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Everything posted by jordex

  1. modplug is asking which directory is for instruments are there packs or something i should download? ahaa wow they are confusing.. Also, are these what those at chiptune.com use to make their songs
  2. thanks thankss! this stuff sounds pretty familiar to me now, i remember looking it up a while back. what type of tracker do you guys suggest is best?
  3. its also adhesive boys birthday today facebook told me lol
  4. k i just dragged the wav file into fruity loops then saved that as an mp3 lol
  5. whos 3XL lol I need a small. Two maybe, T's.
  6. does anyone know where I can get some soul sounding vsts? something po! would use vibey EPs
  7. i love this song! what kind of music is this called? jazz? house? soul?
  8. Madness I tell you, madness! Go submit another Doom 2 remix, Mazedude!
  9. /downloading it can't be weirder than that hihihi remix can it?
  10. I love this song, its soo crazy I love that melody that comes in around 1:19! What track on the SPC is this a remix of?? Edit: Nevermind I found it. Why it's the track titled Meteor, of course .
  11. itss crazy how neostorm made this entire song using the default FL songs this sounds alott like something you'ld hear from that gunbound game haha but its awesome i love the whole house feel and the percussion is just sweet i think the solo parts were greatt! and especially that bass solo i lloved the original crystalis music and you did a great job recreating it, neostorm
  12. Haha I wish I had the OST as well 'cause this song is just awessomee! I could listen to this for hours
  13. I just love what GrayLightning's done with Frog's theme here! It's such a complete different style from the original and Gray has my gratitude for that
  14. Oh wow I fucking love this I love these vibe mixes, we could definatly use some more! I was just expecting another sonic theme to come in but I guess that killer solo makes up for it
  15. I just realized that this song is all done in triplets Goats a FUCKING GOD!
  16. Whoa hey it got posted! Everyone was impressed by Chthonic's Fleeting Ecstasy and this only gives us a better impression on him Awesome song! Hope you finish your tetris mix too! This song reminds me alot of Bust a Move from IM
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