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  1. Hello, I'm quite new to making music using Reason, but (or rather because of that) I wanted to see what you think of THIS; I'm happy about every feedback I can get [ ! newer version below ! ]
  2. So I came up with this in two days. While I was messing around with some drum loops, I've decided to take a shot at bhangra, a genre I never attempted before. Thought I'd try something I'm not used to. It sounds like it would fit the source well. Nearly all the instruments apart from the drums are synth sounds. Suggestions for new instruments? Sound processing? General improvements? Version 2
  3. I know there area lot of Windmill Hut/Song of Storms remixes, but none of them seem to be getting posted which is a shame. So, I thought I'd take a stab at it. Here's my electronica/trance/techno version (I'm no good with genre labeling). It's short, but I may extend it a bit. Click here to listen to storm_doors_-_windmill_hut_remix_-_WIP_v2.mp3
  4. I have been busy with school and all that for some time now & this is my first "complete" wip in quite a while. I still do looping music mostly (vg purposes, and cause I like it), this is one of them. I'm looking for some feedback on this song, but most of all, enjoy Please tell me what you imagine/feel when listening this song, I'm very interested to hear about it!
  5. Intro has no source i know, gonna lead in to source after a bit. you'll know when you hear it just a little toward the end. doesn't have an end right now just trails off cause i've been working on it all day and am a little stumped.. maybe i've just lost my inspiration and need to come back later.. anyway, have a listen and tell me what you think.. oh yeah, and i havent done any mastering or anything yet, just raw material. http://tindeck.com/listen/gmkn :]
  6. I wrote this for JH Compo 18. Its turned out to be one of my favorite Trance productions i've ever done... Let me know what you guys think of it and where it could be improved.
  7. This piece is a WiP piece from Mario RPG. It ends pretty abruptly as it's part of a Mario Medley I'm working on. All of my works consist of obtaining sheet music and sticking to all the original notations via FL Studio's Piano roll and Edirol Orchestral (which I do by hand, no midi tracks). I hope you enjoy it and if it's not your thing, I completely understand. If you would like me to post my other works, just let me know. Thank you and my apologies ahead of time if I am indeed derailing here. http://soundcloud.com/deafinition/margarie-margarita-spiccato
  8. http://soundcloud.com/ironblue/martin-odonnell-never-forget-ironblue-remix in celebration of my storm eagle track getting rejected, here is another track that would get rejected from ocr! there are a lot of issues with the mastering and what not but that deals with the foundation of the arrangement that i ruined ;3 so maybe at least 1 person will enjoy!! source is way better!!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yyDZscyf8lU
  9. Remix. I'll probably need to re-record the entire intro solo guitar because it has some input clipping and some sloppy parts I'm not entirely happy with. Also, the intro is original/semi-improvized for the most part so don't bother looking for a source connection just yet lol. I like the bleach OST Edit: it's not done yet so there will be another minute or two for me to put source material in.
  10. Speeeven, Modus, and I are working on this remix. We're all new to this, and we're learning a lot from one another. It's been a fun collab so far Speeeven is working on his orchestral segment, and Modus is having crippling computer problems. As such, this is all we have so far: my chippy, "part A" intro. This will lead into a totally modern, electro-orchestral sort of thing, if all goes well. This is basically my first crack at remixing, and I think it went pretty well. Let me know what you think, where I can improve, and anything else. Thanks! Remix
  11. Hi, it's been a while but here is a new version. New drums and some EQing: http://tabnewflax.com/wip/Tab_Newflax_Quick_Man_WIP4.mp3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hello, here is an updated version. This one is a bit softer, personally though I kinda feel that the original version had more punch to it. Although I'm no expert at mixing. Appreciate feedback. http://tabnewflax.com/wip/Tab_Newflax_Quick_Man_WIP2.mp3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hello, here is a remix of Quick Man's Theme. I would appreciate some feedback. Thanx http://www.tabnewflax.com/wip/Tab_Newflax_Quick_Man_WIP.mp3
  12. http://soundcloud.com/aires/fm-the-matrix1 guys ita a rap track, well the 1min 30 secs of it, and around 57-58 is the start of verse one, and tell me what you then of the track, im counting all feed back.
  13. Remix Link: http://www.sendspace.com/file/6fhdlz Sources: Devil Kazuya: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PRG5hkIhclw Emotionless Passion: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8mt-Tuvdcb4 Guilty or Not: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TLIjhWC-bCg I submitted this in July, but it was rejected for these reasons: the arrangement is too texturally sparse, too underdeveloped and/or too repetitive the sound quality (e.g. sample quality, sequencing, mixing, processing, recording) is poor I'm a newbie when it comes to mixing so I could really use help with that. I can't afford any new equipment so please help me make the best out of what I have.
  14. So this is my mostly done remix of the candy stage (4-4) from World of illusion. I've titled my mix "Alakazab." I wanted to run it by you guys and get some crits and feedback before I decide to submit it. http://ocrwip.fireslash.net/?action=single&f=alakazabWIP.mp3 <--- Link Any feedback is appreciated!
  15. I've always loved Brinstar 1, so I thought my first mix could be a mix of it. http://www.mediafire.com/file/972cwq9b2gd21ct/Floating%20on%20Stars.mp3 I wanted it to be a ballad type thing, with piano, bass guitar, and acoustic guitar. I was talking to my new friend ProtoDome, and he said I should post here for advice. Feedback please? (Original is here. )
  16. I was kind of nervous about posting this, but I feel like I've reached a dead end with this one and need some help/feedback. This is my first remix, I guess; but I really wanted to do something from this game (one of my favorites). This is my version of "The Four Portals" Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dMsZ6xIk8wY Remix: I think some of the mixing is off, and I need to clean it up and adjust some volume levels; but apart from that I'd appreciate any ideas. Thanks!
  17. Remix: http://www.mediafire.com/?q2gtbesg3x5kxdc Source Tunes: 1) http://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/nintendo/snes/T_MortalKombat_Pit.mid MK1 the Pit 2) http://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/nintendo/snes/mk2_armory_zb.mid MK2 the Armory Hi OCR. I got a Mortal Kombat mash-up mix of various electronic styles with some trick and glitch drumming as well =D. It may feel a bit sparse at parts and not all of the samples will be final, depending on what you guys think . No longer mashing up tomb theme, but am using the MK2 armory tune, I'll host a link for that later =p. UPDATE 1: http://www.mediafire.com/?7znabs5dkfo92lh "ending" isn't the ending still. Last segment is pretty rough and ugly sounding, gonna try and find a way to make it better lol. UPDATE 2: http://www.mediafire.com/?9gbzd7atgwqd69y UPDATE 3: http://www.fileupyours.com/view/218181/Mortal_Kombat_HoboKombaaat_VerA6.mp3 it says ver.6...don't ask why =D
  18. ok everybody. i know this needs work. but I've done the best I can without feedback. here it is: source: mine:
  19. --Click to listen!-- Hey all, first time poster and first ever remix attempt. Any and all feedback is welcome and appreciated
  20. http://onslaughtsix.bandcamp.com/track/tachikouma Metally instrumental. The rest of the album has vocals all through it, plus the majority of the solos will be composed by other people so I figured I might as well have one track where it's all me. Drums and intro still need work but the majority of recording is done.
  21. I threw this together today...I'm doing vocals and drums. The guitar is a midi file I found online, the lyrics are from some guy on youtube. I'm really looking for criticism on my vocals...been trying to get better but have a way to go yet. http://www.supload.com/listen?s=1p5FuZ There's a bit of silence at the beginning I forgot to take off, so wait a few seconds. EDIT: Apparently I clicked 'mod review', instead of work in progress, but I'm just looking for general feedback.
  22. Anyone who remembers the VGMix 2.0 days may recall I made an acousto-electric version of Dire Dire Docks in 4/4 called Just Keep Swimming. Listening to it now, it's not horrendous but it feel like I can improve so much upon what I did before. I'll probably be working with WillRock to get some other synthy-stuff in here. [removed due to upcoming usage]
  23. I've been working on this for a few hours every night for the past week or so. I know it needs a lot of work, but I figured I could post it here and get some feedback on what I'm doing right, what I'm doing wrong, and whether or not it has potential. Hydro City Groove WIP
  24. Hey guys, i know the intro is a little long, but i was wondering if you'd be willing to give me some feedback on what to do with this.. maybe some production and mastering tips? http://www.tindeck.com/listen/ocsg
  25. This remix was requested by Rizbow after one night after asking the #ocremix channel to give me a song and I'd remix it. I really enjoy it and would not have heard it otherwise so big thanks to Rizbow. Right now i'm looking for feedback on everything and possibly where else I should take it musically. Source ...
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