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Everything posted by jordex

  1. Wow! A castlevania 4 song that's not Vampire Killer. I love the part at 1:36!
  2. This mix was very poorly done and from such a great artist! But it was his first mix posted so I guess it's alright
  3. 'very soothing and beautiful, usually i prefere mcvaffes version over anything but i actually like this one better
  4. The intro's dumb, except for the part where the guy screws up on the guitar, that was 'less' dumb than the rest of the intro, ild enjoy the rest of the song if the intro wasnt there to ruin the whole song the mega man needle intro is better
  5. Nice, I love it! For some reason, this is exactly what I was expecting from reading the title. Hmm... What is there to say about this piece... It's very... good... DL it!
  6. How come so many ppl love this song? If u want funny music, go listen to tenacious d (f*ck her gently) atleast that song makes sense, this song's just plain stupid
  7. Wow, Jazz from McVaffe, this song goes great when playing Pool! how come there are only 4 reviews? this remix needs more recognition
  8. This sounds so deep and Loud! I love the style, I love the sound, like the above guy said, this should be a crime! The intro gives a good first impression and it only gets better, as the 1000th remix, it only leaves OC with a better impression! Great Stuff!!
  9. The techno in this is great! It's nice n creepy, I love the bubbly bass line that comes in around 1:05, the sounds and synths are so cool in this song, this reminds me of AmIEvil's work. I love the ambient effects, the burps
  10. 2 words: Beautiful Yet another great piece DJP!! This is my second favourite remix from djp, maybe even first This one makes me cry...
  11. The beginning of this song really got me listening for some reason. I wasn't dissapointed with the rest of the song either. This is one nice song, It's long and stays interesting through out the whole song. Another excellent piece djp! But the solo-ing which starts around 2:24 really needs to be louder 'cause I love you're improvisation!
  12. lol djp's not much of a singer but is still extremely good! He sorta sounds Korean or Japanese in this song. Hahah I can't get over this singing! It's friggin' awesome! Great work DJP! And don't listen to that girl 'cause you got potential man! I mean you're good as it is just imagine how much better you could become!
  13. Holy sh*t he's singing! XD!!! I love it! Now I have to check out that Xenogears one!
  14. This song sucks! I Love It!! Haha!
  15. Hmm... Its slow at first, I'm waiting for the main melody then I realize that this is it. This song really doesn't show or build up any emotion, as much as it is cool, I'm just not feeling it... Know what I mean? It feels like there's no story behind this piece.
  16. i actually like how the tunings off, like other people said, it adds to the creepiness of the song
  17. The hip-hop is awesome in this mix The 'hip-hop-ish voice' that first comes in at 0:18 I just love. Great job djp!
  18. This one was great. It was nice and long and you don't hear many remixes of this song. Actually I think this is the only remix of this song. The jazz is very nice in this song, it'd be sweet if our band at school would learn this.
  19. I love Po's whole soul/hip-hop/RnB style but this one was a little choppy and he could have chosen a better snare font
  20. 0:39 the strings come in, I'm loving it! I love the parts where the piano comes in at 1:38 and 3:30 but it dies away after about 5 seconds. Those parts needed to be longer. I just think McVaffe should have chosen better drum samples than this song would awesome!
  21. God I love this mix Po does a great job on this one! So laid back, relaxing. I love Po!'s work! The first part reminds of Thread's of Fate. In fact this whole song reminds of something. It feels like I know the song even though I've only played Chrono Trigger for 5 mins.
  22. hehe I love this remix I think it could have been better though if it was less trancy but that's just me I love the 'effin flute!!!!! So... Laid back (I'm using that term alot) It's cool how the flute has such a soft melody but the background is hardtrance
  23. I prefer McVaffes version of this but this one has alot of great sections
  24. haha i liked this one although it was bit short but the vocals were great, i played it to my bros n they were like 'wtf'? they didnt exactly say that but you know but its good!
  25. Wow, this is a great song. So laid back. Its the kinda song I can hum along too (even though I don't know how it goes) This a very soothing remix, its quiet but fun at the same time
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