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Everything posted by jordex

  1. this does sound very castlevania-esque everytime i go to the "S" remixes, i always see this one first, i never actually downloaded it but now i have and its sweet there are so many songs i wish i knew about earlier
  2. the guitarist is good the drummer deserves to be shot the bassist needs to turn up his amp
  3. whoa, djps dying over this song Its great, its got djps style but i think he should still do a remix of this as well! My main complaint with the song, the kick drum sounds more like an instrument that isn't in tune with the rest of the song rather than a kick drum
  4. I love these soul/vibe mixes! Sounds like something Po! would do! Great job quinn!
  5. I love it! This really is great! Go dl! It's got psycho drums!
  6. Very nice! Althrough I hate the sample used for the Kickdrum
  7. There's tons a clipping errors but the actual song is great!
  8. Oh dang, I'm in love! I'm gonna download all your other stuff now!
  9. most of the sounds at hammersound don't work i'm looking for string soundfonts anybody?
  10. I swear this is the best mix on the site but the 1:55 and 3:41 markers need to be extended! argh!! Or repeated one more time! This song is just so strong, heavy, loud, deep! The drums are great along with the strings in the background, but the piano makes up everything in this song. I listen to this song on repeat all day. The chorus really needs to be longer though!! The piano in the beginning is great, all of the accompaniment piano is great, the whole arrangment in the song is great, actually everythings great! I need to hear more remixes of this song! The one at vgmix sucks sorry to say. This is definatly my number one favourite mix on the site!!
  11. omg what a shame this is the only song by spacepony cause im jus loving it! are there any more songs like this?? arrgghhh spacepony if your listening, post another song!! !! !! !!
  12. I love the piano intro and ending Everything in between is just as good Its one of the first few mixes on the site and its so great 2:11 blows me away
  13. i love the drums!! but i dont like the rest too much
  14. wait i know about that wavy stuff but im still looking for a good static filter say i wanted to make a remix like mazedudes boy and his blob, what would i need for that?
  15. Whoa I think this is the best vocals mix on the site, you guys have great voices! When I heard the beginning of this song I was thinking. "Thing song would be great with vocals" And then I hear them, I was thinking "Whoa" Keanu Reeves style! This is sweet, bring me another!
  16. You're making me feel dumb What's pink and white noise??!! Wait, I think I found it! Are they under Buzz Effect Adaptor?
  17. Crazy, This is the oldskool style i'm looking for I love the background noises And I just effin love 1:23! Go Listen now!
  18. Haha no reviews?? Its a great mix! Very hyper!
  19. I love the intro and the rest of the song? its a bit hyper sometimes that's just what I'm looking for< Gotta dig that organ
  20. I love this!! The bass sounds like an infected mushroom bass 1:40, melody finally comes in, its kickass I love the kick and bass The songs nice and long At 2:40, nix changes around the melody, reminds me of some starwars song What part in teh game is 2:55? It sorta sounds familiar but I still don't know where its from, its still sweet though. I love the drums here, the dalay on the snare and hat really add 4:22 I love it! then the ghost tune comes in again at 4:37. the ghost tune is the best part, it should repeat a few more times before the end i loved psychrophytes version but it was too short! this song is nice and long and keeps me listening, i love it!! Bring me another, nix!~ Im gonna go dl your other two songs
  21. the devil inside works, its great but I'm still looking for a radio static sorta type effect to add to any instrument
  22. veddy veddy nice its hard to find good megaman songs outa the huge list. this is definatly one of those good songs!
  23. Ooh its by protricity nice doesn't keep me bored nice guitar work! i like the sound of the instruments, i think thats called timbre I love the part at 3:41! then it starts again at 3:56 with a different insrument, very nice ooh then at 4:22 it starts with a new song, thats sexy! well done prot
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