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Everything posted by jordex

  1. listening... X-Out? White Out? another electronica some cool sounds but not exciting enough for me The drums are too loud, i cant hear any background noise, or even melody ...actually 1:10 is cool, very nice
  2. Sweet, thanks! it's working now let's see what this baby can do! Ummm.. I can't get it to work!! I don't how to use non FL filters with the channels, I've added it to the list and it's in the FX Channel but it's just not making any difference to the instrument ack, some more help please?
  3. it linked me to the direct zip which was a broken link it'd be better if you email it to me at jordexciu@hotmail.com thanks prophet
  4. arrgg... the devil inside vst isnt downloading!!! could I get it some other way? this sites so hard to navigate through and find stuff I've expieremented with the FL filters and heres what i've got so far (copy and paste link into winamp). i used the dl_contained drumloop. can i get any more distortion using only original fl filters? And im actually looking for a more cut up static effect rather than distortion
  5. how can i add distorted effects or static effects to isntruments? i know how to for the purple instruments but how would i with waves, soundfonts, packs, all that other stuff?
  6. OMG another one from Mazedude!@ Sweetizzle! I'll be happy if this half as good as AmIEvil's!
  7. This song's psycho! Its good! i'll only listen to it once
  8. Bloody Brilliant THis song needs to be heard by more people!
  9. Wow, this is great! I remember this song. I didn't like it much in the game but now I can't get it out of my head!
  10. the ride cymbal is all wrong! but the rest is good
  11. how come there are only 2 pages on this mix? It's better than that! Listen to it! It is a bit short though...
  12. At first I just thought this was another trance song but turns out it's actually really mellow and calm. It's very good, I've had the tune stuck in my head the whole day. I love the Cello! Or whatever strings those are. I think I'ld like the song more if it was a bit lighter, like if the rest of the song was bit similar to the beginning, although the drums around 3:23 are cool! Then there's that calmer part at 4:33 with the soothing cello, I LOVE IT! Bring me more!
  13. nice intro, i was waiting for the main instrument to come in, then there was that sexy transition with the scream. Another excellent remix mazedude! So many great effects and sounds! then it goes back to oldskool near the end, sweet! i love the hardcore-ness if thats a word
  14. nice intro then builds into some hardcore melody, very well done, i love all of mazedudes doom songs 1:10 it'd be sweet if there was a time signature change there
  15. Sweetness! The distortion is what makes up this song. Awesome job on this one Mazedude!
  16. This song's friggin kick-ass! It's got some pretty cool editing and sound effects! Great job Mazedude!
  17. SSB, You need to go to the mixer, link the channel to one of the tracks then add a filter or free filter to the track, now right click the knob on the right and click edit events, now gradually decrease the filter for about 4 bars or so
  18. Whoa man... I wish I could play like that... You should do a remix of the chopin song on that piano game at the arcade, and there's a vid of it on ebaums somewhere, anyone know what im talking about? I can't wait to hear more from you Bladiator
  19. I love the name
  20. woot woot! very fun, nice and active! Some cool effects and sounds too! the part around 1:00 is sweet! Then around the end theres some nice effects such as pauses. Very well done! There's not enough reviews for this song!
  21. I love the drumbeat that comes in around :25 seconds Whoa... THis is a metroid prime song... Or is the same song on super metroid too?
  22. oo nice nice! i doing a remix of this song but it got currupted so i gave up on that but I loved it... I love the change in contrast at 1:18. I wish i had my file back.... This song really needs the bass line at 1:18 Actually you hear it later at 2:06, a little sloppy but that's okay 'cause its a piano piece
  23. I didn't like the drum loop/beat too much but the cello and everything else was amazing! great work! adhesive boy does the coolest stuff!
  24. Very interesting... In a good way. I like all the breaks from the fast paced backgrounds like 3:27
  25. is it just me or is it funny how the artist and song name are similar?
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