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Everything posted by Arcana

  1. There's some radically intense stuff in that preview. All that from only two months, too... very awesome.
  2. I've never played Baldur's Gate before, but almost all of the reviews I've read said that Dragon Age is a "throwback" and that it's very much a traditional RPG. I'm fine with that, I don't need every single game to shower me with innovation and unique mechanics. I'm at the point now where I kind of am waiting for the game to end, but if Archeon just beat it then I'm getting pretty close. I see "Landsmeet" and I skip the post contents after it to avoid spoilers.
  3. I listened to this one today, sorry it took me so long, I hadn't managed to load it into my iPod for a while. I liked the relaxed vibe of this album. It also had this sparse, minimalist feeling to it too. I liked Overture and Wrong/Beans. Daisy Chain was pretty damn gansta. Playful starla melodies combined with just64helpin's jazzy tones makes this a nice listen.
  4. There's full threads on GameFAQs that go "Enchantment?" Do you want to stoop down to the level of GameFAQs? DO YOU HUH DO YOU?!?!?
  5. Brazil is a haven for piracy BECAUSE everything there is so expensive. When I went there about three years ago, wireless mouse and wireless routers were like a huge thing there because they're just so damn expensive. The fact that I had a Mac was like "HOLY CRAP" to most people.
  6. On the tactics menu, on the right-hand side, there's a setting for their targeting behaviour. It is usually set to "default". Change it to "passive" or "ranged". I always set my healers to passive and my mages/archers to use "ranged". Arrows aren't that good though. I'm kind of determined to convince myself that they're good, but they miss too often to be useful and their passives use up too much stamina. Not to mention, poisons and enchantments don't seem to work with them either.
  7. There's two taunt-style spells: "Threaten" (an aura) and "Taunt" (an ability). I play a tank as my main character and I had massive aggro problems until I got Taunt AND Threaten. Check your tactics and make sure that your tanks start attacking anyone who is attacking your mage. Also, make sure they have enough willpower to use Taunt a lot. If you don't have Massive Armor yet it makes a huge difference over Heavy Armor. Also I tend to use a lot of Affliction Hex before I lead off with any spells. And if you don't have Cone of Cold, it's a very, very good spell.
  8. Thing that annoyed me the most is that at least three of the games that were nominated came out two days ago and about a day before the awards were announced. Left 4 Dead 2 Super Mario Bros. Wii Assassins' Creed 2 You'd think there would be a cutoff point.
  9. That fight isn't meant to be hard or anything. Later on you fight like three of them at the same time. Also, I don't get why kiting is bullshit tactics? What were you expecting, Operation Flashpoint?
  10. I just tried the demo with my girlfriend, we had fun just playing some coop. It was forever since I've played an FPS, I think the last time I played one was Doom III in what, like 2005 or so. edit: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/12-hour_clock#Confusion_at_noon_and_midnight
  11. I wince whenever someone dies, because it's going to cost me 21.50 silver to remove the injury. It's a paltry cost overall though, but still makes me sigh. Making the injury recovery kits from scratch actually costs almost the same amount, if not more (depending on who your vendor is). It's also quite possible to run out of injury kits. I'm personally glad that this game isn't that hardcore. Later on, the game gets much harder even on Normal. I did Redcliffe as my first event at Level 7ish. That was a TOUGH event. I had a really hard time. On another character, I went to Denerim at Level 8 and then tried to clear out the Deserted House. That took me 3 hours to do, with a lot of it involving saving-reloading.
  12. It was appropriate and fitting.
  13. It doesn't, in my game I went to Redcliffe and cleared that out. Then you get a cutscene with the rogue. Unless Redcliffe + Castle Redcliffe count as two events of course.
  14. Morrigan won't do you if you're a girl?
  15. If you have a mostly-ranged group, there's a Tactics option to set the character to use "ranged". They won't actively run OUT of melee range, but they'll stay at range when possible. I rerolled in the game as a mage because I'm starting to think that the mage is the most fun in this game. One thing I did was actually buy the backpack from the Quartermaster in Ostagar (missed it the first time). But then I went to Denerim and did the "Deserted House" quest where you can open a door and reveal a room of 4 melee characters, 5 archers, and 3 blood mages. And you do this for like 7 to 8 rooms. The house is HUGE. It took me maybe 3 hours to clear it out - I did a LOT of saving and reloading. I wish that I had more tactics slots as well as more intelligent AI - this game would have been REALLY fun if a few human players could control the other characters I think.
  16. I don't even know why you want to get on Alistar's good side anyway.
  17. It's not Russian though to me it sounds VAGUELY Eastern European. Continue banging Morrigan. Leliana likes me because my in-game decisions just seem to reflect well on her. I guess it's because I tend to play as a SUPER NICE hero and apparently Leiliana gets hot off of that. Edit: by the way, this game is KICKING MY ASS hardcore. I don't know if I did the areas out of order or something, but I went first to Redcliffe and then to the Bacilian Forest. Redcliffe was super hard, I used all of my healing items to get past the night battle. Now the ruins are kicking my butt. First the dragon, then the spawns of many Skelly warriors, and then the arcane horror. I have no AOE and not enough healing items to last me. It's pretty painful.
  18. It varies for me, but more often I tend to lean toward creating girl characters than guy characters. My first two WoW characters were male on Horde, when I went to Alliance side I rolled a female human and then a male night elf. When I back to Horde, I rolled all male characters. Simple reason? Female Alliance models look better than Male ones, and the Male Horde models look better than the female Horde models. In Dragon Age I first created a female, but then stopped playing that character and rolled a male dwarf instead. I think a big part of it is that I like to play dress up on my characters, and it's more typical to dress up female dolls than male dolls. I'm also secretly gay.
  19. This game is really 70% story. If you can't handle the story (as well as making moral decisions) then you won't enjoy this game. I am enjoying it. I like the story, the world is well-written and quite immersive. Voice acting isn't as bad as bleck says it is but there are cases where it's way too fake-British-"Cheerio, old chap!" sounding. I like Leliana's voice because it's actually not a faux British accent. Same reason I liked Gorim's voice, too. But the game is hard, and can force you to make some very tough decisions if you take particular story paths. I went to a town where you have to deal with a demon who possessed a woman's son, and your choices are: - Let the woman sacrifice herself to save her son - Kill the son, killing the demon in the process Neither choice was appealing and I actually sat around for a while thinking, "Is there no other way?" Most games don't make me go through that kind of emotional investment. I actually stopped playing KOTOR because I was a Dark Jedi character and by the time I did my Jedi Training, I was doing such evil things that I actually felt disturbed by it.
  20. In my opinion (you're free to disregard it), one person should be allowed to name their track "Unknown world" and use it as the central material. Everyone else should consider medleys instead, and weave some material from Unknown world with other themes. The symphonic suites tend to do medleys of tracks rather than tracks on their own for example. Dragon Quest music is not very motif-based (unlike, for example, Final Fantasy in which we hear the 'main theme' in many songs - you may get the "sad" version and the "chase" version and the "fighting" version) so it may be interesting to get variations of the same track.
  21. Well it's like 10-20 people who each create 1 song in an hour. We don't really collaborate during the song writing process that often.
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