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Everything posted by Chizniz

  1. This is such a feel-good song. It's like sunshine and positivity beamed into my ears. I had to listen to it twice before it really grew on me though, but now I just can't get enough.
  2. Damned you truly rock, issuing your charity challenge. Obviously you already know that you do, but it is heart warming to see random strangers on the internet reaching out and showing human decency. I salute you. Your actions are truly inspiring. I am helping out with a local charity called Santa's Elves (collecting, wrapping, and delivering gifts to underprivelaged kids in my town) and donations like yours really are enough to restore even the most jaded bastard's faith in humanity. Seriously, thank you for being awesome.

  3. That would make sense I guess... but it totally pisses me off. I mean, why waste time blocking a totally benign site, when there are hundreds of sites out there just waiting to spread their digital herpes. BAH.

  4. Don't know why my laptop was being a ho about your images, but I just saw your new sig and I just have to give props!

  5. Thanks for the assist Flash Strife, BE MY FOREVER FRIEND!

  6. Cool, thank ye

  7. Hey DS, sorry to bug you but I have got a question regarding sig content. I want to make a sig using a classical painting that has nudity. Not raunchy drippy nudity or anything. I'll show you (first image on the page): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nyx

    Nyx, Greek Goddess of the night. Before I start on it, I would like to know if it is or is not going to be a headache for you. I realize that there are kids that go to this site, but it is nothing you couldn't find in a museum, or even a text book. I realize it is a fine line though. I will respect your decision either way, just thought I would run it by you before I start anything.

  8. Just saw it, I really liked it. Magneto was totally awesome in this film. It was kind of cool to see an innocent and sweet Mystique who just wanted acceptance. I'm so used to her being a deceptive, self sure, gun toting, ninja-death-lady. Darwin seemed to die surprisingly easy for someone with the power to survive and adapt to anything... Also how the FUCK did Magneto manage to crack Emma Frost's diamond form using only a metal bedpost!? Unless she only calls it diamond to sound cool and it is really just rhinestones or cubic zirconia she turns into.
  9. Aw, sorry for making more work for you, mp3 format is great! Hahaha, I just get this weird guilt thing when it is "name your price" especially if it is something I particularly want. I would be all "oh...I should have actually payed more for this album :( " every time it comes up in my song rotation.

    So I've sent the 3 pounds for the one song for now since I must have it! Also I'll send the rest (at least 7 pounds depending on how big payday is going to be) when I can for the rest of the album. Again sorry for all the trouble, it's an honesty/guilt thing and I always try to support musicians who I think deserve it.

  10. Hey Proto, I finally clicked your sig and listened to your album "Blue Noise!" I enjoyed it all. I REALLY fucking liked Blueberry Jam. Like, "dear god, someone call the police" liked.

    So I was wondering if it is possible to purchase just that one track. I can only part with £3 (about 6 of my lumberjack dollars) which I think is fair for ONE song, but not the entire album.

    If I had more disposable income at the moment I would just get everything, but the poverty fairy has taken up residence in my home. I don't want to cheapen the value of your work by paying less than I think it deserves... help me out here, is there a means to do so? Because it looks like it is all or nothing with no way to pick and choose (like iTunes I guess.)

  11. Hahaha, hey how's it going?

  12. Hey, how ya doing?

  13. Well, so much for peacocks. I cant un-hear Pika-ka-ka now.
  14. ProtoDome, nice work on the Pokemon remix album.

    I liked a lot of what went onto the album, but I find I really enjoyed your remixes the most. It is crazy how varied they were!

    I don't normally go about fangirling the remixers (I don't really download many mixes at all) but I really want to acknowledge and give props to your cool tunes on this album.

    So yeah, *props* :)

  15. So true, I definitely make it a point to drop her first. You have to go all out when she is called in for an assist, or smack her teammates out of the battle temporarily so you can quickly bring her down (or at least try.) I learned that the hard way with a friend of mine. One minute we are having a normal battle, the next thing my guys are dropping like flies, there's fire everywhere, and angry echoing voices going on about how they're the shit and I'm nothing, and there was probably a few slurs thrown in there too. It was horrible ;_; So yeah, you pretty much WILL die if your opponent is competent with her and manages to go Dark Phoenix.
  16. God, this makes me feel like such an obnoxious retarded fan girl, so I'll try to keep this as manly as possible. Your Daft Drafts song is freaking excellent, too excellent.... On a completely unrelated note, did you by any chance sign a contract from a strange horned individual shrouded in black clouds of sulfur and brimstone? Were there shrieking souls of the damned swirling around him? Did he request that you sign the contract in your own blood?

    Satanic blood contracts aside, thanks for the amazing music you bring to the site. Music is a big part of my life, and it is all the more enriched when I get to experience talent like yours. Truly thanks.

    Have a happy new year zircon, "don't ever stop."

  17. Hey, a fellow teacher! Cool beans! What's your specialty? I'm high school English/Social/Bio. Best of luck with finding a full time position. Lord knows I'll need all the luck I can get :lol:. Here in Canada, the prospects are pure ASS (established teachers getting laid off etc.) but ya gotta just keep trying.

  18. Flower's Grave by Tom Waits. It gives me CHILLS. Up to you if you want to, but give it a listen! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ByO5PGOLcPc
  19. Hahaha, I totally forgot about that pixietricks story.
  20. Sorry about the fat-assed sig, I`ll stick to standard sized ones from now on.

  21. I understand your frustration, but this is something more suited for the help/newbies section of the site. You will find said section as a sub section of the "Community" forum: Here Somebody there should be able to help you sort out your issue.
  22. But... how in the hell does the brushing of teeth cancel out a lisp? I'm no speech pathologist, but I read that a lisp can be caused by an abnormality in the speech centers of the brain. Which would result in words coming out that way, or to mess with the muscle memory used to move your mouth to articulate. A speech center abnormality could be why some people don't lisp when singing since other parts of the brain are engaged when singing. Some can suppress their lisp by concentrating on shaping their words too. It could also be an issue in the structure and development of the mouth, as with the tongue, the hard palette, lips etc. As well psychological shock has been know to cause issues with speaking (selective muteness, stammering) though I don't know if that applies to lisps though, maybe? Who knows. But I don't see how brushing your teeth does anything other than freshening up stank ass grills. If Brandon Strader has rancid breath, nobody here would know... unless he mailed you a sealed jar he breathed into. But then that would just be creepy.
  23. Doooo iiiit. Or maybe at least half of The Drapery Falls, it's a bit long.
  24. Once you have eliminated the big bad, flush all of your weapons down the crapper, and give yourself a massive head injury to forget all those pesky skills and spells. Because apparently there will never ever be another threat again...until there is another threat again. You can travel to all sorts of far off counties, continents, planets, time periods, dimensions, planes of reality, etc. and they will use the same currency as you. In addition they will have the exact equipment you use only slightly better. All girls fight using gymnastics. Those that don't are mannish, or tomboys. When a new religion springs up it will always be evil. Also it is usually vaguely reminiscent of Catholicism. Also you will have to beat the shit out of their charismatic leader who usually transforms into some demon, then you will have to kill their dark god.
  25. Space Oddity by David Bowie.
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