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  1. So, my second adventure on this forum shall be with this song, Mt. Blaze, from Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Red and Blue Rescue Team. Constructive criticism is requested. Enjoy. Listen here: http://tindeck.com/listen/rckg
  2. my newest song on fl studio im pretty happy with this one, even though i find it a bit boring comment plz
  3. Here's my metal remix of "Grabbag" from the Duke Nukem series. This was made in celebration of the upcoming game "Duke Nukem Forever". So take out your double-barrelled shotgun and get some hot bitches at the ready Original Remix http://soundcloud.com/sbeast/hail-to-the-king-baby Remix with video
  4. So I wrote this when I was about 14 or 15 years old. It's just a short jam but I recently decided to record it for the hell of it. I believe it was influenced by the F-Zero GX soundtrack at the time. The game had this awesome drop tuned metal/electronic soundtrack. So I guess that's what I was going for. Pick your poison: Youtube! - You can leave angry comments and see a picture! Soundcloud - Better sound quality and you can see a pretty waveform! I'm aware the tone sucks but it's all I got.
  5. Hello! Another experiment in sound. Any critics, advice, thoughts are welcome!! http://official.fm/tracks/206378 I want this track with vocals in future, but I not even started to think about lyrics. So any suggestions will be GREAT!! Thank You!
  6. This is a song I've made within the last month or so and posted to my YouTube channel. It's sort of a quirky instrumental piece. Any feedback would be appreciated, especially pointers/tips. Thanks, guys, and hope you enjoy.
  7. I am helping my friends with an iso-metric RPG project, and one of my favorite parts of the job is making themes for areas. The writer sends me a description of the area, the culture of the people, the color schemes, etc. and I provide a musical expression to reflect all that. This track is one our writer loves very much and I thought I would share it with you. It's an area theme, so the energy is subdued, ambient and unobtrusive. The instrumentation (aside from strings) is that of primitive folk instruments, to express the unrefined and druidic culture of the Elves who live in the forest. The melodic instruments are a Panflute and a Ney, and the drums are Dhol, Udu, Tabla and Djembe. The bells are Gamelan. http://soundcloud.com/andy-frank/wild-elf-dungeon Enjoy!
  8. Download.mp3 It's a slowed down breakbeat take on Fragma's "Toca's Miracle". More tunes can be found on my website
  9. I was up at 1 in the morning after the OHC and made this in two hours. It turned into like a space game feel. Tell me what you think of it so I can get better. 2 bullets
  10. This was made using samples I recorded of a small, 19-string harp http://soundcloud.com/theophany/theophany-folk-harp Let me know what you think!
  11. Howdy. Took a venture into some dubstep (I hardly even listen to electronic music) with a friend. You should check it out. It's pretty FILTHY GRIMY NASTY STUFF. Oh yeah. Chip elements, too. Why do dubstep fans describe music like this? http://soundcloud.com/kiddcabbage/siberun-kidd-cabbage-meow-mix
  12. Recently, I put together a cover of Simon's Theme as a concept piece to go with an article I wrote on IGN about recent industry buzz that developers are considering a "Nintendo Vs. Capcom" fighting game eventually. I hope you like it. Cheers. Higher Res Version: http://www.kongregate.com/collabs/sounds/Kamasenin/simons-theme-super-castlevania-4-remix?sort=by_newest Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZRHGG3TNSPg&feature=watch_response (Note: I've been trying like hell to use Vegas Pro 10 to create a youtube version with as little quality loss as possible while keeping the size down. If you have a rendering configuration that works really good for you, please let me know. Thank you.)
  13. It's been a long time since my last post. Anyway, a couple of months ago, I launched this club among a small circle of friends on IRC. The idea is, that each month there's a different theme, and people can create any art for said theme (music, 3D, short stories, photography, anything). Once the deadline is up, we listen/watch/read the created work in sync in random order and comment on them. It's been a great opportunity to get feedback, and the club challenges me to create something that (hopefully) fits the given theme, even if remotely. Plus I get to try out different kinds of (new) genres. That way I could hopefully develop as a musician. I'd like to show you what I've done for the past themes, here they are, from newest to oldest: January 2011, Theme: "Titaanin tanssiinkutsu" (The titan's invite to a dance or something like that; The titan's challenge perhaps): http://dl.dropbox.com/u/135436/DiseasedProject/Inside_The_Ancient_Temple_Of_Gods.mp3 December 2010, Theme: "Kaunis Anni kun surmattiin" (As beautiful Anni was slain): http://dl.dropbox.com/u/135436/DiseasedProject/Aaneti_Hankeen_Hukkunut_Taistelu_Elamasta.mp3 (Title translates to "Drown in snow silently (The battle for life)") December 2010 Bonus Theme (my own): "Kaunis Anni kun hurmattiin" (As beautiful Anni was charmed): http://dl.dropbox.com/u/135436/DiseasedProject/Esikoinen_Taapersi_Kuvioihin.mp3 (Title translates to "The firstborn toddled into the picture") November 2010, Theme: "Esihistoriallinen iltapäivä" (Prehistoric Afternoon): http://dl.dropbox.com/u/135436/DiseasedProject/Jurakauden_Tunnetuin_Metsastaja.mp3 (Title translates to "The most well-known hunter of the Jurassic era") Hope you like them. I might update this thread after we've chewed through current themes.
  14. This. Any thoughts and criticisms would be appreciated.
  15. So, I did a remix of Band Land for the PRC a long time ago. I touched it up and I think it's ready for submission but I figured I'd get some feed back before I send it in. http://soundcloud.com/vabrew/jazz-band-isle
  16. Just a quick original thing as a break from game mixes. http://soundcloud.com/the-radical-sifu/chillin-on-the-moon
  17. http://www.box.net/shared/ciy13f5pky It's a remix of another person's original song (http://ocremix.org/forums/member.php?u=42496), done in a style similar to Glitch and Ambient. I'm pretty much done, but if anyone has any suggestions on how to improve it, or further pieces, I'm willing to take them (I'd like to try and make my work sound a bit closer to studio work). Also pardon the leet speak in the name, it just seemed the most fitting for the track
  18. Any input much appreciated! YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bwpInfQEJJM (Tried uploading in HD this time around; hopefully somewhat less ruined audio?) mp3: https://sites.google.com/site/pianodemos/files/windfall_island_theme.mp3
  19. Okay so I know there's already a piano remix of The Moon floating around in this same subforum, and it was in fact listening to that mix that reminded me how beautiful the theme could sound in a relaxing/ambient mood and inspired me to do own of my own. I'm not trying to compare this with the other remix or anything, it's my own take on the piece (and the B theme from Wind Scene just happened to seem to fit in). I amended the Wind Scene A Theme to fit in with the chords of the Moon, so hopefully it sounds like a cohesive piece rather than being messily medley-ish. The piano is obviously sequenced so the tempo/velocity changes are few and mechanical between, I'm hoping someone can help me out and play this live, so if anybody's willing to please do contact me yeah? Anyway, comments if you will? Final Version! (I'm thinking of the title "Ebbed tides and webbed feet", or is that too lame? Sources: The Moon: Wind Scene:
  20. Hey guys, I've been working on some music lately with a program I recently downloaded and I thought I'd share a Zelda tribute. This is my first serious composition (I know it's far from perfect), but I'd appriciate some feedback or constructive criticism as well as your own personal thoughts. Thanks!
  21. a little ambient tune :] \ http://snd.sc/dHov3F
  22. http://soundcloud.com/eilios/valiant So, yeah, I made this song as a background loop for whatever needs background loops, left it sitting in my projects folder, rediscovered it, then did some mastering on it and looped it and uploaded it on soundtrack. It's pretty calm, I think. Comment as you will!
  23. Hey! Reunion Netlabel is where you find free electronic music, released at a steady pace, with HQ music from many people from this community, but also from the net label/demo scene/music scene in general. Check us out, OK!? http://reuniverse.org (170+ FREE tracks!) -.------------------------------------------------------------ Ok! zircon gives us another quality breakbeat track! Great stuff as always! It's been a while since we got an original from Andrew, and I feel a little comforted now that 2011 has kicked off with 2 such cool tracks. The piano work in this one gives me the chills! Don't Miss Out!!! Enjoy! http://reunion.sgxmusic.com/173%20-%20zircon%20-%20Wasteland.mp3
  24. After the last remix I subbed getting turned down for not deviating enough from the original (Ref: ) I've been anxious to work on not making the same mistake with my next 'big remixing project'.This is something I've been working on for the past week to that end so far, and I invite brutal honesty upon my work for growth purposes, if nothing else. Certainly I'm focusing on the composition as opposed to the production in this instance. Thanks for any time spent deliberating Original Version : Remix : http://soundcloud.com/mojohamster/dune-sea *updated 02/03/2011
  25. We posted the tune here awhile ago, but made a video and thought it would be cool to just put it up here. Enjoy das Mortal Kombating. -Dan
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