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Everything posted by Arcana

  1. I think it would be hilarious to have professional remixes judged to see if they are worthy of being on OCRemix, like tracks off of arranged albums and stuff. It would be just for fun though.
  2. Room treatment for me is a non-option unless you can do it simply by moving furniture around. I live in a rented apartment so I can't do anything to the walls or ceiling. However I'm getting the feeling that monitors can be beneficial regardless. The only standing speakers I have are two hi-fi stereo speakers that I use for TV, movies, music, and games - else I have to listen on headphones. What do you mean by something nice to put it in?
  3. Wondering if Guides and Tutorials posts kind of get missed so I am going to post a pointer to the "Monitors or Headphones" thread here in which I have a question: http://ocremix.org/forums/showpost.php?p=620283&postcount=74 Examples of stuff in my price range are the Rokit RP5G2, the Mackie MR5, and Alesis M1. Regards,
  4. This is a track, very varied, lots of dynamics. Overall a lot of stuff here to keep the interest level up. It's very traditional, sounds almost film-score. There's not much low-end in this one, it seems a bit mid-range heavy, but still extremely expansive. I love the increased pace at 1:05. Some of the instruments sound a bit weak (especially some of the high strings), but I don't really think that detracts from the mix. 1:55 gets a bit dull, production wise - not as bright as some of the other areas of the mix where it's more bombastic. The slower "Trench" part in my opinion is definitely weaker than the "Under Martial Law" parts, but that's just me. It helps illustrate the contrast in this track from the fast-paced portions and I think the resulting thrills coming back up at 3:05 is where I get most of the enjoyment from this track. Hearing it all build back up to that point was extremely satisfying. This is awesome. You should also come back to compos and kick all of our butts again
  5. It took me a while to get over the first minute, because the sounds... don't really know what to call them, woodblocks? but they're distorted just enough for me to mistake it for clipping. Fault of my own ears. The introduction of the the instruments at 3:02 is such a great climax point. It's so rich and satisfying, and it's so short that it's extremely memorable. I don't notice the dissonance at all, personally.
  6. Reminds me of Masashi Hamauzu's piano playing from his SaGa Frontier 2 album. Yeah, that's a good thing. It's bright, lots of syncopation, lots of stacatto. I don't know what there is to say other than it's really good. Bright, sunny, and playful. Goes on my piano playlist.
  7. I actually like the strings. The guitar parts seem a bit sudden on entry. A lot of hits. Guitar's very good though. The string parts sound a bit thin, especially the strings at 1:11-ish. But I don't feel that they're as mechanical as some of the others have reported. The main theme motif is repeated quite often. I think the two breakdowns really help with the variation. It does seem a bit short because the ending is a bit abrupt - the main theme is repeated four times, almost verbatim after the last breakdown. I enjoyed it, definitely worth listening to.
  8. Nice crunchy leads. Nice crunchy bass. To be honest, it took some time for the track to grow on me but I definitely feel nice fast-paced synth-rock going on here. I very much liked the bass, as well as the background layering - the mids play very nicely with the higher frequency lead. The synth sounds are very good and I really love the melodies. I love the breakdown at about 1:20, highlighting the pads and the atmosphere. My only criticism is the relative lack of dynamic range of the leads and the song in general - it basically starts up and plays at mostly one volume, with the exception of the breakdown and the fade-out ending. Good work.
  9. Hey all. I have a possible $400 to spend on stuff and I'm considering something like monitors. However based on this thread I've heard a few things. First, my room is definitely untreated. Is this a huge factor? Like, does it basically mean I waste $400 if I put them in an untreated room? Second, the thread recommends against low-end monitors, like those in the $400 range. I am wondering, with the recent explosion of inexpensive studio monitors, if this still holds true. Currently I mix on headphones but I'm kind of getting mixed results with them and I am wondering if I can improve my mixing abilities. Perhaps you can recommend if monitors are a good idea, or if I should consider something else (for example, to simply mix more, or read a book) until I can get a stronger setup. Regards,
  10. Welcome to OCR, Kiro Dragoon. I actually don't know what people think about Second Life on these forums. It has a pretty bad rep on a lot of the Internet. I posted a documentary a while ago in the MMORPG thread in PPR and that gave a pretty interesting look at obsession in Second Life. But to answer your question, I don't play it
  11. Thank Jade for linking this to me, I'm having a lot of fun listening to this. Do you guys have an RSS Feed? So far on the first post I only see individual links to episodes so it means it's kind of hard for me to automatically sync things to iTunes.
  12. iPods are write only. If you don't have a copy of your iTunes library on your computer, you can't add or delete music to your iPod. You're supposed to have it on iTunes first.
  13. This might be a really good way to get me into the habit of downloading AND listening to OCR tracks!
  14. Is this specific iPod very important to you? I'm curious why you require this condition.
  15. But you still had two mages. My assertion is that mages are overpowered. I started trying to do the Alienage General using Leliana, PC as Warrior tank, Wynne as healer, and Secret Dude. The problem is that I had no CC and no AOE especially since you can't keep Morrigan if you decline to help her. I eventually switched my party to PC tank, secret dude, Sten, and Wynne and eventually fared better. The swap out of Leliana to Sten was a pretty phenomenal improvement but it caused lots of trouble on magic guys. Maybe I wasn't specced properly, since I didn't have either Crushing Prison or Spirit Shield; also it didn't help that secret dude is also sword and shield specced.
  16. I knew that a bunch of those tracks were familiar... so I checked and noticed Idolm@ster and Touhou as being most familiar.
  17. I think you all missed it after bleck's tirade, but I'll ask again. I found this game got hard close to the end (when you hit about Levels 14+). It took me many tries to get down High Dragon and I had to save and reload the fight against the General in the Elven Alienage many times - to the point where I actually loaded an old save to replace my party. I was playing on normal, and my PC was a warrior tank. It didn't help that Loghain is also a warrior tank either. I have a theory - mages in this game are extremely powerful and if you're playing this game without a DPS mage in your party it's easy to get stomped. Confirm/deny or am I just bad?
  18. "Asshole Mario Stage 1" These things amuse me a lot. I'm surprised some of these levels are even solvable. I also get entertained to see how old Super Mario World obstacles can be used for super-creative puzzles. Apparently this guy beat it without save states too.
  19. I did a compo by myself for Thanksgiving!
  20. FFX made me misty, I think it's one of the only games that made me do so and I didn't even like Tidus that much. I think a big part of it is because the game was acted well enough and portrayed in enough detail to really give it some emotional backing. This goes against Taucer's "simple garaphics = emotional" theory though. I wonder if you gave an adult today Chrono Trigger if he'd actually find it touching, or if it's just the nostalgia speaking.
  21. I just finished it, it was a pretty satisfying journey. I don't know if I'll replay it many times (since I've lost a lot of sleep with the game, and also because when you start getting to some of the end battles where it's like 15 vs 4 it's annoying keeping your men up) but it was definitely a fun first time through. My finish time is something like 65 hours.
  22. It wouldn't be such a big deal if you guys wanted to talk about specifically why the game in your opinion is bad.
  23. I think it's also that if you think about it, there's really not that much direct plot in this game - a lot of it is spent in the middle with the "side quests" of recruiting your allies, which while pertinent, can take a really long time. Also I don't understand why people are saying this game is super easy. Did they all roll mages as main characters or something? I'm getting my ass kicked even on normal mode, because I get overwhelmed with enemies and can't kill enemy casters fast enough.
  24. SPOILER: --- Does Alistair always throw a temper tantrum after the Landsmeet if you choose to spare Loghain's life?----
  25. Congrats to you! Unfortunately I cannot travel but I wish you two the best.
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