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Everything posted by jordex

  1. Ahah It's here! I've been waiting for this project to be released, perticularly just for more of analoq's songs and I'm not dissapointed! I love hearing the guitar riffs, analoq always gives us and that's an awesome organ I gotta go download the 2 other songs now Great job, Analoq!
  2. Whenever I have something playing in FL and I click on a IE window, I get an error in FL Any reason why?
  3. This is another one of those songs that just catches your attention I love the feel of soft, smooth strings along with a steady kick drum Short but very soothing
  4. My winamp playlist was on random and this started playing, it just caught my ear and I all of a sudden started tapping my foot It's a short but very trippy mix with an awesome bassline
  5. How can you not like this mix? I thought it was great It starts off with a nice bassline which is repeated later in the song A wicked guitar with slight distortion joins in with the melody later on I love the part at 1:15, it sounds like "day dream" by the "art of noise" if anyone's heard it and then that ostinatto (not sure if thats what it's called) is played only on the piano rather than bass An awesome song, I just dig the vibe!
  6. Hehe nice too hear all the MGS songs in one Fave part was around 2 minutes and again around 3:30 when the main MGS2 theme comes in MGS2 had the best music of the three, I'ld say Congrats on the probally difficult piece to put together, Reuben Kee! Oh and I love 4:38!! I just say the ending could have been made a little more dramatic
  7. Hmm... I don't think my FL can do that. Alt+A does nothing and it's not anywhere in the tools menu
  8. Wow I love those robotic scratches in the back This is pretty good, Binstar, great job!
  9. Download the song "Into the Matrix" by "infected mushroom" and just cut the breathing part you want
  10. FL doesn't have any midi sounds, you have to replace the midi channels with FL patches So is there a way to record what's being played in the arpeggiator into piano roll?
  11. I don't why I like this song so much but Mutagene's songs always just seem so interesting. Most of Mutagene's work is just atmosphere and overtop a bassline and drumtrack is layed. K so like his other songs, this one starts out with pads or ambience creating atmosphere then a sweet drumtrack jumps in Anyways yeah, excellent song, I'ld love to hear more from Mutagene
  12. Wow, Blad's got these songs coming in on an assembly line and nice to see he's been working with well-known GrayLightning on this one, also nice to see its from Link's Awakening Now, this song's very quiet and beautiful. It's soothing to the ear something I'ld listen too on those days where I just want to get away Excellent song, Bladiator and GrayLightning!
  13. Wow awesome song here Quality drums, bassline, editing, sampling for well over four minutes Check it out
  14. Dang I love when the song speeds up but it quickly goes away The slow part isn't bad, its just too long, most of the song should be at that faster tempo Anyways yeah, great at some parts. The slow parts not actually that bad, it's just not what you're looking for if you're looking for "trippy" =)
  15. Wait, I figured it out but thanks anyways One more question How can I figure out what notes are being played in the arpeggiator? I want the notes to show up in the piano roll
  16. K I've still got that non-snap window issue but there's something else I need to know right now When I convert my song to midi sometimes only a few channels show up and sometimes its just one
  17. Indeed, Very impressive! Song of Storms was always one of my favourite from OoT It's great how there's such confident, powerful orchestration and the goes into the suttle piano playing Sometime near 2:30 it goes to Beloro of Fire, at 2:55 its not over yet, there's some very cool melody over top the Beloro I especially love hearing Requiem of Spirit only I wish it lasted longer Anyhoo, GREAT arrangement, Unknown
  18. Thanks! It sounds alot like "The Day the World Revived" Again, Great job on this one, Darkesword! I love the guitar
  19. Nothing against Shariq but alot of his songs just don't appeal to me but that's not true with this one I enjoyed the song quite a bit It just sounds so peaceful I love the guitar solo Excellent job on this one, Darkesword Btw, what theme from CT is this?
  20. W00t its here at last I just wanna get up and start dancing
  21. I'm having a problem with my FL I've had this problem for quite a while and don't know how to fix it The plugin window never snaps into the channel settings window
  22. Why does every SD3 song here make me cry? That's really all I can say to describe this wonderful song..
  23. After reading about the Fat Man doing a remix of his own song I had to write a review Not much happens in this song but the bassline is pretty cool After a minute the song does seem a little stale but it's cool to have a self-remix
  24. Excellent song! It was extremely short though... I was hoping for it to build up to this big dramatized climax but the song was over before I knew it. Still a great song
  25. Oh hell yeah!! Another one from djp Groovy, thats the word Wow the piano's so sweet and soft sounding Keep the mixes coming djp! I can't get enough!
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