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Everything posted by jordex

  1. its all good after the first minute or so
  2. Hehe another one from Quinn Fox, and from PSII (I was gonna say PS2 but I decided not too) This is the kinda music my house from Animal Crossing needs! This and his Vibe Victory
  3. Those "Wah" sounds really make up this song, I couldn't picture it without them The strings are nice and calm which is good for a break away from the faster paced parts The piano near the "Wah" solo around the end is also great Hope to see more from Neostorm, his Crystalis song was the very first song I downloaded from here
  4. The begginning is so cool I listen to just the first 10 secs then start the song over But I have listened to the whole song before I sorta recognize the tune, I haven't played Ecco for about 7 years or longer I like the drums, how they have the same rhythm as the melody
  5. Holy shit this is good!!!!!! Really that's all there is to say, just download it!! nice ending nice galaxy style nice everything
  6. This is cool! Weird! Yet cool! It's actually pretty good! DL it, it's really interesting! There's a nice bassline at the beginning but then that other instrument comes in, that's where it just get's weird
  7. all atmosphere until :45 then the drums come in again with the killer drums the reeverb on the drums is nice theres really no main melody but this is still nice again, great job mutagene!
  8. whoa man, everyone one of your mixes amazes me, they're all so good! psychopath drums here you did a mix from all 3 shadow beast games, i gotta listen to the others now
  9. This is good Seems a bit slow at first Actually its slow for quite a while 2:18 this beat comes in -- Nice! This does sound grainy but it's cool! Way to go, Mutagene! PS: Nice hair!
  10. Wow this is really nice! I was expecting something alot more heavy coming from Ailsean but it's still quiet in a way. The breaks away from the guitar and drum are what I like. And why the hell are there so many Radical Dreamer remixes? I've never heard of this damn game!
  11. Wow, sounds like infected mushroom at :29, that's nicee!! This song sounds like its actually from PSO rather than PS4 It's fastpaced, exciting, you have to download it
  12. I love that EP in the intro How come you fools can't recognize this song? FOOLS! This song's got a great name! Clever, I would have never though of something like that When the chorus comes in singing Zelda's Lullaby thats where I really fall in love then moves onto a guitar solo, I wish I was this skilled!! I just think you should have the rest of Zelda's lullaby in here as well as like another verse or something, not in the chorus though. Anyways, Great Job djp! Keep it up!!
  13. The guitar in the beginning is sweet I don't like the drums much but the guitar work is awesome!
  14. Wow this is so beatiful! It's just... Beautiful! I love the string pads But what I really dig is the acoustic piano, especially when it first comes in around 1:18, athen again at 2:48, I'm just lovin' it! Nice flute solo
  15. The intro sounds alot like the opening theme on FF8 but that's a good thing This is very well done! GReat job djp, nice drum work, melody, everything, good job!
  16. I love 3:15 Then later when the piano comes in I also love The strings are great But the Piano is just awesome!! Veddy goo job Wingless!!
  17. Goddamn this is awesome I love the "Space" instruments, the whistle sorta thing is great! I prefere this song over wingless's other super metroid mix, they're both great but this one is just excellent! It Stands out, It's now another one of my favourites! I love that whistle!!
  18. Very nice It's calm Soothing The Wingless is quite an artist This is beautiful The drums fit in well too The piano is very creative and enjoyable
  19. It's so beautiful, I wish it was longer!
  20. I love this, it's hard to find the original melody in it but I love the synth and instruments used! I still prefere djp's version but this one's still great!
  21. Another great one from Quinn This one's nice and calm Reminds me of Brave Fencer Musashi in a way I just love this one, that suspended symbol might be used just one too many times but I still love this song It's definatly one of my favourites
  22. Wow I didn't even notice this was the battle theme Very well done, nice effects I love Quinn Fox's work!
  23. OMG This is good! Out of all the Chrono Trigger mixes out there it's hard to find a good one, this one's definatly good I'm glad it didn't have vocals either, that would have ruined it for me somehow
  24. What song is the main melody? I know it! arrgg! But I dont know! Its not the SBM overworld song, what is it?!
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