of.
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