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Everything posted by Arcana

  1. Sorry I've been slacking, I'm going to get on my track and hammer out the rest of the big stuff.
  2. Is there anything that resembles a sequencer or drum machine on the iPhone that you guys know of (preferably that costs nothing)? Mostly it's to allow me to hack out tunes while I'm on the bus or something. I'm looking for something with a kind of MIDI-note entry interface (rather than a straight-up live instrument). If you've heard of anything good I'm interested in learning about it. Thanks,
  3. I'm a graduate student too, but if you have to give them an option that's not, "My schedule is both flexible and inflexible at the same time and nothing works, it's an inconvenience either way." I'm Canadian so I don't get that particular day off, but if that is in fact a long weekend for many people then it does make it easier.
  4. But they need the Friday and the Monday to fly in and fly out (unless MAGFest of course starts at on the afternoon on Saturday and ends on Sunday afternoon - I looked for a program on the web site but couldn't find one so I'm not sure). If you put MAGfest in the spring or the summer it makes it an easy decision for me, I will have much more flexible options. The winter is just a bad time for me overall.
  5. Why do I have this internal vision in my head that suggests that this was done in one of the Wii sidegames already and had something to do with Link's crossbow and a runaway mine cart?
  6. I'm seriously thinking about selling my Nintendo 64, before I go anywhere with i I'll ask if anyone here wants it. System w/ power and AV cable 1 controller Starfox 64 Mario 64 Ogre Battle 64 Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time I might also have a memory card and a rumble pack but I'm not sure, if I find them I'll throw them in for free. The system has the original box, but the games are missing their boxes and manuals. Everything for $120 or make a counter-offer please, please PM me with a ZIP code or postal code for a shipping cost quote.
  7. Yeah the name sounds good but the logo totally confuses me.
  8. Well that's why ORC and PRC might be good for you because they give you about a week to come up with a song. You still have to tell yourself to sit down and do it though
  9. If the time restrictions are an issue you might want to try doing PRC or ORC as another way to get into things where people will listen and provide some feedback on your work.
  10. Hey Halt, I know you're still mixed on one-hour compos, but it's one reason why I do it, because it's an hour of my week when I basically KNOW that I should come up with something (anything, even if it's bad, I post it) for the compo because if I don't the opportunity will never present itself again. So in a way it's the pressure of performing. Also I find that changing your expectations from the song "sounding like" something to "demonstrating a concept" allows you to return to it more. A lot of us have "visions" of what we want to do but we don't have the skill or practice or experience to do exactly what is in our heads. We try it, it doesn't quite work, and we get frustrated and then do something else. So I find that changing your expectations and instead of saying, "I want to make a sweeping string piece inspired by Mitsuda" you claim something a bit more technical like, "I want to make a song with a I-IV-iii-ii-I progression" or "I'm going to use three guitars and play each part on my acoustic" you can make a song that, even if it's not that good, is at least something that fulfills your goals. Not everyone can be a Mitsuda in their first few years, and in fact trying to get to grips with the fact that you might not even know how to put the notes together to make a trance song yet (which is often seen to be a simple, repetitive genre) is a bit of an esteem hurdle that is a good one to get over - once you get over it, just practice it and don't worry about whether it sounds "good" - it's much more important to simply "do it" at first and to crap out anything at all.
  11. Good luck Zircon. Thanks for all of the inspiration, tutorials, judging, and contributions, you know you've done a lot, we all do too.
  12. Love the call and responses going on with the original solos. I know that Larry called you guys borderline with usage of the source material, but I think it's the solos and the original rocking touches that give songs like these real character. The breakdown at 3:20 is very emotionally jarring. (Also I was thinking that this mix sounds a little lacking in highs, but I'm wondering now if it's these stupid headphones now that are muddying things up). The acoustic part at ~4:40 at the end is honestly my favourite part of the mix. I know it's the closing and all, but it's all so fitting there. Nice nice stuff. Level99, this is going to be only the first of many numbers that'll appear next to your name on this site
  13. There's 16 projects on the front page, many of which are still looking for remixers. As good remixers are in relatively short supply it's natural to worry about the rate of project "introduction" to the site.
  14. Congrats on your first posted mix, it's well deserved.

  15. I will finish my Ph.D and then I will pay for an airplane ticket and fly out somewhere to hang out for a MAGFest.
  16. That's.... *dumdumdum* TODAY I haven't done music in like a month omg this is going to be rough
  17. You'll be back Amy, you'll be back...
  18. Yeah sorry I couldn't make it and submit a real song. I thought of actually submitting something on the way home on the bus and figured it would be a nice gesture at least!
  19. VGDJ in the Aurora/Rayza days were what brought me out to OCR Toronto meetups.
  20. One of the most intelligent, friendliest, and interesting communities on the Internet by far.
  21. oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
  22. Even though furries really aren't as extreme, insane, or perverted as the Internet makes them out to be, it's seriously hard to get ahead in the (Internet) life when someone says he associates with furries. They have a terrible (and mostly undeserved) reputation. It's like racism, but based on hobbies instead of race. I don't know if there's a better word for that.
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