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Everything posted by Arcana

  1. But depending on what his situation is a desktop PC might be impractical, for example if he moves a lot or his house sucks or he's never at home. If you do decide to get a laptop, make sure you look at getting a lot of RAM. It's about the only thing you can upgrade in most laptops, so you may as well get as much of it as you can. 4GB nowadays is a decent amount but depending on your budget you may want to bump it up even more. Macs are good, I like them, but if you are looking purely for budget options then a PC allows you to get into those low price ranges.
  2. I don't know, Wild LAWLZ is pretty catchy.
  3. A big problem is that RPG gameplay is kind of, well, bad. There's a reason that Final Fantasy does well, and it's because their developers tend to try to invent a system that is replayable and customizable, but at the same time not bogged down in administrative details. In general the FF series is one of the few Japanese-style RPGs that try to keep themselves up to date and that's why they keep doing well. A lot of other RPGs unfortunately are, well, boring. They have a few quirky features or some hook, but are otherwise the same game as every other game in the genre. So, once you're done with the story, you don't want to play anymore because the game itself is bad.
  4. Frankly, a lot of RPG stories are terribly dated. Their stories are awesome when you're ages 12-19... but then after that you realise that a lot of those stories are bad. Another game that I love but can't go back and play is Xenogears. Lack of text scroll speedup would torture me to death.
  5. That was worth my 9 minutes and 18 seconds. Can't believe it only has a couple hundred views.
  6. There were a lot of games that were good "back in the day". I wasted hours and hours playing to death games like Star Ocean 2 and Final Fantasy VII. But there's a problem. I think my memory of those games thinks of those games as much better than they really are. There are some games that actually pass the test of time and that I play over and over again, but I have a hard time thinking that, if I go pick up and play Final Fantasy VII tonight that I'll think it's just as awesome as it was back in the day. In comparison though, I could actually play Suikoden (the first game) a few times (mostly because it's so short) and feel entertained, or Final Fantasy Tactics/Tactics Ogre to death and not ever feel bored. It is a dumb thing to worry about, but yes, polygon characters totally date themselves... whereas 2D sprites are "just a different type of art".
  7. Wild LAWS! I think it is great that we have the support if we need it (I probably will). Thanks bLinD!
  8. But you know, if you did tell me I'd learn a lot. I probably won't get it right and you'd end up doing the mixdown for me anyway, but I'd still learn from the instruction
  9. People who analyze hugs probably, well, don't normally hug people?
  10. If I haven't spent at least an afternoon with you, or if you're not in Theatre, then I find hugs weird. I hug theatre people though.
  11. thasauce uses MySQL!!!! p.s. compo tomorrow I swear, compo is like the high point of my week. My weeks aren't particularly exciting.
  12. Dude, I can't play instruments either. And I'm terrible at playing stuff by ear. We make do with what we've got though.
  13. And I'm stuck here with my four year old software tools......! Months behind!
  14. You know, I clicked on "Report" on Level 99's post to report it as "awesome" but then I realized that it was only for harassment or spam.

  15. He probably thought, "There's a remix project? I better get new instruments!" It's all for you.
  16. I was surfing this site a little bit and browsed through the sites and noticed that in that description there was a nod-out to this song. And I said to myself, "Hey, it's Rayza, he's a pretty cool guy." This song gets credit as the song that brought me back to downloading and listening to OCR music again. I love the gliding synths and the slightly retro feel that this song has, but at the same time the production is sharp and the samples are tasteful. This song is great fun. Props to you.
  17. Where do you vote? edit: You were really smart doing this remix. Reflects the song's "theme" (if there is one), and the type of people who normally listen to Black Eye Peas would be into this waaay more danceable version of the song. Nice stuff.
  18. Dude I was like "omg omg omg" talking to people in IRC. I was even more thrilled when people started recognizing me by NAME. Now I've gotten used to it. I don't really hang around on the #ocremix channel anymore, it feels a bit strange and foreign to me because I don't know anyone there anymore. OCR is a scary place online... ... but apparently it's pretty swell IRL.
  19. Or I can go up to someone and be like, "I really liked (insert name of old song here)" and then they'll kind of look at me with this WTF look on their face because, secretly, they think it's their worst published song on the Internet.
  20. Makes me sad to see this project get so little interest. I'm going to look at the tracks and see what I can do for this.
  21. You're going to Vegas? It's cheaper to fly to Vegas than it is to take a bus to Vancouver.
  22. I've never really hung around deeply enough in the community to really connect with a bunch of people. When I was living close to Toronto it was easy to go to a couple of the Toronto meetups (and those were really fun) and if I was still in that area it wouldn't be much of a stretch to head to Maryland or New York or Boston or wherever the east-coast people are. Now I'm Victoria and it's far from everything. Who ever heard of a "Vancouver/Seattle" OCR Meetup? I sure haven't. I wouldn't go anyway, I haven't quite reaquianted myself yet. I disappeared in about 2006 or so and now it's 3 years later and I come back and everyone's married and all kinds of people I used to talk with have disappeared and I don't really play console games anymore But even though everyone's remote, I still think that distance DOES have a huge impact on whether you connect with people. That and I'm also kind of quiet and conservative to start with.
  23. Damn, and I thought learning how to make omelettes was pretty freakin' awesome. You know, even though I still want one of these, I think my life has become better since I gave up specifically going for it. Now I make nonsensical stuff for One-hour Compos and even though I still think my music sucks, it's more fun than I've had ever trying to come up with "OCR-quality stuff" on my own.
  24. OCR changed my life in many ways... but there's one small thing that was said on this forum that ended up forever modifying my habits. Smoke (does he still post here anymore?) in a discussion on cooking (eggs, specifically), said that the way that he prepared omelettes was that he would shake the eggs first before pouring them into the pan, instead of adding milk. He also pointed out that you need to use a lid. So I tried shaking the eggs and it was awesome - the eggs were fluffy, not watery, and it was a pretty awesome omelette. I also used a lid and it made omelette cooking so much easier. So... now whenever I make an omelette I have to shake the eggs first. And I owe that all to OCR. Small things seem to make such large effects.
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