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  1. Hey All! was recently inspired by Light_of_Aether's JFG re-orchestration (and also the acquisition of some new instruments) to do a JFG mix. original: [uPDATED 8-10-14] my mix:https://soundcloud.com/mark-fuhrman/jfg-remix-unfinished Obviously it's not finished yet, but I had a question before I went too far with it- Is the arrangement too conservative? Assuming that I mostly stick with the kind of stuff I'm already doing, would this pass as a "remix", or be tossed because it was too close to the original? Thanks in advance, and I'm definitely open to other comments/feedback- just know that I'm probably not even 50% done yet.
  2. Hi there! So, I played through Child of Light last weekend, and I just loved the music. In particular, the flute theme she plays at several parts in the game. So I decided to play with that. Source(Not on the OST): My WIP: https://soundcloud.com/thebigspoon/col-at-v002
  3. Hi. I am working on a rock/metal/something remix on the Talon theme from Saga 3 ( )Besides the obvious lack of fresh guitar strings, intonation and tightness of the performance I am more concerned that I cannot seem to find some parts to extend it. As it is, it stands pretty short. I know that the source tune is not very long, but I have a hard time finding alternate melodies besides some original stuff which might or might not fit the piece. I have the feeling it might be just too simple or boring in terms of melody. Also, I am unsure about the slow part in the middle, it comes pretty surprising, but I guess it can work, I kinda like it. Meh Some opinions would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks in advance! Oh yeah, link to the WIP: Clicky! Cheers, Luhny
  4. http://zazmusic.bandcamp.com/track/wip-curiouser-and-curiouser Even the stuff here isn't done, and I might add more later. If I decide to keep going with this game, one of the things I'd like to do is give each major section a big fat soli in rbrty ytsvk, kinda like what I did with the low brass in this one, but even moreso. I dunno.
  5. I Was just wondering if I could get some feedback on the remix im working on. UPDATE I tried to fix it, does this sound any better? feedback woould be appreciated https://soundcloud.com/limberturtle/fzero-silences
  6. Hello all. This is a mix I have had for years and years, but I didn't really work to get it polished. It's complete and I'm looking for opinions or suggestions, as I'd like to have it considered for admission to the site. It's a remix of a very short theme, the menu select from Mario 64. Please give it a listen! Thanks! Source: http://youtu.be/2HhdZMpSvXg Remix: https://soundcloud.com/ryan-joseph-miller/file-select-v9-5-sm64-file
  7. Hi all. Here is a work-in-progress from Ecco: Tides of Time. The tune is "Two Tides". EDIT: here is the most recent version (v3): http://picosong.com/PQPe/ http://picosong.com/PXM3/ The opening is actual whale and dolphin samples. I couldn't get the ocean sound out of one of them without removing the cool growl that goes with it so that has been left in (any suggestions? I tried Audacity noise reduction). Also worth noting that a reconstruction of the Bloop is in the background throughout, so that's what the weird sound from time to time is. The original can be found here: So... what does everyone think?
  8. Hey fellas, just got "finished" with this, but I could use some critique at this point. I feel like there might be a couple of spots left where it sounds kind of dissonant (in a bad way), but I can't really tell anymore. Any suggestions or observations would be helpful. https://soundcloud.com/money_begone/i-kinda-just-saved-the-world-v11-wip-mega-man-4-ending-remix-trip-hop-downtempo-chillout
  9. A calm, jazzy and most of all nostalgic remix of the Pause Menu music from Pokémon Trading Card Game (released for the Game Boy Color) and the Route 210 music from Pokémon Diamond, Pearl and Platinum (with a hint of Yoshi's Island near the end). I'd like to improve my skills when it comes to remixing (and composing in general), and submit this to OCR – which is why I'm asking you guys for feedback on this remix Sources: Remix: "Let's Take a Break" on SoundCloud Any feedback is welcome
  10. Hey, MikeViper here. I started working on a Soul/R&B remix of the Windmill Island music. It's a WIP, but critique is welcome. You can listen to it here: https://soundcloud.com/magnius2/windmill-remix
  11. https://soundcloud.com/ryanreilly/hope-strings-string-solo Working on my string techniques. I am excited to add other instruments to the piece. I'll keep updating here as I work on it.
  12. Random remix of the Cargo Bay theme that I will probably never finish. Source: Remix https://app.box.com/s/oqc9aoydtdyhol9xq3q3 Feel free to share any comments and/or feedback you may have! Thanks.
  13. I got done transcribing Multi-Man Melee 1. So the remix is far from being done. The drums are just a placeholder for now. I plan on changing them later. I'm debating whether or not I should remove the organ part at 1:02, which is in the original, but sounds weird in my remix. I'm also debating on whether or not I should keep the narrator's voice. I'm not looking for an evaluation on anything that has to do with mixing down and such. Any other feedback such as what I could add and whatnot is fine. Source: Remix: Faustkampf
  14. Hi all, I've had this arrangement sitting around for way too long, and decided to finally try to get in a finished state to submit. Feeling relatively confident about the arrangement, less so about the mix. Would love any feedback you guys can give (and sorry it's on the long side!). Thanks. Remix: https://soundcloud.com/rhumphrey/cid-tempmix Source:
  15. Aight, here is another solo piano arrangement by me. This time it's the famous Red Soil theme from Super Metroid. Source: http://youtu.be/Ai2dhNW0-sc Remix: https://app.box.com/s/0boqcetbc8wl4i3j0rj1 I'd say the arrangement is pretty much finished but there is some sloppy playing and a few timing issues that i want to eliminate. Thanks for listening and you are welcome to leave some feedback!
  16. Hey guys! This is my first attempt at a remix, or any real music for that matter...so it's not the greatest... I know this is also a super early WIP, but that's mostly why I wanted to post it now. I want to see if there are any big mistakes I'm making before I spend more time on this track. I'm very passionate about VG music, and this song in general is one of my all time favourite NES songs I hope it's at least decent! I would appreciate any feedback, even if it's just "lol nt gg" Thanks guys!!! Here it is: The original:
  17. Source: Mix: http://picosong.com/YBe9/ New to remixing, so I don't really intend on submitting this anywhere, although I would love to learn how to make this mix better. I know this source has been done to death although it is quite simple to work with and also sounds amazing so it was a good place to start remixing. Any criticism, good/bad/whatever, is welcome because this is all a learning curve for me. Thanks in advance!
  18. Hey guys So we've recently been working on a sort of jazzy-EDM type remix for "We All Become" from Transistor. We've got alot down on it now, but we've kind of hit a bit of a wall. Give it a listen and let us know what you think. I've gone ahead and posted a link to the song below. https://soundcloud.com/arkaticasound/we-all-become-arkatica-sound-wip Thanks everyone!
  19. Animal Crossing is really one of those childhood games for Nintendo fanatics who were young in the 00s, and even though I don't play it anymore I have a soft spot and fondness for it. Sonic Adventure is the same way for me because I had a Gamecube instead of a Dreamcast and therefor got the DX edition. I really like the soundtracks to both games, AC for its adorable simplicity and SA for its overwhelming power. I've recently been planning on constructing a concept album on one of the summers I had a couple years ago, and thought that the 5PM theme, updated, would sound really good in the album because of its laid-back sunset groove sound and the fact that the game was part of the summer back then. It's meant to be three parted: the first part is just a simple remake of the 5PM theme, with a few instruments changed, the bassline edited, a few new instruments added in different parts to make the song have a little more going on... the 2nd part is supposed to suddenly switched from laid-back to aggressive before entering a long "jam section," and the 3rd part is supposed to calm everything down with a version of the ending of E-102 Gamma's theme (both that song's ending and 5PM's theme have the same chord changes in general right? It would be a smooth transition actually) on acoustic guitar, electric bass, strings, piano, organ and acoustic drums. So far I've only got the first part finished but I plan on fixing it up a little bit and then working on the 2nd part pretty soon. The first part is called "Tangerine Skies" because of the sunset feel of the original song. The main thing I ask from you all at OCRemix are just basic ideas on how I can improve it. I still don't know a whole lot about songwriting or FL Studio 11 so I would ask for tips mainly on updating the instrumental tones to sound more authentic, or correcting any incorrect notes/chord changes in particular. I actually performed this before by myself on a few instruments and I've asked one of my music teachers for advice on making this happen, so I already have a good idea on how it is supposed to sound and notation and everything. Still, I don't think it's perfect and could use some small-scale modification. Let me know what you think could be done, but be nice. I'm trying my best. >.> http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/581875
  20. So I've started remaking Generation 3's music in preparation for the release of the remakes. I've put up one song so far, Dive. Check it out and subscribe to the channel to listen as soon as its up! http://youtu.be/_PxhAUaOJ0Y
  21. Source: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/66640537/world%20of%20warcraft%20-%20leveling%20montage%20%281%29.mp3 Because why the hell not?
  22. This is a theme that would work for a platformer or RPG. Musically it's pretty much finished https://soundcloud.com/ryanreilly/corpus-cavernum-mighty-final I really could use some scoop on the mix. I am trying to find a way to keep the piece in the blue with compression and not in the red. Any suggestions for compressors or limiting that might help me achieve these ends? Anything bad? STUFF? THINGS?
  23. Yes, I've been active on the forums lately, but that's besides the point. I've decided to put the other two ReMixes on infinite hiatus, just until I feel more adept at those two pieces. (Translation: They're really difficult to get right.) Anyways, here's a pure piano ReMix of "Build That Wall" from Bastion. I tried to get a more waltz style out of this mix, and except for 2 times where the time signature changes to 4/4, it is in a compound meter. I tried a few different techniques with this one, which is mainly mastering. Anyways, enough blathering, here's the link! Build Waltz: https://soundcloud.com/touchsoundmusic-1/building-waltz
  24. https://soundcloud.com/air3s/cereal-workin-on-it Havent post here in a while. just a idea im working on.
  25. Hello, I always loved Marble Madness and feel that it is under appreciated. This got me thinking...What if, in the Marble Madness universe, the black marbles are elite defenders of the Marble Empire preparing for battle against a rouge force of resistance marbles? This is what I think that would sound like.... Black Marble's Resolve Sources:
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