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Everything posted by Arcana

  1. What, do you all have something against the waltz? 3/4 ftw even though I never make anything in 3/4. One day I'm going to make 3/4 trance. Just because I can. Even though if I do so it probably won't be trance anymore. But never mind that.
  2. My source theme is already super trancey, so I can't really take it in an electronic direction unless I really, really shake it up. August 7 is going to come really quickly.
  3. The latest longitudinal study doesn't really find a clear connection. http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSLDE64A29V20100516 http://arstechnica.com/gadgets/news/2010/05/largest-cellphone-cancer-study-to-date-clarifies-little.ars I don't think the style of antenna will affect how much "radiation" is leaked into your body. No phone I've seen in the past four years has sported a visible, separate antenna. As for iPad Data Plans in Canada, there's only like two major wireless carriers in Canada, I'm sure you could go to Rogers's and Bell's respective web sites to find the details (they start generally at $15 and go up from there).
  4. Is there some external place where we can post and exchange contact info, etc.?
  5. I dunno, isn't the first movie was commonly cited as an example of a video game movie done right? It wasn't exactly a masterpiece but it was something that was entertaining and campy enough to send your friends to watch.
  6. It's a good thing there's a huge freaking hydro dam by Las Vegas, every casino on the strip blows its A/C into the middle of the sidewalk. It'll be hot, but we'll be indoors!
  7. I found it really hard to learn music from OCR's guides and tutorials by themselves. It's gotten better now but that's mostly due to the rest of the internet getting into music production on the cheap rather than anything OCR has done by itself. Also, there are so many "it depends on your _" situations (computer, knowledge of theory, workflow, money, etc) that is it simply easier for people to ask and get a customized answer than it is to try to sort out the variables.
  8. Me and my GF have booked from August 7 to August 15. Since we're coming from out of town we decided to stay for the entirety of the weekend. We're also at the Flamingo, but the prices that we got were more expensive than what Monobrow got. That's a hint - now that it's summer, the longer that you wait the higher the prices will probably get so make sure you check your reservations!
  9. It is awesome to have people like Rozovian on board for this kind of project. I hope all of you stick around and check it out when it's released in a few weeks!
  10. I've never heard of this game before, maybe you should spend some time and tell people what it is and why we might want to play.
  11. So much Mac hate! Logic Studio is a very good program, but I can understand if the price of the computer itself is too much money.
  12. You don't need to learn how to play piano, but it's not a bad idea to be familiar with what it looks like, how it works, and so forth. I personally found even 8 months of piano extremely helpful to remixing. I can't play live worth crap, but the basics of how to navigate a keyboard has stayed. Learning music theory (which is much more than notation) is a good step to take to help you grow as an artist. Learn about scales (you probably know them), chords, and chord progressions at least. If you are familiar with those then it gives you two main benefits. 1) You can communicate with your peers especially if they offer you suggestions or when you collaborate with them. 2) You start internalizing the things that you hear not only as "sounds" but also visually. You can also use them as a base from which to "try new things" that increase your songs' variety. I would NOT take any of those lessons that focus specifically on an audio program without first being somewhat familiar with somewriting. Since you've been playing the trumpet, you might find that it comes pretty naturally. The reason I suggest this is because, for many people starting, it's not the sound quality or program limitations that stop people from making good music, rather it's being unfamiliar with how songs work, how harmony works, how phrasing works. For now simply play with the programs (and watch video tutorials and read the manual) to get familiar with the basics and lay down some beats and some notes and have fun!
  13. But if you do, you might not regret it. Cubase I think is the closest analogue to Logic on a PC.
  14. Well I don't care too much one way or another, but I can honestly say that having separate birthday threads on OCR actually made me notice people's birthdays, most of the time in forums with a single thread I just glossed over them. But most forums lump them into one thread.
  15. Are we moving toward a single birthday thread in OCR now?
  16. The pacing at the beginning of the game in my opinion is way off, but that again is a consequence of how they structured the game world and your abilities. It takes about 2 hours of playing before you get anything more interesting than "Auto-attack" when fighting. There's also about two or three flashback scenes in which you actually get the move your character around. Having a stronger set of "flashback town sequences" in which you can move around and chat with people might have helped with the immersion, but then you would have run into the problem of people complaining that "it takes too long before you kill anything in this game".
  17. I am in support of Sazh from FF XIII and would be happy to see Lenneth Valkyrie and The Weighted Companion Cube. Overall, more representation from games that don't have mascots at all vs. creating additional ones for games that we already have mascots for is my vote.
  18. If you've ever wanted to bring this cloud stuff to the EXTREEEEEEME you can now do all of your recording online in Flash. http://aviary.com There's an audio editor, as well as a bunch of image and other graphic editors. The audio editor only does audio files (no MIDI, no soft synths) but there are a handful of effects that you can apply and some sample libraries that are available for you to add as sound effects and background music. As far as rights go, the site retains right to display your work online and there seems to be the suggestion that others have permission to make derivative works as well. But, if you've always wanted to do a podcast or something and were too lazy to download Audacity, now you can do it on the web instead. I found out about this because I registered for a "pedagogy and podcasts" workshop and this is the software that they suggested everyone use as the lowest common denominator.
  19. There are definitely many players who enjoyed playing this game, so I wouldn't count it out. I thoroughly enjoyed it even if it wasn't on the same nostalgic, addictive level as some other Final Fantasy games I've played. Some of the scenes in the game are top-notch, and not just from a graphics perspective.
  20. I messed up and missed this last year so I got my notification and signup done.
  21. Doesn't mean that they don't support Windows 7, just means that the industry as a whole moves slow as a dog. The Windows 7 64-bit version is considered more widespread than the 32-bit version overall; probably not more widespread than Windows XP, but Win7 has seen fast adoption rates, so the momentum is there.
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