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Everything posted by Arcana

  1. Can I get love as well? I'll return the favour! Everything you do to me, I'll do back to you!
  2. I actually listened to almost all of the new VGDJ shows. WOW YOU MENTIONED ME AND MY PH.D PLANS LIKE WAY BACK IN NOVEMBER. THANKS GUYS.
  3. What's the street price of the SH-201, and why is it ugly/not ugly? I can't tell enough about it just by looking at it. I'm in the market for a small, portable hardware synth. I'm flipping around trying to get something like an Alesis Micron, or maybe a Novation X-Remote 25, or maybe some older Novation gear used. It looks like the SH-201 might be something to consider, though.
  4. for me regarding the Sale. I bought mine for full price. The PCR-A30 is the 30-key version of the controller with the audio interface, so it's probably not what you got.
  5. Hey, now there's another PCR-80 owner! (aside from the ubiquitous PCR-30 owners) Is that the PCR-M80 or just the PCR-80? PCR is definitely the most cost effective option for a 61-key MIDI controller, IMHO, so you made the right choice Actually not. It's one of the mid-range price models. The M-Audio Radium is cheaper, and I believe the CME one might be cheaper, too. However it's still a nice controller and it cerrtainly does not feel like a cheap controller. Playing with the Radium, I could hear the creaks of little springs behind the keys.
  6. Well, what works for you is actually something I'd consider trying. I am in the stage where I struggle with finding good ideas. Don't take my lack of a reply as a lack of interest. I read this thread, hit the sequencer, and see what I come up with.
  7. According to the site, the CD is out of Australia, and is supposed to support "local talent". I have a suspicion of indiscriminate advertising, here...
  8. Check out this thread: http://www.ocremix.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=21071
  9. From one of Darkesword's essays: I think I recall the concept of the bass note from theory course. However, I'm still struggling with (among other things) making a bassline that's catchy and interesting. Also, I'm wondering if anyone has help to disassociate me from the idea that "bass guitar" or "double bass" is the only kind of bass out there. I also might be confusing a lot of bass with drums, too. I don't really even know what I'm asking, unfortunately. I am struggling intensely still with composition and would like some advice, so I figure I'd start here.
  10. Isn't Soundtrack Pro included with Logic Pro? Slightly OT. If you're looking for Apple software for music, check below. http://www.apple.com/downloads/macosx/audio/ While many of the top sequencers will be listed below (Reason, Logic, Cubase), you can also come across many small, useful tools that might even be free.
  11. He may, instead, try looking it up on the Internet or elsewhere on the site first.
  12. You were gently directed to the right location when you made a mistake. No one called you stupid, or an idiot, or a n00b, or anything like that. Still, it's accepted etiquette for a new person to read and educate himself before posting in the forms to ask a question, and when we, as forum members, watch hundreds of people post, "How do I submit a song?" on the board, I hope you can understand that some of us sigh in exasperation.
  13. Ohh how wrong you are my good sir. If you read my post, I never asked what to use, rather I asked how to submit in which I did some digging and found how to do. But Anywayz, yes I have musical and production experience. I have 14+ years of piano experience and about 5+ years of production experience. I simply need all my equipment (and time) to get started the way I want to. Trust me, from some of these mixes that I've heard, mine shouldn't be all that shabby. Trust when I say that casios or anything similar dont exist in this studio, no sir! lol I think there's a slight amount of cynicism from some of us because you weren't able to mouse-over the "remixing" link and find the "submissions and standards" link. But don't let us stop you. Post what you've got sometime. Only then can they truly pass judgement.
  14. I loaded the files up and dumped them into my iTunes and then started cooking supper. After about six or seven tracks, I was baffled at the very odd ordering of the tracks -- for example, Blake's track, which featured a medley of the Chrono Trigger themes, seemed to be a very odd introduction. Now that I'm back at my computer, I have figured it out - someone didn't fill out the "Track Number" field or the "Disc Number" field in the ID3 tags. I recommend that this be fixed; in the meantime, I'll be renumbering the tracks. EDIT: I see Mouser X already pointed this out, and CompyFox replied, asking "Why should I?" The reason is because many music players, namely, iTunes, sorts the tracks using the metadata in the ID3 tags. When I loaded it up, it noticed that there were no track numbers, and then proceeded to sort by artist, so I was listening to Blake's tracks first, then Darkesword's. I remember questioning the ordering of the tracks and thinking that this project's organization was questionable, at best, and it hardly allowed me to "relive the game" in symphonic glory like I had hoped. I had to go through the track list and renumber the tracks myself, which should have been an unnecessary activity, and I felt it ruined, a little bit, the impact of some of the first time listening to the track. I advise that this project (and all future OCR projects) include track numbering. Like it ir not, iTunes, and its associated iPod are insanely popular and the average new listener might well be in fact downloading this project to listen on their iPod or iTunes.
  15. Use the WIP forum, Luke! Do not just post and beg for responses. Read the threads and listen to the songs, too. That will give you an idea of what kind of stuff gets on OCR, and what kind of stuff does not.
  16. Everything is allowed. However, only the judges know truly what gets accepted and what does not get accepted. The other group to look for real advice from are people who know music (which is judged by their technical ability with music, and the quality of their previous reviews). Chances are if someone posts and says, "HEY!!!! Nice music! This is awesome! Keep going, it'll get onto OCR for sure!", they don't really know what they're talking about. If someone posts, "There's a great deal of creative arrangement going on here, but I'm noticing issues with the quality of the sounds. Especially at the lower end, your brass sounds really, really dominating and it's drowning out the rest of the mix. I really like the way the flute and the oboe interact with each other at the higher end, though, especially ay 2:15. Bring those out more, and I think this has a very good chance it'll get past the judges.", there's a good chance that the listener knows what they're talking about, and has a stronger grasp of what the OCR standard really is.
  17. HI! I hauled in nothing related to music, although I did buy myself "Advanced Logic Pro 7" back in October and haven't even opened it yet. I need to open the music applications again. Any words of advice for a newly-born newb? I did get a toaster oven and a vacuum cleaner, though.
  18. Sorry, my hosting's disappeared for the time being, so your RPS files aren't online. They might not be around for a while, wait a month or so.
  19. A "collab". We'll see if I get a chance to work on this, maybe before I move I can get something done.
  20. On my Mac, it's Option-Click. It'll give you an automation lane. I think that's Alt-Click on the PC. If you alt-click a parameter, it'll give you the appropriate lane. Don't forget to create a sequencer track for the module first, though. A really awesome trick with the Combinator though is that you can assign pretty much every single parameter to the knobs in the programmer, and then automate the combinator knobs and buttons. If you do this, you can start automating things that you normally wouldn't be able to automate, like the Malstrom Modulation wave shapes or the DDL delay steps.
  21. I take it you're bowing out, then? I was looking forward to hearing you develop the theme further and improve what you had, but if you're having trouble and can't get started, then I guess it's for the best. Thanks for letting me know. As an aside: If anyone's interested in Martel's theme, talk to me privately (on AIM or via PM) so we can set something up. It's too difficult to promise anything anymore. Immediately after my thesis is done I have to pack and move back home, and then pack and move a few thousand kilometres out west to a place where I might not have access to my own computer for three or four weeks. Now maybe this might not be the case (maybe I'll get a laptop or something and my ass'll be saved) but since it *might*, you're better off finding someone else instead of hoping that some time after I return home and before I move out west, I can finish a song (a final version of a song no less), find Internet access with which to upload it, and then ensure it's up to the quality that the rest of the project is at. The variables are much too foggy for me to be able to promise a final version of a track to you for January 2nd. So instead of saying that I can and will do it and maybe missing that date, I'd rather just say that I can't and not hold up your project. Sorry people.
  22. I would recommend that you find a replacement for Martel's theme.
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