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Everything posted by jordex

  1. have the last 3 of the new 7 maps come out yet?
  2. OMG I just love this song! It's too damn good, I wish I knew about it earlier! I just love that bass solo One of the best jazz, bass solos I've ever heard! This is perfect
  3. This is pretty cool and get's pretty crazy in some parts Theres so much going on but the melody keeps everything together, especially how its always coming out of the left ear The pianos the best thing in the song along with the synth lead. I think if the drums just stuck with a simple beat it would clean up the song a bunch but nonetheless it's a good song, I've had it on repeat for quite a while
  4. can i use them in fruity?
  5. Mmm.. What do I do with .gig files?
  6. no one's ever online, I was playing all last night for like 728349146368439 hours
  7. I downloaded this song of vgmix before it was posted here and I wasn't that impressed. I think the FF5 soundtrack is the most overlooked and I've been waiting forever for another remix but this one wasn't really what I was waiting for. But I guess if I didn't know the FF5 soundtrack, I'ld think this song was pretty cool
  8. hah its funny seeing neminem review this very eminem-esque song what a 1337 song
  9. w00t already back to lvl 8 I saw this one guy with a ranking of 28... What a geek eh?
  10. Ah silly me... Of course! That makes sense! Well.. Still a bloody brilliant song! Well done, Vig
  11. Very mysterious but I love it! This is such a great song, veeery relaxed. You don't have to be familiar with the whole FF6 track to enjoy this song, definatly worth the download!
  12. woot! kick-ass track! I love Simon's theme but I love this song even more! I do prefer aneurym's version (on his site) more but this is still sweet! Alot of cool beats and effects, nice song digimatic!
  13. I do not remember this song from the game, probally the credits theme but nonetheless, Vigilante did perfect capturing a beautiful feel! The song is so calm and relaxed I just love it!
  14. In so many parts of the song I just wanted to just bust out rapping! If only I were any good at freestyle I would sing to the song but I ain't so I guess I'm outta luck... I seriously think this song would be perfect for some freestyle vocals over top like say come in with a pick up at 0:39. Am I the only one who's thinking this?!
  15. Guys I'm on! LET ME JOIN!
  16. Ah wow everytime I hear one of analoqs songs it only grows on me and I love even more! Starting out with some distorted power chords but quickly moving into an extremely groovy beat, again analoq impresses us all! Stunt Race FX had some pretty crazy melody and I'ld say analoq chose the perfect lead for this song
  17. I couldn't agree more! No one can possibly do it better than Analoq here! This is just a one-of-kind brilliant fucking song! I just love it! Seriously, no one can do it better than anoloq! His guitar driven and synthy groovy pieces just blow everyone away! You gotta love that guitar! and what better way to end the song than with a cool little part recorded on an old fuzzy, crackling record player?! This is just amazing analoq, I love you for this one!
  18. Another great one from Mazedude! It just keeps going only getting more intense! Definatly hyper and loud but in a good way, however Mazedude doesn't do his all-famous, tempo change technique in this one, well that's not a bad thing. Anyways, nice job on this one Mazedude!
  19. Such a colourful mix we've got here, just what I needed It doesn't get more calm and bright than this, Mazedude always taking on a new style and always comes out succesful The part where it slows down is one of my favourites
  20. I remember playing the Gunstar game and it was awesome, as this song is! Some cool sound effects in the beggining then that crazy sounding synth comes in later with that sweet sounding bass! Malcolm just did an awesome job on this!
  21. heh I've been longing for a PSO mix but I can't even tell what song this is. I can faintly here the Lobby theme in some parts but I guess that's good enough for me. The rest is all sweet fuzzy noise which I highly enjoyed! Quinn goes a bit too far on changing around melodies but this is still a great song if you're not familiar with PSO music
  22. Ah this truely is a great remix! I don't recognize the song but alot of it does sound extremely familiar. I just can't say how much I enjoyed this piece, it's so laid back but motivating at the same time, Gux just did an excellent job on this!
  23. Oooh I love all the ambient pieces GrayLightning's been submitting! Such a laid back feel with light but interesting asian type percussion. This is just such a great song, awesome job Gray!
  24. Ah cool, definatly something you'ld hear back in concert band in highschool I've been waiting forever for another SMRPG remix I especially love the very faint harp at some parts, the Nimbus land section and that one SMW forest part. That last bit right before the end I really enjoyed as well but that quickly went away So anyways, obviously Robson's a professional composer, this is really impressive, gret job Jeremy!
  25. Man I love Mazedude, my mom even recognized this song! Mazedude just does a wicked job on these songs, in almost every one of his songs he'll change the tempo but it never gets old, it only raises my respect for him and his music! Keep it up Mazedude!
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