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  1. EDIT: My first true attempt at house, mainly trying to get my mixing and production skills up to par. This is mainly a bunch of influences, anywhere from Kaskade, Madeon, Porter Robinson, and maybe some Deadmau5. I'm not the world's best mixer, but it will be done professionally in a studio here in NYC. EDIT UPDATE: Song is pretty much finished, but as a rough mix. Full mixing and mastering will come later. New title: Enforcer https://soundcloud.com/jared-hudson/enforcer-rough-mix
  2. Hey there folks. This is a remix that I started working on yesterday, and the entire concept is pretty much there. I want to go back and change some things here and there, but I figured I could get some good feedback on stuff I can change here too. Anyway, here it is: https://soundcloud.com/that-andy-guy/wip-the-strongest-sfa2-sakura Sources: Sakura's Theme: Dan's Theme: Thanks in advance!
  3. I started working on this a couple days ago. It's really my first ever attempt at a remix. Before you hear it, I realize that at the moment it sounds REALLY bad in some places, primarily in transitions (such as around 3:20) and some of the samples used. When you give feedback though, don't hold back. What you might notice as bad, I might not have noticed at all. What I have here is the Song of Storms, mixed in with other various Zelda tunes. I wasn't very serious with this at first, but it just kind of happened. Oh, also it was all done by ear so if the actual melodies from the game are messed up let me know! WELP, here it is: UPDATE http://soundcloud.com/nokbient/zelda-remix Ok, so I fixed up the compression/ EQing and fixed the awkward transitions, as well as add a couple more Zelda sfx. I think some of the melody stuff works a bit better now too!
  4. [EDIT] NEW VERSION HERE --> https://soundcloud.com/worldsbestgrandpa/soggy-carousel-song-of-storms This time I'll post here for feedback before I submit to the judges The crowd favorite, "Song of Storms", on autoharp, accordion and toy piano with some pokemon card on a spinning bike tire action... https://soundcloud.com/worldsbestgrandpa/soggy-carousel Everybody seems to love this tune even if they don't know it's vgmusic. I play this tune every time I go busking with my button-box accordion (NY/CT/MA areas). People that do recognize it usually do a triple take. If you've ever given me a dollar, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! No compression or equalization - just mixed down. I'd really like someone's opinion about mastering this song. I'm using a Shure Beta57A microphone and the Tascam DP-02 portastudio. I'm worried my first sub might not get accepted because of some compression issues, so I'm trying to do it right this time. Any feedback would be helpful, thanks!
  5. The Original - I have worked on this remix for a little while now and put together a jazz remix of temple ruins. I wanted to keep the same quiet feel of the source, but put a spin on it. Please tell me what you think about it. I am not sure about the mixing on some of the louder parts. https://soundcloud.com/darkbrandflake11/crash-bandicoot-ruined-scape
  6. http://compo.thasauce.net/rounds/view/PRC239 I submitted this to the last round of the PRC, and didn't get much in the way of constructive criticism, so I thought I'd put it in front of the firing squad over here. I like the way it came out a lot, so I'm hoping folks can either 1) give me pointers to bring it to the next level, or 2) rip me a new one and tell me what's horrible with it. I'm never going to get better if I can't identify flaws in my own work! There are a few things I'm aware of, that I'll work on if I do decide to improve this: - I didn't humanize at all. This is an extremely time-consuming process for me, so I'll only do it if I really love everything else and just need to perfect it. - Some of the harmonies are a little strange. I'd especially like some feedback as to what worked and what didn't. - I haven't decided whether I should just stick to level 3 and riff on it some more, and maybe save level 7 for another mix. For me to do everything I'd like to do with both would be a 10 minute song, but the best of both sources might also be a viable approach. Again, please be brutal. Last time I posted stuff to the WIP board, everyone said they liked it until I put it up for mod review, when it got trashed. Please trash it sooner than later,
  7. Waking up -> Purpose in life -> How to achieve just made this SIDish song, which resembles megaman intros: http://soundcloud.com/toilet-goat/sid-song what u think?
  8. Feedback is 100% appreciated! It's still a work in progress, I recorded this about a year ago and haven't really done too much with it ever since. Tell me what you think! https://soundcloud.com/thealmightycosmosis/chrono-trigger-cover
  9. Link to arrangement: https://soundcloud.com/jnwake/super-earth-defense-force-use . Link to source: .I made this remix for last month's DoD and ended up 3rd! Original song is a tad upbeat and exciting so I wanted to make a remix in that style, which I guess I managed to do (except the calm section in the middle!). I also tried to do a cool bass with the slap sound. Synth leads are all played live by me using my keyboard's samples. Any feedback is very welcome Hope you enjoy it and then listen to more of SEDF's completely underrated soundtrack.
  10. Working on a nice, chill tune, nothing too extravagant. Imagine walking into Foresta's inn and listening to this before you hit the sack. Just lookin' for some extra thoughts/opinions. Original OST: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iKEUJ2pHIYg
  11. This is a wip remix of The Mines of Narshe from FF6. CITY CAVES 2013.03.05 source
  12. Hello! Let's just go ahead and get the Tindeck link out of the way: http://tindeck.com/listen/cqsk This is my first real attempt at recording anything and I've no formal training whatsoever, so I'm primarily looking for feedback regarding recording quality and mastering. I did some research beforehand, so now I'd like to know how well I applied those things and where I could stand to improve. (Let's ignore the fact that my timing is nowhere near as good as I thought it was, haha.) I wonder if maybe the rhythm guitar is too loud, but when I turn it down it sounds too weak, so I'm really not sure what to do about that. This is very much a theme I'd like to revisit at some point, so any and all advice will be much appreciated. Thanks!
  13. Hi I was hoping someone could offer me some advice for this remix. It seems like its missing something and I cant figure it out. please help
  14. Hey Guys! This was my first ever remix. I know its not anything extraordinarily awesome or anything. Just kindof made it for fun. Mostly because I used to LOVE this music from inside the sanctuary. Let me know your thoughts!! Enjoy
  15. Hey Guys! New to the forum. I havent looked into the site enough to figure out what the particulars about submitting original content, or remixes, or things for "mod-review" and such, but figured I would share anyways. The only thing that was used in this song that wasnt produced by me was the original MIDI score that I had on my machine from ages ago. I just used the midi to copy the melody and such, and made everything else. Let me know what you think!! Thanks!
  16. NEW UPDATED VERSION HERE: https://soundcloud.com/gwilliamson/the-goddess-gets-groovy-v-4 Hey guys. Did this remix and wanted to know if you guys thought it was any good. I want to submit it to the site and hope it gets evaluated, but I want to see what you guys think about it before trying to submit it. It is sort of influenced by "Chamber of the Goddess" remix by Disasterpiece, found in the 25YearLegend ocremix Legend of Zelda album, though I gave it a harder and more funky feel to it, and less acid jazz. I guess to put it simple, it's a lot harder, especially on the drums. Although it is inspired by that remix, I believe personally that it is heavily different. So yeah, what do you guys think? Link to remix: http://soundcloud.com/gwilliamson/goddesses-and-fairies-remix
  17. Hello everyone ! This is my piano/orchestra version of skyrim's theme dragonborn. I still didn't record the piano part, but I'm going to play it(in a real piano I mean), I wanted some feedback before merging the orchestra part with the piano recorded one. link :
  18. Hello OCR! I spotted a request for this tune in the requests section, and since Dune 2 on the Genesis / Mega Drive has a special place in my heart I decided to take it on. Here's what I came up with: Original: Mykah remix: https://soundcloud.com/mykah/dune2turbulence-33 Feedback is much appreciated as always my friends!
  19. Gamer Shredding is a group made up of gamers dedicated in making covers for video games. This is a new project, where we combine different styles. We hope you like the covers. Hope and help us with the spread for this project can be heard by all. Regards from MEXICO !! Enjoy http://www.facebook.com/GamerShredding http://www.youtube.com/gamershredding Mega man x - Spark Mandrill Mega man 3 - intro Mega man X6 - Gate's Laboratory Mega Man 9 Magma Burning Mega Man 9 - Flash in the Dark Extra Final Fantasy Mystic Quest - Boss Battle Enjoy
  20. Just whipped this together tonight for fun tonight to get the creative juices flowing. Not really planning on taking it anywhere, but thought you guys might wanna hear the sketch. http://nutritious.oceansend.com/Salamander_2.mp3
  21. LINKU Here's a tune so smooth that some experts would agree it is, instead, smoov.
  22. Well, here I am ... joining not even four days ago or something I don't really remember when I did. Who cares. Anyway I have loads of remixes and more are coming, I basically store them on my Computer. I'm not going to spam OC Forums with all my shi-errr....I mean, awesome stuff. But that's basically up to YOU. I want you r input to see if these are any good or not. Even though I personally love my remixes, I'd really like some nice feedback, even friendly or not, please don't be too harsh! The Observatory in Luigi's Mansion (1) is my Favorite room in the entire game. Here is a remix, basically of the Luigi's Mansion main theme (Awesome song, btw) in the Observatory Room style, so expect it to sound a bit atmospheric/spacey/creepy, whatever. Enjoy it! http://kiwi6.com/file/a5ndtdnv56 The reason why it's a wip is because of the extended ending. If it's too long I could cut it ... but other than that I think it's all fine. Also, yes it is in also a m4a file because it's yet a wip but a near complete one anyway. If it's approved by anyone at all I can convert it in Mp3.
  23. Finally got another DKC arrangement finished! I went in a bit of a different direction with this one compared to my other arrangements. Overall I'm happy with it. Enjoy! Source: My arrangement:
  24. This remix is inspired by Mykah's own remix of Bynn The Breaker. It's in the same style but I recreated almost everything from scratch and put my own spin on it. I give Mykah credit for providing the Stranger vocals. Due to the gravelly nature of the voice, it was hard to mix it in properly. Eventually I went with stereo-separating the voice samples, made it a whole lot better sounding. The intro will have to be re-done to make it stand apart from the original more. Remix rev. 2 -m "Almost done, proper beginning and end" The remix Feedback always appreciated!
  25. Update 9: So I was going to add another section after the breakdown that went on for another 40 or so seconds, but I struggled with exactly what to put in there for the longest time, and I tried LOTS of stuff. None of it fit, not even original stuff. So I was looking at it months later, and I decided to completely ditch that whole section and just go with what I have here. I tried Rozovian, but it only ended up stalling me... Anyway, I need to fix up the transition into the last section, because I accidentally deleted some stuff. Wouldn't be me if that didn't happen....oy The Mix: http://tindeck.com/listen/fqed Source is here: NOW WITH A BIT OF SECONDARY SOURCE:
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