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  1. http://soundcloud.com/zachary-essey/not-named-yet This is an original composition of mine. I want to know what you guys think.
  2. Hey sup, workin on a Crateria Surface remix from teh super metroids http://soundcloud.com/valkerath/craterias-surface-wip
  3. This is actually a remake of a cover I made last year that was featured on Capcom's official blog a while ago. I've only decided to post it on these forums now because I'm planning on uploading this to my channel as a celebration for 150 subscribers and 1 year of activity, so feedback would be brilliant! I'm planning on adding another section of extra original interpretation as well.
  4. message me ill get back to you with one or the other.
  5. Whooooo One Must Fall! I got inspired to make this because of couple of my friends and I thought that maybe my music making skill is now good enough for not to ruin the One Must Fall theme. ;P Link: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/24406521/PsyNES_-_omfpsyremix_v0.6.mp3 https://dl.dropbox.com/u/24406521/PsyDOS_-_One_Mustn%27t_Fail%21%28OMF2097_ReMix%29v0.85.mp3 NEWEST http://soundcloud.com/psynes/one-mustnt-fail-omf2097-remix NEWEST No proper intro or ending yet, genre is trying to be psytrance/full-on. I'll maybe changing some instruments, but we'll see. I think that I got very good start with this remix. I'll leave the feedback for you OCReMix. Hope you like it! Original:
  6. http://soundcloud.com/yannick-jason/dnb-wip Something I got an idea for today. Any thoughts?
  7. More Mega Man! Yay! Started new Mega Man ReMix few days ago and I wanted to share this with you: Link: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/24406521/PsyNES_-_ShadowMan_rmx_v0.45.mp3 I havent used much time for intro yet, so it could be very different when finished. The real party starts @ 00:22 (or 00:35 ) and latest part I've added is that "dubstepish" part @ 1:07. It doesnt have ending yet. Next I'm trying to do it longer and fix/add some things. Let me know what you think. Original: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QuYG5qOsDGU
  8. Here's my entry for round 1 of the GMRB. http://soundcloud.com/cash-and-change/cash-and-change-ostriches I adjusted the volume of the instruments. Also added some reverb and wetness to the main Overdrive Ostrich lead, I hope I didn't overdo it.
  9. I made this track for the first round of the GMRB and it got a good reception, so I want to polish it for an eventual submission! Link here: http://soundcloud.com/jnwake/forever-a-sponge-wire-sponge . Sources: - Wire Sponge: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wzqEEcrKItU . - Infinity Mijinion: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h5IVzmZYu1I . Source breakdown: - 0:00 - 0:30: Mijinion's intro with different backing chords. - 0:31 - 1:04: Sponge's A theme on the piano with Mijinion's A theme on the acoustic guitar. - 1:05 - 1:24: Sponge's B theme. - 1:25 - 1:48: Mijinion's B theme on the violin and Mijinion's intro chord progression. Ending of this section is taken from Sponge's A theme. - 1:49 - 2:20: Mijinion's solo guitar section. Sponge's A theme appears on the piano, and Sponge's B theme on the violin. - 2:21 - 2:53: Mijinion's A theme with Sponge's synth solo section backing chords. Synth solo is based on Sponge's song. - 2:54 - 3:05: Sponge's B theme with Mijinion's solo section chord progression. - 3:06 - 3:25: Mijinion's intro on the synth with different backing chords. Regarding the mix, I need to record some sections again (there are some slight mistakes on the synth solo). Also, Hakstock will record the guitar and bass sections sometime. Any feedback is appreciated! P.D. I'm looking for someone who wants to record the acoustic guitar sections.
  10. Hey OCR, So I randomly started working on this song, without the purpose of really finishing / getting anywhere at all. After 3 hours, this is what I've got: http://soundcloud.com/yannicgeerts/forezd Original on Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h0Mp8uMammw Might or might not finish it, but since I uploaded it to a friend, figured it might aswell keep the OCR WIP forums a little more active. Comments and critics are welcome. Keep in mind that nothing is seriously EQ'd and the flow of the song is total garbage
  11. This was a fun little project that I've been working on to test arranging music in a large orchestra, and I think it's turned out very nicely. It's also been a lot of fun working on this and listening to each of the different parts of the original songs, so I might work on another remix in perhaps a different style to the original if this gets a good response that might be something I could look into. The arrangement of both pieces is based off the original themes in their respective games - with a few alterations - and was worked out solely by ear. Never Forget starts at 0:04 while Another Rain starts at 1:20. After this, at 2:58 there's a little section with both pieces played at the same time, taking different ideas and chords from each. This was made as preparation for a possible remix of a song from the Halo 4 soundtrack, so if you guys have any requests when that comes out I'm all ears. Hope you guys enjoy it!
  12. Hey guys, This is a remix of the final battle theme of Lavos in Chrono Trigger. Done in a sort of Dubsteppy/2steppy Rustie-esque remix. With a flair of MachineDrum and UK Garage towards the end. Focussing on soaring and simple synths with 808 Drums. Im looking for some feedback on this. I feel the weird about the transition around 3.10. But im also not sure if any of the leadins towards the main beat are working. I have been working on this for abit to long, all I hear right now is just noise. So gimme some feedback.. Heres the original: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xpaJulksCik And the remix so far: http://soundcloud.com/tim_tim_tim_/madgonzo-revives-the-bits
  13. Hey y'all, got a bit of inspiration, looking for some feedback.. DnB has always been a tough genre for me to tackle for some reason. I've tried a couple times before, and it either didn't end up sounding like DnB should sound or I just said "fuck it" and gave up completely haha. I'm gonna finally try to tackle it, but I need some help!! Anything you got for me would be great. Thanks! It's still not like, standard DnB by any stretch, but it's *more* DnB than my other DnB attempts. DnB. Plus it's a little chippy, since I haven't done anything in that vein in a while. Whee! And godDAMNIT that stupid first note should NOT be filtered differently than the rest, but FL is deciding to be a chawch. Mix Source (Planning on adding in 2 others from MMX5, since they're in the same key already anyway, and both pretty damn awesome) Thanks again! pH EDIT: ...anyone else getting a "DaMonz" vibe? Where 'e at
  14. Hi there everybody! I tend to pop in to OcRemix every now and then looking for help/suggestions for my compositions or (beginner) remixes, and this is no different! http://soundcloud.com/darren-schwinghamer/sand-capital Here is my take on a tribal/desert town theme. When I hear it I think of a small village in the desert or a jungle that would be heard in a game like those of the Zelda or (early) Final Fantasy franchises. Could definitely apply to other games or genres, I'm just not as familiar with them. Please let me know what you think, there are some areas where I'm somewhat iffy about, but I'd like to hear other people's opinions. Much appreciated!
  15. First post, here- you can find my Remix here: Stone Palindrome V3 ( )My first foray into digital music production was a remix of the Stone Tower Temple theme in FL Studio- I picked something simple to learn with and the result was pretty good (or so I thought, at the time). I (unfortunately) submitted it here before realizing how much the song could have been improved and before asking for any real feedback or analysis. That was two years ago. Since then I've learned the program better and while most of what I know is still self-taught (I've never taken the time to look up tutorials or anything and I don't really have any good excuse as to why I haven't), I have improved. Unfortunately I'm at a point where, with the death of my poor laptop, I'm unable to produce- but that's not to say I can't look for feedback on the last rendition of my remix and hope I can improve it further in the future. "Stone Palindrome" is my effort to stylize the Stone Tower Temple theme with a bit of a darker, more powerful feel to it and give it some of my own personal spin. I'm not doing anything overly dramatic to it and have mostly stuck to the source material, but I have begun to add more variation to the melody itself in V3. Some self-critique here I will mention is that I do have some habits: -Firstly I am notoriously susceptible to overpowering the bass tracks in my songs, something that carried over from when I was composing music with only earbuds or terrible headsets to rely on (that was... horrible). I do not know how most of my tracks sound on actual speakers setups, nor how the base might distort or otherwise mess up the song as a result. -Additionally I am not very good with drums and tend to forget about them leading to a serious lack of variation- something I've been working on changing (This track is pretty minimalist regarding drums anyway) -Finally, I feel like all of my music could use some additional variation using filters/effects/what-have-you on repetitive parts of the melody and it's something I've been trying to learn- this also encompasses use of volume in general and I feel that I could improve greatly in this regard. Now.... About this track, specifically. -Upon completion and rendering the track I almost immediately regretted forgetting about the guitar piece that starts up 30 seconds in- I'd like to keep it in because it paces the song nicely, but it desperately needs variation as it pretty much just loops for a little while before the melody moves past it. -Orchestral instruments are unfortunately the basics that come with FL Studio, and for that reason I really don't like using them (though I've learned to make do) and would likely swap them out for something better given the opportunity. Everything else is Toxic Biohazard. -Specifically the guitar I may look into having my brother play them personally and have them actually recorded. primarily because it's the most notable part of the second half of the song and it falls into the "I-suck-at-making-things-not-too-repetetive/unvaried" category. -As a sort of addition to this, the background strings that fade in at 2:00 suck, and I'll definitely be making them more than just a single predictable note at each step of the progressing chord. Finally, I don't believe this track is OC-worthy for most of these reasons, but most of all that I don't think it varies the source material enough to qualify- I probably won't submit this unless convinced otherwise by how the track eventually ends up. However, I have been debating on using another Zelda track to compliment the Stone Tower Temple theme and making it a combined mix... I'll get more into that in the event that I'm actually able to start composing again. At any rate, apologies for being a bit too long winded, and thanks in advance for those who take the time to leave feedback. Majora's Mask is far too under-represented here so maybe I can help to change that.
  16. Hey all, here's a mix I started working on but never got around to posting. It's a little more on the coverish side of things, probably not OCR submittable at this state of expansion and honestly I don't know where else to go with this anyway. It was more just an attempt to try out a few new sounds I got and work on my production workflow a bit more. All of the additional harmonies on the bell/oboe were improvised. It came out sounding pretty pleasant though so I figured I'd post it. Remix: http://soundcloud.com/emunator/kingdom-hearts-dearly-beloved Source: Enjoy!
  17. still needs a little work but i at least got the base down... lemme know what u guys think
  18. Hello there. Err... Nice weather we're having.... Isn't it? I'm not good at starting these. So let's get on with it. Shall we? So, I decided a good way to help me improve, Is to start a song project. As I progress through the project, I hope to become more skilled, and in the end, Have a complete song that turns out good. On to the actual song. Now, I tried to think of what to do for my first project, and while I was messing around practicing, and trying some new things out, I decided I may as well do a song from the first game I ever played. Sonic 3D Blast, On The SEGA Saturn. I figured the best way to start making music would be a song from the first game I played. And what better way to start something then with the last level... Right? I though about which Act to do. In the end though, I couldn't make up my mind. So I figured why not do both as one song. Right now, I haven't made a version with both together, Only separate pieces. That is the next step. Before I start though, I want to try and get some feedback, See what people like, or dislike, what is wrong, and so forth. After a little bit of feedback, I'll start to work on the first version of the final version. Hopefully I can get a solid enough track, And be able to refine it from then on. Enough Rambling, And let's get to the actual tracks. Let me know what you think: Act 1: http://soundcloud.com/xumtosis/panic-puppet-zone-act-1 Act 2: http://soundcloud.com/xumtosis/panic-puppet-zone-act-2-version-2-wip If you want you can check the older versions I have up, And let me know if I'm actually improving. They should be the first two tracks I uploaded. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update: I now have a very rough outline of both Acts together. It's for concept proof more then anything. So forgive the lack of any transition. Here it is: http://soundcloud.com/xumtosis/panic-puppet-zone-act-1-2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update: Went back a step, In order to do a bit more refining. Only have Act 1 right now, But I should have Act 2 soon. I'll add it below when I get it done. Let me know what you think. http://soundcloud.com/xumtosis/panic-puppet-zone-act-1-3 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, Thanks for taking the time to read through my ramblings. Any feedback is appreciated.
  19. Hi folks, I'm working on a solo-piano version of "song of storms". It's yet in an early stage and there are also a couple of mistakes. Just click on the link below to get an idea of what i'm going to do with the song. http://tindeck.com/listen/xlzp Comments and feedback are welcome.
  20. http://soundcloud.com/keysersozeh/idea-no-2000-v4 The part id like comment about starts at 1.25 and ends at 1.35. Can anyone comment on the way is should mix this for some raw dubstep sounds (the kick vs wobble bass vs snare). Comments on instrument choice and usage also welcome. As you can hear im used to producing fluffy puffy songs.
  21. http://soundcloud.com/aires/air3s-toad-turnpike-electro http://t.co/ApMC4cLc
  22. Good-day. Or Night. Or Both. Both? Nevermind. I'm rather new to all this, And figured a good way to help me get better at it would be to ask people who know what their talking about for some feedback and/or advise. It hasn't bin very long since I started, and since I never studied music before, This is all new. I decided if I'm going to get any good at this, Might as well start here and try to get a little help. I practiced a bit, and decided to start simple. All the songs listed are MIDIs with their sounds changed, With little, If any, Note Altering. Their just for reference. I'll start small, And work my way up. Well, These are the ones I think turned out the best. There's only a few, So I'll just link to my main soundcloud page for conviniance. Here it is: http://soundcloud.com/xumtosis I have to stress, These are only for reference on improvement. So don't expect them to be great. Any Feedback, Tips, Advice, Help, Or anything else is appreciated. Thanks for your time.
  23. http://soundcloud.com/aires/diddykong-racing-pirate-lagoon *I NEED A LADY TO SING IF THIS DOES NOT GET CANCELED.*
  24. Hello, thought I'd post my WIP remix of Tower of Dolls . http://soundcloud.com/valkerath/castlevania-chronicles-tower Here's the original:
  25. Current Version: It's right here! So far, it's mostly an intro-type thing with just bass and some pads/leads. Percussion'll come later. Right now, I just want to know whether this seems like a good direction. I'm sort of inspired by 80s Rush here, minus the rock, what with the odd-time stuff going on, as well as a couple of minor shout-outs to Freewill and Distant Early Warning. When I do add percussion, I think I'll be going at that sort of "world music" feel from the same period with congas, shakers, ect. Here's what I've got so far.
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