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  1. This is mostly complete. I'm quite happy with everything so far and all that's really left (I think) is adding a few layers of sound here and there, but I'd like some feedback. first posted version, for comparison: tindeck http://tindeck.com/listen/nupc direct link http://sci.bronyradio.com/stuff/home%20board%20remix%20v4.wav.mp3 about the song / what I was trying to do: I've been inspired by Boards of Canada as of recent. for this remix, I wanted to invoke a familiar feeling within anyone who listened. My plan to get this feeling was to sample various old cartoons/shows/movies. Hopefully they don't stick out when you listen. (if you can think of a few lines about family/home from some show/movie that would work better for the ending, that'd be cool too) ---- songs used: Coffee Break 0:26 to 1:16 coffee melody Ness's House divided into three sections: 0:00 to 0:11 main reason I remixed this song 0:11 to 0:43 pollyana cover 0:43 to 0:58 close chords breakdown of my own song: 0:00 to 0:48 main 0:48 to 1:36 coffee melody 1:36 to 1:47 ... 1:47 to 2:10 close chords 2:10 to 2:37 main 2:37 to 3:00 pollyana cover
  2. So my original thought was to see if I can get this sent off to the panel before the New Year, because I felt I did a more stellar job than any remix that I ever did for this competition. (And I know I need to finish off the other one as well, but I won't have time to work on it again for another week yet) Here's how it stands. I received great equalisation tips from Jason Covenant, took OA and Deia by surprise, secured appraisal from all 3 of the Concrete Men and blew SnappleMan out of the water. But is this enough to secure a pass from the panel? That's what I want to know :s Different direction from me, hint of cheesy disco with some chiptune elements, try and provide a more silly side of myself in the works. I need everything I can to make sure it's in a passable state. (Or if there's still major fixes... yeah, I guess I'll send Red Chamomile off tomorrow even if I didn't share it with anyone outside the team *_*) Thoughts?
  3. Hello, I'm working on a Aeris theme remix. You can listen to it following this link : EDIT : this is the last version : http://soundcloud.com/pablocoma/the-rocking-cetra EDIT : this is the older file : The original source : The arrangement is nearly finalized as it is, but I need more realistic sounds on electric guitars, and probably on other instruments as well (piano, oboe). Is this the good place to ask for instrumentist's help? (sorry, I'm new) Of course, any feedback will be greatly appreciated ! Thanks !
  4. Current Version: VERSION 6 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I started working on this piece a bit ago when I was going stir crazy on Generation Gap and wasn't sure I had another Sonic remix in me. I noticed a lot more Whirlwind covers on YouTube, and felt it was take to take my relationship with that song to the next level. Inspiration hit, and here we are. Source: Remix (v2): http://tindeck.com/listen/gtmy Feedback welcome. Let's get this sucker on the front page.
  5. REMIX updat'd elec man source mega man 1, wily tower 1 source Welp, here's the final version of my superfunky megaquirky remix for this weeks' Wily Castle Remix Gauntlet entry. I'll take any criticisms anyone has to offer, but in the spirit of the competition, I'll be submitting this particular version or an older version to DarkeSword and an improved version (assuming I need to make some changes) based on your critiques to OCR. Yes, the analog parts are supposed to sound very corny Enjoy, and please leave constructive feedback!
  6. I tagged it Mod Review because I'd like an opinion on it before I resub it. The final buildup is still missing something though I can't put my finger on it.... http://tindeck.com/listen/clej Two sources are Solar Man (MM9) Spring Man (MM7)
  7. I've already done a piano cover for this a few months ago, and thought I should do an orchestral version, while keeping the atmosphere from the original song. I used Garageband for all of the sounds, except for the underwater rumbling you hear, which comes from Soundminer. Link - Source -
  8. CURRENT VERSION: Version 4. -------------------------------------------------------- So it's been a bit since this mix got rejected, and I've had a bit of time recently to work on it again. Version 3. Crits and suggestions welcome. I haven't re-recorded any of the leads yet, so posting times where the lead sections are problematic will help me a lot. There are a few that are fairly obvious, but it'll help to get some fresh ears on this.
  9. Resubmitted. Wish me luck! I've noticed an incredibly depressing lack of accepted Mario and Luigi remixes on this site, so I've set out to get at least one of this site. This is a remix of Superstar Saga's main theme, which I've titled "Land of the Beans." It's just a WIP so far, so all suggestions and advice is sought after and much appreciated. This is my first attempt at an OCR-worthy remix, and I'd really appreciate any sort of tip. I'm pretty new to most of the technical aspects, though I've been at it for years, so criticize away! Constructively, of course, but there's no suggestion too big or too small. FINAL (rejected) VERSION: http://www.box.com/s/rne6x9o334ua3y1nr8pr YouTube Link: Final Resubbed Version (Awaiting Judgement): https://www.box.com/s/522be0383ca78af440a9 VERSION 2: So I've made a second version with a much more interesting introduction, and some overall improvements. But I still feel like some places are a bit busy. I varied up the chord velocity a bit, though perhaps not enough. Just some overall improvements, but no major changes besides the intro. Minor changes include less bass panning, trombones for the chords, Low Shelf Filter and High Shelf Filter for the cellos/trombones and piano, respectively, and extra percussion. VERSION 2.5: Some more small EQing things, in addition to an extra snare, and one version with variations in the piano's timing, and one version without it, so the difference can be compared. Still, all suggestions and opinions are much sought-after and much appreciated. VERSION 3: First major update. About an extra minute of music added, lots of effects and things. No major production changes, just composition. After the scream, I plan on changing the chord progression as we get into the bridge, and I might add some speckles of other songs here and there. But I'd especially like some opinions on the sound clips—I'm trying to decide if I should cut back on them or not. VERSION 3.5: Changed piano chords to arpeggios in the vibraphone interlude, changed around the sound effect section. I'd really like some opinions on the two changes made in this version in comparison to v3. VERSION 4: Added smattering of other M&L songs here and there, added a guitar to compliment the tubular bells in the first section of the song, and added some more small production changes, mostly with volume and echo and things. VERSION 4.5: Took off chorus on guitar and changes some effects to make it less muddy. Removed the pitch bend, as well. Took off all cutoff and resonance from lead, but I'm planning on adding a resonance automator soon. Lightened reverb on orchestral tracks, brightened piano, trombones, cellos, and all the interludes that include other songs. My main concern with this here is that there isn't quite enough reverb in the interludes to make them blend well with the rest of the song, and possibly the same issue, albeit to a lesser extent, with the trombone and cello chords. Though with the trombone chords, I'm hearing an occasional note that's much stronger than the others. I can't tell if it's distracting, or just varied enough to work. VERSION 5: Second major update, this time just for production. I added a phaser automation to the lead, added percussive buildups for transitions, added a compressor to the kick and EQed out the drums a little more. I changed the harpsichord to a piano in the Beanbean Castle interlude, got rid of backing chords in the vibraphone bridge and lightened the drums to better fit the mood. I changed the bass in all of the interludes to that of "Happy Adventure Delightful Adventure," from Super Mario RPG, added back a smidgen of reverb to the strings etc., and lowered the volume a lot to make them sound more in-place. I also added some root reversions in the piano chords to make them a bit more interesting. VERSION 5.5: Brightened the piano more, screwed with EQ a bit more. Changed the lead to what I think is much better. Changed the strings in the Chucklehuck Woods section to clarinets. That's about it, but this version sounds very different from the previous. VERSION 6: Added a bridge and a finale. I'm loving the finale, but the ending could use some work. The bridge, on the other hand, I'm not so fond of. My aim was to make something decent so I could work on the finale without the piece as a whole having a big weird gap. It needs a lot of work, but I'm open to ideas as to what I should do. Regardless, I'd like any sort of suggestion, still. The finale might seem just a tad busy, and I think transitions could use some small adjustments, but I'm still not sure how exactly to go about it. So please do give all sorts of constructive criticism. VERSION 6.5: It's complete! I added some marimbas and tubular bells in the last few sections, added percussion to the ending, and made some overall touch-ups. I'm now done the remix, and completely open to constructive criticisms of any kind. VERSION 7: Many of Flexstyle's mod review suggestions taken. I took out the low range of the strings and brass, but I'm not sure if I like it better or worse. I'm leaning towards better, but I'm still a little iffy. Though the more powerful of the brass chords stick out more with the EQ change. I'm thinking I'm going to fix that. I also cleaned up the finale, taking a few extra lead tracks out. I think I didn't, but I'd like to know if anybody thinks I took too much out of the end. Anyway, as always, all critiques welcome! VERSION 7.1: Softened the trombones (all of them, not just the chords), and added reverb and delay to the lead at 2:00. Also tightened the trombone chords so they sync better with the cellos and piano. VERSION 7.2: More EQ fixes, changed the lead a bit in the end VERSION 8: Updated with Rozo's suggestion and some more tips, such as a bit of sidechaining. This is the finalized and submitted version. Wish me luck! Resub (version 1): https://www.box.com/s/6618b4d42b18841dfc22 Resub (version 2): https://www.box.com/s/2f76c0363b93980b6bf7 Sources: Original Song: Other sources (Each only lasts for a few seconds): Happy Adventure Delightful Adventure: (A couple of bass changes, more of an influence than a source)Hoohoo Village / Beanbean Castle Town: (1:04)Beanbean Castle: (1:28)Chucklehuck Woods: (1:52)Battle Victory: (2:47)Various voice clips and sound effects from Superstar Saga Remix (v1): http://www.box.com/s/fbs5jxxc4intu9eyh2l5 Remix (v2): http://www.box.com/s/coqtaj3c23jl4qejfvci Remix (v2.5 with varied piano timing): http://www.box.com/s/rev2v26guqkds99l9go1 Remix (v2.5 without varied piano timing): http://www.box.com/s/p3c9alocs3sf7120bp9d Remix (v3) (varied piano timing used from now on): http://www.box.com/s/eg8nrk7s4gi86a5t5vaq Remix (v3.5): http://www.box.com/s/rajtviu6vg2bynbr9nj9 Remix (v4): http://www.box.com/s/7fubjsqfv9tr6h9oniai Remix (v4.5): http://www.box.com/s/q965sz624mu9uk2f02ms Remix (v5): http://www.box.com/s/93vubh0tnzhxyaytn0pd Remix (v5.5): http://www.box.com/s/8x8lphzgh58064uvk68s Remix (v6): http://www.box.com/s/8tv8p8lf44nrm80cnu0k Remix (v6.5): http://www.box.com/s/uik3d572n1nqat0bi6rb - For First Mod Review Remix (v7): http://www.box.com/s/ggzrdiuro6pjyer9jxby Remix (v7.1): http://www.box.com/s/l2p665yaxvo2jyop89dk Remix (v7.2): http://www.box.com/s/letarqdg74a84pp8ns54 - For Second Mod Review. Request from everyone reading: In addition to this one, please check out previous version, 7.1, and let me know which ending lead you think is better, if it isn't too much trouble. Remix (v8): http://www.box.com/s/rne6x9o334ua3y1nr8pr
  10. here's my cover newest version ... : http://soundcloud.com/toilet-goat/foregone-destruction-facing-1 original : what u think? all suggestions for making this track better are welcomed, be it nega- or positive feedback, thanks in advance
  11. Hello! The game series was made by SIGMA team(Russia) and had high dynamic and energy sound track. This one is a.. mmm.. Energetic stuff I suppose. 4 Drum Tracks at same time, crap tone of synths, Bit Machine corrupting some of guitars, maybe you even can find some work for your sub-woofer in this mix. Well, close to "Finished" but still some issues present. And if YOU point me on em I'll be VERY HAPPY!! After Mod's review: Prev version: -- NOT MASTERED -- MASTERED Here is da source: THANK YOU!!
  12. ENJOY THE REMIX (updated 2/16/12) elec man source (I've been told this source is a bit hard to identify -- IT ISN'T! 1:50-3:00 is overt albeit slow Elec Man, as is the piano outro; there are elements of Elec Man in the solo near the end as well) mega man 5, wily stage 1 source YO. This was my entry for the Wily Castle Remix Gauntlet last week. I've had a few issues with it, namely that the final couple versions of the project file mysteriously vanished into the 12th dimension, so I just now attempted to recreate what was lost in terms of production value. I think it's about back to where it was. Let me know if the highs seem a little too bright to you. NEWAYZ, this mix is supposed to convey an electric sleep, hence the name -- synthy dreams and mystical soundscapes and all that. I would like to make this my first sub if and only if you think this would be passed. I'm kinda on a mission to have my first sub be unanimously YES'd. I want to feel like I've earned it. Also, does anyone know of any good, timestamped audio hosts besides soundcloud? I miss Fireslash's wip host :[
  13. Last update - 4 December(see details in latest post) Yes, this was entered for the second round of the Wily Castle Remix Gauntlet. While I appreciate some of the crits there, it somehow ended up being quite overwhelming when I thought I was already proud of what I had. But you see, the point is, I want to send it onto OCR. The arrangement, I've already covered by intertwining both themes quite well; what I DO want to do on it though is make sure it sounds its outright best before I even consider sending it off to the judges. Here's a slightly revised take from the original WCRG version; flute is a little wetter, first part of the flute was transposed up an octave, synth layer of the bass is taken out (sorry OA ), timings fixed in places (most notably on the drums) and some level revisions were looked into. I'm open to all suggestions possible, I want to see if I can FINALLY get a track on the site that's neither a piano solo nor a collaboration with someone else (and if there's any way I can actually rake in points for next time I'm open for that too )
  14. Y'all no comment on my halo3 mixthread so i make new one link: http://www.bstrader.net/remixes/shesasquirter.mp3 sources: und mod review because i want to sub this to overclocked remix (the site)
  15. Hello everyone, this is my first remix! I've composed a bunch of songs with FL Studio some time ago, but now I decided to give it a try remixing one of my favorites songs ever, the damn fine Streets Of Rage Intro Theme by master Yuzo Koshiro. What I've done here is kinda a double version of the SoRI and SoRII Intros, with some little additions, and of course with 100% new instruments. Anyways.. overall I tried not to change the structure of the original tracks that much, but still I think this remix has its own flavour. I worked a lot on the drums, snares, drumrolls, hats and everything related to percussion, beath and rhythm, which I think are the most notable aspects of the original songs (even though they are pretty simple 16-bits drumbeats) You can hear the final version of the remix here: - Sources: SoR I Intro: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hikFCwduCIQ SoR II Intro: Old demo I made some months ago: Thanks in advance, any type of comment will be incredibly helpful!
  16. I don't usually post mixes cause I do projects, BUT this is non-project and it's still fairly new so I'd like people to hear it while it is fresh. Halo 3 - In Memoriam Music video : direct link : http://www.bstrader.net/remixes/inmemoriam.mp3 Sources: Never Forget http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yyDZscyf8lU Finish the Fight Halo[??] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a37BNAqsmlQ Also I can't sub this for like 6 weeks so have at it
  17. Here's a hiphop (?) mix I've been working on for a while that's a fairly loose adaptation of the Mute City theme from the SNES F-Zero. Let me know if anything pops out that you think should be improved. I'm still not satisfied with the scratching, so let me know if you have any ideas. Also, feel free to lay down some lyrics on top. You just gotta post what you've done in this thread Source: NEWEST VERSION (2012/01/02): http://tjnekko.com/TJ Nekko - Straight Outta Mute City 016 - Rough Final.mp3 OLD http://tjnekko.com/TJ%20Nekko%20-%20Straight%20Outta%20Mute%20City%20-%20Final%20006.mp3 http://tjnekko.com/TJ%20Nekko%20-%20Straight%20Outta%20Mute%20City%20-%20Final%20005.mp3 http://tjnekko.com/TJ%20Nekko%20-%20Straight%20Outta%20Mute%20City%20006%20-%20Rough%20Final.mp3 http://tjnekko.com/TJ%20Nekko%20-%20Straight%20Outta%20Mute%20City%20009%20-%20Rough%20Final.mp3
  18. I've been working hard to understand proper EQing techniques and trying to figure out what I have been doing wrong. I think I'm making some progress, so I wanted to test myself. I dug up an extremely old WIP I did back in 2006. This remix is actually the predecessor to "The Delay." I didn't like how it sounded back then, so I started back over, and made what is now posted up on OCR today. At first, it was kind of an industrial percussion style mix, but now, I've made it into a Trip-Hop style song. I was heavily influenced by Radiowar's "Intoxica" (a track on the upcoming DKC3 album). I loved the vibe so much, I just had to give it a try. I have it posted up on YouTube for right now, since SoundCloud was acting crazy. I'll try it again later. Original Stickerbush Symphony theme: http://youtu.be/73n7HTcmb5g YouTube Vid: http://youtu.be/avy2ew5pdbE Soundcloud mirror: http://soundcloud.com/user7666413/dkc-2-no-country-for-old-kongs
  19. Hello all- this is my first attempt at a remix, so any and all feedback is very welcome. I am rather green around the gills when it comes to mixing/production/digital music in general, so try use small words and speak slowly. Oh, and I'm pretty new to forums as well, so hopefully I'm doing everything okay. Anyway, here it is- Free MP3 download: My Favorite Couch-001.mp3 source: http://youtu.be/PGwfBvW3YA8 Thanks much!
  20. Hello guys, I first applied with this remix a bit more than a year ago, but thankfully it was rejected for I have now changed pretty much the whole song but I don't feel it's quite done yet... http://soundcloud.com/bohmaniac/jet-force-gemini-water-ruins-1
  21. Finally figured out many of the tricks to producing nice, filthy dubstep, so I decided to move forward with a concept for a dubstep medley of various dark themes from the Pokémon RPGs. Here's what I've got so far. I got kinda lazy at the end, so I'll probably go back and do a few more manips, but for the most part, I'm pretty satisfied with it. :3 EDIT: Final FINAL final mix! I thought it was perfect last time around, but it turns out I'd forgotten to stereo-enhance the wobble basses. ^^; Fixed that! Sources: Pokémon R/G/B/Y - Team Rocket Hideout, Silph Co. Pokémon G/S/C - Team Rocket Hideout, Unown Radio Tune Pokémon R/S/E - UPDATED LINK!!!!!!!!! Download from SoundCloud First person to name the Pokémon whose voice is featured in the song gets a cookie. :3
  22. Hey everyone! It's been a looong time since I made a non-project arrangement, so here we go! My new policy is to remix underdog music, which probably means I'm condemning myself to empty threads and dusty mixes. But hey, it's still better than remixing Aerith's theme! (Don't get me wrong--I like it, but not as remixing material.) Anyway, you can listen to (and/or download) my arrangement of Godom Lullaby from Paladin's Quest here: http://www.reverbnation.com/jakacibejarchangel UPDATE: A more polished version. And here's the video with the source track: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4AArRIArXzY You can hear most of it from 8:27 onward. It's pretty short, just a 30-second melody. The song's pretty much done, but I'd still appreciate any feedback you guys and gals might have. Thanks for listening! J.
  23. Sources: - Digimon World 1 - Machinedramon Battle http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uTwb0FT1k9s - Digimon World 2 - Normal Battle Theme http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dKgvvDevskQ - Xenogears - Awakening http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FMXr2hKIgMw Hardest part was probably mixing the drums, and there could be some more work done there. I like the sound I got with the gated distorted synth, serves as some kind of driving force. Upbeat tune, fit for a final boss, hope you enjoy it
  24. Finally finished the band compression on this thing,made the lows punchy,the highs Sqeal,and the upper mids..ehhh knock hard. The IceCap Fm lead was made in fm 8, just incase anyone is going to ask. No I will not post the routing,modulator, or the matrix. use your imagination if you want it. (All I will say is I used a Sine) (im posting all my Fm 8 patches that I made later.) *Edit, I realized I use FM8 ALOT http://soundcloud.com/aires/ice-cap-deep-preview EDIT 2:: Im planning to submit this, but not sure if I should wait and sub the vocal version.
  25. CURRENT VERSION: Version 4 I'm currently working on a lone wolf remix album called "Generation Gap". The idea is to take Genesis-era Sonic tracks and remix them in a style reminiscent to newer Sonic games. Though it'll be a KNGI release, I'd like some tracks to make it to OCR. I think this could be one of those tracks. As the title implies, it's a punk remix. Crits/suggestions very welcome, and said crits/suggestions may go a long way in making the whole album better. EHZ Punk (Triple-Mohwak Redux) v1 (Outdated, here only for comparison to current version)
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