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  1. Soundole and I teamed up again to bring you this jazzy rendition of Dragon Roost Island from Windwaker. If banjo/electro/jazz ain't your thing, I don't blame you...but if it is, this song might be exactly what you have been looking for! http://youtu.be/bfkfv7-pN1o
  2. I was inspired by real life events to write this song for my Yes.Mustache project, which is itself inspired by video games and gaming culture. If you have a friend or family member that seems to be unable to put your game discs away properly, play this for them.
  3. My inspiration for this remix actually came from Unknown's Theme from Tekken Tag Tournament. Of course I structured it to kinda give off the vibe of how one feels going through this boss fight, which is why I picked up the pace at the last part because of how intense it is. Hope you all enjoy it. ^^ https://soundcloud.com/bluerhythmz/marvel-vs-capcom-2-abyss-theme-remix
  4. Hey everyone, I just finished another cover using Electronic Wind Instruments, and I'd love for you to have a listen and tell me what you think. Any feedback is always appreciated!
  5. https://soundcloud.com/yoshiblade1/feeling-blue original- ( if I get a hearty response I'll switch to the original Link to more a Musically focused oneDid i miss the Halloween spoopky rush?!?!?! Damn! Ah well, here is the creepiest and most terrifying of all styles dubstepishness OOOhHOHOhoHOOOOOOOO ( that was a ghost, who needs to learn to take advantage of sessional styles) So this mix is for all intents done, I would have ModR'd the tag but I still want to put some 4Swords samples in it( for those who haven't tried, the Dark Link is the reason I mixed this just so i could hear his adorable voice) listen for Dark Link in the play through, dear god he's a cute......sorry.
  6. Link(lol Link for a Zelda mix...): http://www.reverbnation.com/darangen/song/22160673-falling-back-instrumental-version Hey everyone, I recently bought an Eleven Rack and wanted to test it out, so I re-recorded my Remix "Falling Back" to see what it was capable of. I liked the result so I'm posting it here in case someone else may like it too. All guitars and bass were recorded through the Eleven Rack, no additional FX, EQ, or compression. This was just a test to see how the raw sound would come out in a mix.
  7. Hi everyone. Today is "Día de Muertos" in my country México, so I decided to make this cover... maybe it has nothing to do with Día de Muertos but we are really close so let's make a cultural clash jejeje... greetings.
  8. My next cover track of famous NES game "Mitsume Ga Tooru": https://soundcloud.com/journey-covers/sublevel-5
  9. Sampled Civ 5 and put this together, hopefully some of you guys enjoy it Thanks for listening!
  10. YouTube Link Also download your free copy (Incapacitate: Halloween Album) http://www.mediafire.com/download/d5...capacitate.zip
  11. YouTube Link Also download your free copy (Incapacitate: Halloween Album) http://www.mediafire.com/download/d5...capacitate.zip
  12. Remix: Laguna Tides (Besaid Island) Hey all, it's been a while since I've poked my head in here! I've had this remix cooking for a while, working on it in chunks during what little spare time I have left in my life... At this point I feel like it's far enough along to share for some feedback What I've got here is a semi-developed skeleton that's still lacking in detail work, but I think is pretty far along in terms of sound design. I'm curious to hear what everyone else thinks - there's a couple of aspects of this WIP that I'm really proud of! Some things I still need to touch on: - Expanding the piano/pad chords throughout the song to make everything more lush - Adding variation to the drum loops - Some sort of lead instrument/synth solo in the last section - Additional sound design throughout the song, but especially during the intro - Other variations throughout the song Thanks in advance for listening, I'm excited to post something here again... it's been forever!
  13. I don't have proper studio monitors, so please let me know if this is too bass-y. I'm trying to strike some semblance of tonal balance with the setup that I currently have, because I have no money to spend on equipment right now. As it stands, I have to wrap my computer in a blanket every morning just to make it boot (yes, I have disassembled the machine and re-applied the thermal paste to no avail). It is what it is...
  14. Here you go! Feedback is appreciated
  15. Hey Everyone! back this time with my first serious remix! hope you guys like it and any and all feedback would be more than welcome. THANKS AGAIN!!!!! http://youtu.be/QRYXENwrTiU
  16. I sampled most of the opening song to create this hip hop remix. I thought the song was really nice and the samples would be really cool with a beat. https://soundcloud.com/bluerhythmz/akatsuki-no-yona-hip-hop-remix
  17. I really wanted to make this song dark and dreary. I hope you enjoy it! http://youtu.be/gZKf_IXKJsI
  18. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you're not going to reply, at least listen: Gumshoe 2014 Remix ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello folks, are you in for some nostalgia? (2009 thread CLICK) It's TheUllas, just five years older. Geez, we're all getting old pretty fast. After finishing Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies and doing some "browsin'", I found my old remix from 2009 on my even older YT account: [Detective Gumshoe 2009 Remix] And before I knew it, I was already finishing this: Detective Gumshoe 2014 Remix I wonder if Gario and Soliarc are still around. For those of you who're still with me: Thank you for sharing some of your valuable time. (: PS: Please don't mind the flashy description and visuals, I'm just super pumped and happy if someone here enjoys it as it is. Praise and criticism (especially the latter) are always welcome. Based on this.
  19. So remix of Vermilion City here, huge departure from the normal here, Posted 2 remixes with no feedback and now I'm dredging up musical madness, from the deepest recesses of my battered brain made crazy by 3 weeks with no critiques on the other mixes I posted. Don't believe me Im losing my musical mind? Then this track should clear up any linger doubts of my instrumental insanity I'll even throw in some gibberish free of charge....."PokeMon?!?! Pokemon?!?!? With the Poke- and-the-Mon and Waug-Uag-uag-uag-uag!!!" Remix- https://soundcloud.com/yoshiblade1/verm
  20. edit: updated http://www.michaelLochlann.net/music/Michael_Lochlann_-_Threads_of_ Memories_2014_(Akihiko_Mori).mp3 prog rock/steven wilsoney version of original by akihiko mori recorded this last year, really liked it but needed some work, i revisited it tonight with a little editing and a new guitar take. i am also trying to put vocals in the first part but i'm new to that so i may leave it how it is. currently unmastered. will be submittin to oc once i decide on the vocals and master it. let me know what you think
  21. Finally, i decided to share this sound hope you enjoy it! https://soundcloud.com/zathoz/gate
  22. Hi! I don't remember when I posted here or anywhere last time, because of lot of things and problems, and whatever other thing.. Anyway one of whatever things was my WEDDING! So yeah I'm married now. This was written day before wedding and supposed to be a wedding dance music. Aand it was! We were "dancing"(i can't dance). My wife love this tune, so do I. We hope you guys enjoy this too) https://soundcloud.com/mak-eightman/wedding-dance P.S. I'm coming back to music..
  23. Hey yall! here again this time with something a little different. been playing a little DOS BOX recently and decided to come up with a new soundtrack for one of my favorite games. so come check it out wont you!!! http://youtu.be/bBLyjqzf1bM
  24. I actually recently did this for college but I'm pretty happy with how it turned out Also, it's Halloween season so it came at the right time of year https://soundcloud.com/ohaiguy/fugue-in-a-minor-for-organ
  25. This is a track I composed for the flash game, Lost Soul, on Kongregate. Some feedback on arrangement and production would be great thanks. I feel that it's a bit lacking in the mid-range, but I've done what I can so far... Thanks
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