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  1. Well, It's bin a while. I'v bin practicing and messing around for a while now, and I'v learned a bit here and there. Figured I may as well start refining a track again. Well, Also I kinda noticed it's bin quite a while. So I figured, I should see how much better I'v gotten over all this time. The track I decided would probably go best was The Amazing Water, From NiGHTS Into Dreams. It's a more relaxing track to make, and the test I had of it didn't seem that bad. So I cleaned it up and all that and released the first version. Err... About four months ago. I decided, I was a bit overdue to actually make a final version. So here I am, and I have the second version. Here it is: https://soundcloud.com/xumtosis/theamazingwaterversion-2 You can check out version one, If you'd like an idea of how it's changed: https://soundcloud.com/xumtosis/the-amazing-water-wip I didn't add to much in the way of notes and arrangement, It was mainly fine tuning everything to a point I was happy with it. Well, That's all for now. Hope you enjoy it, and of course, Any feedback or critique is welcome. Thanks for reading and listening. -Update- Version 3 is done, so here's the link: https://soundcloud.com/xumtosis/the-amazing-water-version-3
  2. Never even attempted a remix before, but I had an idea of taking Castlevania's Heart of fire and applying a ragtime(ish) feel to it. This is only brief clip, I just wanna know if this track might have something going for it. As for the part at the end. I wasn't sure if it sounded better with octaves or chords when I made it. In hindsight, I think the chords sound better. No need to sugarcoat anything.
  3. Hey guys, been working on a Mega Man Maverick Hunter X2 OST. So far it's coming along really good I think. I plan to release the OST free to download when we finish all the tracks up. Here's some of them you can take a look at. MHX2 BOSS THEME http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oV_hFNlhqk4 MHX2 INTRO STAGE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MjZJM4FRZJQ MMX2 BUBBLE CRAB http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HBtv9s4ZNl8&list=PLHQmUWZ2dCOjahx2SCjPXdsjV_TebACrx&index=7 MMX2 ZERO http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O6ahCH7Lh_M You can find the entire play list here.
  4. So, I'm a newbie and I happen to find the site via YouTube in searching for Sonic sound effects, and I figured "Eh, why not, I'll post it here and get some feedback." So here I am. With that said, I'm essentially arranging different tracks from Sonic the Hedgehog 3 and making it a big mix thing. Right now, it starts off with the Special Stage music and then we hit Angel Island Zone Act 1, and proceeding that is Ice Cap Zone Act 1, which I'm currently working on. But enough chat, let's hit the music. https://soundcloud.com/stickygum32/sonic-test5 Only specific thing I'm looking for comments on is the sound effects from the game sprinkled in there. Keep 'em or ditch 'em? - StickyGum32
  5. Lately I've really been intrigued by SNES sounds. Super Metroid being one of my favorite styles of this category, I find myself using its Soundfont for compositions. This one, though, is the first that makes exclusive use of Super Metroid instruments, and nothing else. Any thoughts? Still shaping up, but I'd say it's turning out fairly well so far. Still needs a bassline. I do feel that I have yet to grasp that "true SNES" feel - e.g., William Kage - but I'm not entirely sure what I need to do still to capture it.
  6. Hello all! I've begun to make my own electronic songs of a genre I can't really identify under the alias Degree 0, and so I'm posting one of my songs here in the hopes that I can improve it. So here it is, https://soundcloud.com/degree0/metro-station. Any constructive criticism is greatly appreciated.
  7. This is my attempt at remixing this awesome track, it's still similar to the source track since I used a version of the track to guide me and then expand from there. I've got this 90s vibe all over my music so you should be able to hear some of that in how I made this track. ANYWAY! This is my first remix in here and I THINK It's going well, apart from it being similar to the source (At least at the beginning). I KNOW it does not have the best sound, I'll work on it when suggestions are made, because there is a time in production in which I hit some kind of dead end and need outside help . Also, it could be that it strays too far from the melody and stuff but I'm not sure, I like it the way it is. Finally, I am lazy when it comes to bass programming so yeah, there you go. Remix: https://soundcloud.com/joe-the-lion-1/living-machine Source: Feel free to listen and criticize. sorry my english is awful
  8. I've been lurking here for a while and considering making a remix of my own (not sure what I'll remix yet). On the side I compose and perform keyboard tracks and stuff for people I know online and in the real world. I performed the all of the piano and string sounds on the next two tracks. They are just demos and are completely raw, as far as I know they are currently working on mastering the tracks. This last one is a work in progress. A friend of mine whose in a metal band wanted me to compose a short prelude for a metal song on their next album. This was done in one take and so it's a little sloppy at the end. I usually try to record my ideas immediately so that I don't forget them.
  9. I have this goal, that I can finish this, thundercats and my remix for VV2 before the end of August and make all three not suck. Source: Remix thus far: https://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/storms-theme-wip-2 Is it heading in the right direction?
  10. Hello all! I'm working hard on making a new album now, and here's one of the tracks: the Himalaya Theme from Duck Tales (NES), in a chicken' pickin' country style, featuring a friend of mine on banjo. Edit: I've now almost finished the track. The only thing missing is the banjo during the last half of the song, as well as a ukulele. Let me know what ya'll thinks!
  11. So I love the remake of Thundercats and I've seen all the episodes even though it doesn't air here in Canada for another two months. I got a hold of the incredibly shitty Nintendo DS game. It isn't really worth playing, but the music is pretty good. I figured it would be cool to make a rock version (inspired by 80s hair metal bands) of both the Stage 1 theme and the 1st boss battle. I'd post a link to those sources, but I can't find them on YouTube; I just figured them out by ear while the game was paused. It's not finished and probably never will be, but here it is: https://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/thundercats-ds-rock-arrangment A friend of mine says he might play the bass for realz, but that remains to be seen. Go easy on it, it's my first remix. Nah, I'm just kidding. It ain't my first rodeo; I just suck. As video games proved though, sometimes we can feel like a guitar hero even if we really aren't. That's what this is.
  12. Dont really know what this qualifies as. but it has some big beat elements and its full of lfo goodness i might split this into two songs. im not really sure how to work with the ending to this. either way, im super proud of the first half. hit me with some critiques anywho. here you go https://soundcloud.com/jesse-mitchell-3/siren
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CDYBbY05bXM Hey guys this is a remix that I actually haven't submitted to the judges so I'm going to call this a work in progress. It's a remix of one of my favorite melodies to Link's Awakening, the town theme. Please give me your criticisms. I would like to start being able to release successful remixes lol. Well most people would lol. Thanks, Zachary
  14. Hey guys! I'm back with my first game remix in a long time, and again, it's Sonic! Something about that series' soundtrack just drives my inspiration wild. Last time I had a pretty simple remix of the Sonic 3 credits, but this time it's a cheery Drum and Bass cover/remix of Jaret Reddick's "Endless Possibilities", with my own vocals to take the place of his. The vocals aren't in yet, but they will be. I did only start this two days ago. xD But enough about the piece, I'd love it if you could take a listen and give me some feedback! Every bit of critique is useful, positive or negative, and the more specific the better. You can take a listen to a WIP of the song here: https://soundcloud.com/aviatorscompositions/endless-possibilities-remix Thanks for the feedback, and I can't wait to finish this muffersucker up!
  15. I've just got selected to possibly be composing for a Machinima Minecraft build series (through a friend who happens to be a director of a project) and I've been tasked with producing a 'demo reel' kind of thing to show off what I can do. The style for my brief has essentially been 'generic film music', and I've recently started working on said project. Problem is, I'm going through a bit of a musical slump and am rapidly losing inspiration and ideas for this project. Luckily, I've managed to power on a bit and I've mocked up just over a minute of (mostly filler) a composition and would love to get some feedback. Right now it's definitely more about the general feel of the music and possibly the general overall sound quality. So as not to completely melt my computer, I haven't rendered on highest quality settings, but this is about as close as I can get without taking hours and hours for each update. It'd also be great if people could possibly suggest some nice 'epic' orchestral chord progressions that aren't overused. I keep on coming across ones that I want to use but don't because film music is already saturated with them. Thanks in advance!
  16. Hey guy's so I've been doing a couple of jazz studies in the last few days and wanted to at least try my hand at something. I thought why not mix together the video game genre of my work so I came up with this: Mario's Jazventure I'd love to get some feedback on how I'm going about the style of jazz as a whole, are the instruments used in the right way? How do the chords sound? etc.. I've seen quite a few really nice jazz tracks on here and hopefully I can get some great pointers. Cheers!
  17. Hey guise, just got this rough demo of a piano cover of the Veniccio theme from Dark Cloud 2/Dark Chronicle. Its a piano bar/restaurant rendition. Its still in its "idea" stage, so this track was done nearly fully improv. The form hasn't yet been figured out, it will go something like this. Any criticism would be great, especially regarding form and composition. Also, I know the track isn't very loud. The finally version will be louder. Here is the original: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wY2Nqrlxcn0 Here is my version: http://tindeck.com/listen/oeav -Pallet Town Conservatorium of the Arts
  18. Will be adding another minute or so to the final version. Just need some critique as it stands so far please. I have a lot of trouble humanizing my mixes without the use of a midi keyboard but I'm hoping I have nailed it. Any tips would be great! Also wondering there is too much reverberation? Done in reason 5 alone, point and click! Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_qPtuOfQbyI Think it might need something else added to it in terms of instruments? Or keep it as a piano solo? Thanks guys!!!
  19. https://soundcloud.com/derajium/never-be-the-one This is my original song Never Be The One The original name that i had just tagged to the first WIP was Kyoto, due to the initial japanese instrument in the beginning of the song, that goes throughout the piece, but then on addition of vocals, changed the title to Never Be The One. I hope you enjoy, comments and feedback greatly appreciated.
  20. Did a short remix of a track from an upcoming game by a friend! It's short and sweet, but I'm working to expand it. Also, I've never played with a few of these instruments before, so I have questions about things such as chiptune, choice for orchestral instruments and whatnot. Cheers! Source: Remix: https://soundcloud.com/faytxstay/cryamore-to-the-skies-guitar
  21. Spent 3 hours straight making this "finished" product for all of you to listen to. https://soundcloud.com/killing-pepsi/majoras-mask-new-wave-bossa Hope you enjoy it, and all criticism is taken! here's the original song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6YGGAWgKxFg
  22. Most definitively unfinished, but right up to the end i think it keeps things interesting, so its mostly a matter of finishing it. the intro feels weak but im not sure what to change to keep the sound design smooth. any mixing gripes? https://soundcloud.com/jesse-mitchell-3/groove-dimension-chrono-cross
  23. https://soundcloud.com/aires/sky C is for COW
  24. Hello, Started work on this for a PRC - Sadly I haven't managed to finish it in time. (I know the french horn cuts out - poor rendering, will be fixed!) Hope you enjoy it so far! https://soundcloud.com/ellywu2/chrono-cross-going-to-a
  25. Click here to listen! I'm around halfways in a remix of my favorite soundtrack from the legend of Zelda series. I just felt like posting it here to get some feedback and suggestions before I finish it. I know it's a very creative title I've given the song, it will be changed . I also have wonder: - What genre would you put this song under?
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