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  1. Had a lot of fun doing this one, one of my favorite games / franchises of all time. Track List - Pallet Town Route to Victory Viridian City Rival Battle Theme Elite Four Game Intro Screen Thanks for checking it out! - Kugo
  2. Yay for title creativity! And also this is my first try at DnB, hope you enjoy https://soundcloud.com/videogamemaniac/drumbient
  3. https://soundcloud.com/maxwmusic/forged-by-choice-theme-of Finally finished this song today after working on it for a little while now. I'm quite happy with the result, started off being inspired by the title theme of Xenoblade Chronicles but as usual I think it became it's own thing rather than a direct copy
  4. "The Ghost of White Helix" Part of my "Hypothetical Human Revolution Sequel" project. The goal was to create some original Deus Ex music, drawing from both Alexander Brandon and Michael McCann's musical languages. I'd love to hear your feedback.
  5. Original: Remix: http://dew-owns-it.com/oops/Dew%20-%20Infidel.mp3 Pretty much complete but tagged as WIP since I'm looking for feedback before I call it finished. Heavily inspired by Saitama Saishuu Heiki. In particular, I'm told the ending doesn't work. I was kind of trying to it ease it out but maybe it just ended up being weak for no reason... I welcome anyone's opinion on whether it works or doesn't, in addition to any other gripes, no matter how minor.
  6. Inspired by the shocking, tasteless, and gory Italian horror films of yesteryear! Death Comes Tonight: This track is supposed to call to mind a low-budget horror schlock extravaganza, so appropriately lofi synths are used, along with a delicious drum machine. Strange Girl, Strange House : This one is for fans of more 'art-house' horror films, and is thus moody, cerebral, and progressive, inspired by Goblin's work with Dario Argento in the 70s and 80s. It has more prog-folk and ethnic influences for an unsettling feeling. Please listen and give some feedback! I'm particularly interested in feedback for the second track, Strange Girl etc. It has, in my mind, a lot of polish and finesse to it, and I'd love to know if it has the "killer studio chops" that an OCRemix would have.
  7. please enjoy. While i enjoy both Chrome and Firefox - Internet Explorer seems to play youtube videos with the best quality.
  8. Hi, so i did another song a while back and would appreciate some feedback on it. More importantly i would really appreciate help with volume levels (mastering?). I am only using headphones when making music and not the best quality brand/model out there so i would really like to know how things sound from someone else's point of view. Here's the link http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/549282 I also have to come up with better song titles
  9. Everyone! Those of you that have been liking my Rygar remix demo on Soundcloud through the remix forum have been great thank you for that. It's coming to its final stages, there's still work to be done on it, but today I bring you the finalized version of my five original tracks in this EP/compilation album "Gwee" http:gweenyc.bandcamp.com/album/gwee electronic progressive, edm, "gamey" and free. I think a board filled with game remixes, remixers and gamers can find something to like in here.. I'd hope lol But seriously, enjoy
  10. I found this massive remix of Popeska - Diamonds, and decided to mash it up with PrototypeRaptor's Chemical Plant Zone ReMix. This is what happened.
  11. No idea if anyone here knows Touhou, but anyway... http://cookiegamemusic.bandcamp.com/track/blue-angel A metal arrangement I made a while back.
  12. Any and all criticism / feedback is more than welcome. I'm doing my best to improve!
  13. This was a game I always thought was awesome as a kid. Sure it's no MGS or Syphon Filter but it was a blast to play and gave Nintendo fans their own much needed espionage action. I decided to put together a video to go with the music on Youtube, it might be crap I don't know haha but I thought I'd give it a go. Listen and Download on Soundcloud There was one song that always stuck in my mind which was on the first level (either the level or the song is called "Ground", maybe both, I'm not sure) and it became dynamic when you lost health throughout the game. It was a really catchy tune. I was surprised to find no WinBack remixes on the web and I felt compelled to cover this game. Anyway, please enjoy, hoping there are some WinBack lovers still out there!
  14. Please vote for my song in the spinnin pool! https://inquiry.spinninrecords.nl/sr/track_page.php?t=27720&ext=1 … last time I will do this.
  15. You know that Omega "co-axial chronometer" commercial you've probably seen a hundred or so times? Well, it's originally from the Man On Fire soundtrack by Harry Gregson-Williams, and ever since I heard it I had an idea for an epic world reimagining. Sort of in the vein of The Lion King, Baba Yetu, etc. https://soundcloud.com/kekopro/mene-inspirational-cinematic The war haka in the middle is a little nod to my few years spent in Polynesia. Wonderful places, wonderful people. EDIT - I figured I should post the original version for comparison:
  16. So, kay - used the edit function - and here's the final version of my remix. I've made some changes for this one: - reduced the master volume a lil bit - turned up the bass to make the track more powerful (sounded too weak and flat before) - removed some strange, nasty noises/distortion effects (was scratching a bit too much at some points in the track) Original SNES Track >>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My Remix >>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xrF12u2YeNk >>> https://soundcloud.com/master-mi/sinistral-salvation-master-mi-remixmp3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  17. Hey OCR, first time poster here. This is a tune I wrote after playing around in New Londo Ruins and getting dominated by those ghouls. I wrote it for some yo-yo samples, a live flute, and some Max patches I pieced together. Enjoy! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hpNMwmSuYGU
  18. Check out my ReMix of the Armored Armadillo stage theme from Megaman X! I'd appreciate any feedback, planning on doing the entire MMX OST, so I can use that feedback to improve the next videos.
  19. | Tindeck LinkDefinitely a strange little track to work on. The original is quite an interesting piece, and in this remix I've tried to bring out the melody a bit more while including some more ambient piano effects. This was pretty cool to work on, so if you guys like this kind of stuff I'd love to make more.
  20. This is the scrapped version of the Rondo of Blood main theme I wrote for the Vampire Variations 2 album. It was my attempt at combining waltz with EDM. https://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/a-dance-for-the-damned I apologize in advance.
  21. Hey guys let me know what you think this was my 3rd attempt at house music https://soundcloud.com/averymitchell/play-at-he-smoke-break
  22. Giving upbeat happy music a shot I would love to know what you think!!!!. https://soundcloud.com/averymitchell/kids-song Thnx
  23. Hey guys, the remix of the NES game Rygar's "Gran Mountain" is finished. Download available through Soundcloud http://soundcloud.com/gweenyc/gwee-gran-dance-nes-rygar-gran
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