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Everything posted by Arcana

  1. So... since this was posted.... There's been the outing of two names, a letter in writing issued by Apple to retrieve the phone, a police search of a Gizmodo editor with a warrant, and a lawsuit by Gizmodo against the police department, stating that the police had no right to search the guy's home citing Shield Laws. Basically this phone's caused a huge amount of freaking trouble for everyone. http://news.cnet.com/8301-13579_3-20003664-37.html http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/2010/04/iphone-finder/
  2. I couldn't stand the acting in the trailer. Not that you watch fan movies for the acting or anything
  3. The EFM in Logic Pro isn't that hard to use (at least compared to VOPM screenshots, I haven't tried VOPM myself). Might help in understanding FM synthesis: '>Logic Pro's description of FM Synthesis: The instruction manual for the EFM1
  4. Pop music. If you don't like one or two songs chances are you don't like any of them. Why? Because all of the songs are the DAMN SAME THING! Conversely, if you do like pop music, then everything out there's awesome!
  5. Hey look Justin Beiber is on People's Top 100 most beautiful people list! http://www.torontosun.com/entertainment/celebrities/2010/04/28/13748141.html
  6. I couldn't surf the web site for more than two minutes before becoming disoriented. Maybe I'm just not in their paradigm. http://www.egmnow.com/ It looks like their web site basically serves as a teaser to convince you to buy their magazine. I suppose that is all right, but it feels antiquated in an age where a web site is usually a standalone product. If they become a good, consistent source of game reviews, that will attract me and then I can stop going to IGN and Gamespot to read some random editor's opinion on a video game. But with the availability of game information out there I'd be pretty difficult to convince to pay it. I'd be much more willing to click on ads.
  7. Well atmuh's been calling him out in the entirety of this thread based on his comment of "I don't criticize music". I think the idea here is that yeah, he can criticize music all he wants. Just don't claim that criticizing his voice or how well his voice sounds in a song somehow doesn't fall into the umbrella of criticizing music.
  8. Justin Beiber's just a gateway drug to real pop music. AM I RITE And the fact that YOU don't think that his vocals fit the music that he sings is just your opinion. I listened to a minute of his songs. Sure his voice is high-pitched compared to like, a black rapper's, and his voice is processed a lot, but the beats were catchy, he sang in key and kept to the rhythm.
  9. His voice is fine. He sounds like a kid, but you know, that's because he's a kid. It sounds about on par with other teen pop sensations. He'll hit puberty any moment now and his voice will break and his career will be over
  10. AND DONE! If Justin Beiber gets a song posted then you'll know who made the connections. I've never ever listened to a Justin Beiber song before and have no idea who he is besides a Canadian teen pop idol.
  11. The only thing that I feel that I lack when I mix on a laptop is screen real-estate (and a mouse/MIDI keyboard if I don't have them). Hard drive speed and processor power, along with RAM, aren't pushed to the limit often enough for it to be an issue.
  12. I'm going to write a letter to Justin Beiber now and ask him to submit a song to OCR. What? Yeah, he's Canadian, of course I know him personally, I like, drink beer with him after school. Err I mean, coke. No, not that kind of coke. Like, pop. Yeah, that's it. We Canadians know every other Canadian since there's only 30 million of us.
  13. Thread title was changed!!! Anyway Salluz I guess you still haven't, to me, given a convincing case on why this girl doesn't deserve any attention, other than the fact that she's become a pop star with what is presumably a manufactured image. And they've been doing that for decades.
  14. The "Aversa couple" would cover zircon I'd think. There's also a lot of names on the OCR news pages that featured artists who have been working in industry, like virt, Danny B. Also dannthr who posts on the OCR Workshop has a blog (I think) about working in the industry, see if you can find the thread linked in that forum. Can you describe more about what the assignment demands of you? Do you need to put together a poster? A presentation? A summary report?
  15. Also, what are you planning to upgrade? Your computer, your audio recording equipment, or both? Which operating system?
  16. Ars Technica was invited through Blizzard HQ and snapped and posted a bunch of photos. http://arstechnica.com/gaming/news/2010/04/earning-your-sword-a-picture-tour-of-blizzards-offices.ars/ Enjoy, I thought some of you might be interested in browsing through this.
  17. I don't see anything in the video or the song that somehow flaunts the fact that she is either white or female. In other words, while the lyrics are bad and the video is very strange (I think if they were congruent with each other I wouldn't have any problem with them) there's nothing that seems to suggest evidence of your primary complaint that she's somehow using the fact that she's a white, female rapper to her advantage. Maybe in other media she does it? I dunno.
  18. 17 is very hard to hear. Everything past that, I get the sensation that something is making noise, but I wouldn't consciously recognize it as a tone, it just ends up sounding like background noises. I am 29. It doesn't help also that when you click on something you "expect" to hear something so you are all kind of listening as closely as you can and thus in a blind test I probably wouldn't hear 17 kHz either. What's the "average" range of most songs on this site? Like, what range do people reasonably put instruments in? I would guess that very few people make music with a lot of stuff going on past 12 kHz, but I could be wrong.
  19. Yes, we're getting final renders in and yes, this project is moving on as planned
  20. FLStudio doesn't have a staff notation IIRC. And yeah, piano roll is useful but you compose in whatever you compose in, I wouldn't exactly force yourself to write in it, but the piano roll is a good thing to know regardless since it's pretty much the standard for displaying music now. As mentioned it has it uses, mostly in production and other things like that. An option for you also is to write music in Finale or Sibelius and then import it into a program of your choice for producing. But if you don't like Sonar, chances are any "transition" to a new program is going to be awkward. Maybe it would be worth trying Music Creator 5 anyway just in case.
  21. I think the most useful thing in this screencast is simply the assignment of names and methods to the things that you hear in the track. As you mentioned in the video, anyone's who's been making dance music for a couple years is probably familiar with what sidechaining and filters are, but for people new to the genre who don't know what the terms are, it's a great way to learn. I also enjoyed how, although you outlined the track in Cubase, the video wasn't loaded down with technical details on how to use Cubase. Good work, it's something I would easily recommend to people who are curious about learning more about dance music's creation.
  22. This is amazing. I really learned something from this.
  23. I think that's up to you though - are you motivated enough to do OHC, but also to do music outside of that time slot as well? If you can afford only one hour a week to do music, OHC probably isn't the best way to learn, but if you can devote three hours, no matter what you do, it will be better than doing only one. If you know what makes up structure... then really it's just a matter of laying down those Fruity Loops Good luck. If you want any specific advice feel free to talk to me. Oh yeah, and watch tutorial videos online for your program of choice. There's thousands of FL Studio tutorials out there. Many of them are bad, but some of them are good and you might learn something. Also watch things like screencasts made by talented people and you'll see how their songs are put together. Edit: Actually I just sat down and watched the entirety of Rayza's screencast. If you want to do the House/electronic stuff, WATCH IT because there's so much good stuff in it that you'll learn from.
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