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  1. This is my first attempt at a remix. It's kind of short, but I hope it's okay. Click here to listen to Deku Palace Remix.mp3 I'm new to remixing, so any tips or criticisms would be very helpful.
  2. Posted this up a little while ago and got no feedback. I took that as bad news, but I really just don't care anymore. I'd rather it be shredded in the OCR forums than rot in a corner on YouTube. It's trance-ish style and my third finished song since I started teaching myself electronic music 2 months ago. I used the intro segment of "Last Dungeon" and ditched the style in the original completely, so I'm not sure if it's a proper remix. Source: Mix: http://soundcloud.com/exobyte/skies-remix-last-dungeon
  3. I've listened to a bunch of other remixes so get a good idea of what I wanted to do, and I ended up going a mellow route. I love the original so much... Here ya go: http://www.tindeck.com/listen/sjxw (Link is not stable since I am constantly updating it; if link is not here check back in a few minutes) ---- Still trying to figure out what to do, but I think I know where to take it now. You can hear the start of that. Bass is WAAAY over there --> at the end because when I'm working on a segment, if something conflicts with what I'm doing, I just push it off to the side until I'm finished with it. In this case, I'm working on the arp. Made some artwork, which reveals the official name of the mix:
  4. http://tindeck.com/listen/xvog The acapellas are people that I've recorded previously and just wanted to hear what it would sound like if someone rapped over the beat, they're not meant to be permanent.
  5. Hello OCR forums! The game: Duke Nukem 3D The songs: Levels 1, 2 & 4 The track: http://www.reverbnation.com/play_now/song_5533112 This is my first ReMix attempt, so I was hoping to get some feedback before blindly submitting. I love the Grabbag theme from Level 1, but by itself it can get very repetitive. I wanted to mash-up the more recognizable Grabbag theme with some of the building tension from Level 2 and took some rhythmic inspiration from Level 4 to tie it together. What do you think? Do you like where this is going? What kind of improvements are necessary before this would be submission worthy? Thanks, Ryan
  6. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1409948/mp3/txai/laser%20ninja%20%28alien%20mix%29.mp3 Original: There are many remixes of this song on KWED, so I tried to give it a different approach. Everything was sequenced by ear. It also references works from certain artists of older periods, which is a habit I have every now and then.
  7. Here's the source -- from the oft-overlooked Rocket Knight Adventures, for the Genesis. Great game, great soundtrack. Pick up a ROM if you've never played it. Here's my version. Unlike with the last mix, I started by carefully transcribing the original, so I think I may have gotten a little too enamored with the original arrangement. I'm posting this very, very unfinished version hoping that you guys can point me in a few good directions for departures. Thanks!
  8. Hey guys, i know the intro is a little long, but i was wondering if you'd be willing to give me some feedback on what to do with this.. maybe some production and mastering tips? http://www.tindeck.com/listen/ocsg
  9. made using FL9, sampled and sliced, added a choir and the drums My first beat I done. This is one of my favorite VG scores ever. It's a great relaxing song. I'm a fan of hip hop. Not the modern garbage these artists are putting out these days Im talking about the Real Hip Hop. So yeah tell what you think I'll like some opinions before I submit it.
  10. Posting something that the group recorded at tonight's rehearsal. Taken near the back end of the rehearsal, so expect some flubs here and there. Arrangement by one of our trumpet players, Mike. Since this is a medley, there's a lot of source material and frankly it's a little late for me to be looking for all of the stuff that Mike included. Maybe tomorrow when I'm not so tired. I know for sure that it includes music from: Wind Waker, original LoZ, Lttp, and Zelda II. Thoughts, comments, concerns?
  11. So I came up with this in two days. While I was messing around with some drum loops, I've decided to take a shot at bhangra, a genre I never attempted before. Thought I'd try something I'm not used to. It sounds like it would fit the source well. Nearly all the instruments apart from the drums are synth sounds. Suggestions for new instruments? Sound processing? General improvements? Version 2
  12. http://soundcloud.com/aires/goodtimes this is HEAVLY in WIP im adding and taking alot of things out
  13. Some title screen music I did for a friend of mine last year sometime. For an RPG-esque type game.
  14. It stands for Blue Rogues Against Valuan Empire. It was originally just RAVE, but I think the former has a little more personality to it. I've been working on this for 2 days straight, and I'm to the point where my ears are so shot that I can't tell what sounds good or bad anymore so I need to take at least a full day's break from working on this. In the meantime, I figured it would be a good time to get feedback from y'all. Like I said, it could be horrible or decent. I can't tell anymore and I need to know. The source is "Last Dungeon": And here's my Trance (is it?) mix so far. It's only about 3 minutes, but I'd like it to be at least 4 so I'm not done. Note: If you heard the abomination that was my first Skies of Arcadia mix, just pretend that never happened. http://soundcloud.com/exobyte/skies-of-arcadia-last-dungeon-remix-wip And now I cross my fingers hoping it doesn't suck. EDIT: And now I think it sucks.
  15. I posted a Gumshoe remix and wanted to redo with new stuff that I learned: What do you think?
  16. -Electric Aztec- Feedback? This might just be the one that makes it...Yes, drums do sound fake. I know that. I just wanted some placeholders for now.
  17. -Green Tree- I want feedback on this one. Yes, I know the drums sound fake, and the instruments aren't all that good. But tell me what you think of it.
  18. Hi everyone, My latest ReMix Source: Let me know what you think of it, thanks
  19. I probably won't finish most of these, but here are some demos and sketches; would love to hear what anyone thinks.. http://klutzmusic.com/samples/battle2.mp3 Actually wrote this 5+ years ago, when the first Pirates of the Carribean movie came out, but I still like it. Was inspired by it and sketched a battle scene..one day I'll finish it.. http://klutzmusic.com/samples/flow.wav Short sketch of..a winding corridor? http://klutzmusic.com/samples/space.wav Just messin around with some electronic instruments.. http://klutzmusic.com/samples/war.wav More recent than the other battle song; prob some kind of war.. http://klutzmusic.com/samples/Time2.mp3 Most recent WIP I've made. Don't mind the massive percussion at the end; it's just an experiment haha. I like this one, and plan to finish it..
  20. But not as good. Kinda reminds me of a Wii commercial. (I'm probably gonna scrap this). In rough sketch phase. Uploaded for anyone that cares to listen. http://www.jaredhudson.com/music/Hudgroove.mp3
  21. my inspiration for this piece was to evoke the actual act of travelling in the epoch and make the listener perceive the experience in a first-person sort of way. i wanted to illustrate their actual journey into the fabric of time. this is opposed to associating the song with its original context, the overworld map, and challenging the listener to look deeper. the final version will feature chris|amaterasu on violin! edit 12/9, submitted:
  22. This is not a remix. It's what I would call a re-orch (there may be a better term for what I did). Anyway I took the boiling pot theme from SMB2 and applied different better instruments to it. I was just messing around with the presets and FL Studio and came up with this version here. It came out nice, so I would like to see what y'all have to say about it. I am looking to improve it. Thanks! Click here to listen to boilingpot.mp3
  23. I threw this together today...I'm doing vocals and drums. The guitar is a midi file I found online, the lyrics are from some guy on youtube. I'm really looking for criticism on my vocals...been trying to get better but have a way to go yet. http://www.supload.com/listen?s=1p5FuZ There's a bit of silence at the beginning I forgot to take off, so wait a few seconds. EDIT: Apparently I clicked 'mod review', instead of work in progress, but I'm just looking for general feedback.
  24. This is a freestyle I did earlier this morning about Street Fighter and Fei Long. I did it all in one take for all the parts even the adlibs. Its a club song and at the end i was gonna add the sound of me playing SF4 with Fei Long so you can hear him tear it up lol I have a sendspace link for it http://www.sendspace.com/file/ae0v8d
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