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  1. In fact I basically made this as a fan thing to send to the Bit.Trip guys and wasn't going to bother naming it, but then I thought hey, might as well get some feedback on OCRemix. http://www.negativeworld.org/mymusic/electronic/bittriptest.mp3 Although it's probably not good enough to try to submit seriously to the site. I think the melodies and song writing and everything came out well, though I still don't actually know much about production values and I'm kind of winging it there. I know what *I* like and don't like about this work in progress, I wonder if it will be the same stuff that others like and don't like? What do you guys (and girls?) think?
  2. Hey guys.. this is just a short short short little bit of what I have for a corneria remix. doesnt go too far, just a little sample, even though its short feed back would be appreciated. Note, I just got symphonic orchestra silver a few days ago, so i'm on a 'high' of creating symphonic pieces. http://www.mediafire.com/?tp0e9e7r2tf1n2q (2nd Version) http://www.tindeck.com/listen/gfch (3rd Version) http://www.tindeck.com/listen/nizt (4th version) http://www.tindeck.com/listen/ctfx (fixed)
  3. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time is my favorite game to this day, and is still one of the most impacting video games I have ever played. Since I love the game so much, and I honor the music (because if not for the music the game would have just been mediocre) I have made several cover songs from the game. I plan on adding more to this list because I don't think they had good enough quality sounds to work with when making that game back then. These are my tribute to the best game. http://soundcloud.com/clayjrjr2/sets/the-legend-of-zelda-ocarina-of-time-covers
  4. Hello, this mix is tackling Song of Storms from Zelda: Ocarina of Time. I chose a more extreme style of metal which is I feel is pretty uncommon on the site. I haven't picked a title, but the track is mostly done. A few sections just needs some polish still. Tell me what you think :]
  5. I need some help with this one, people. I think I'm getting the right "house" sound, but then I think my sound is a little thin, or weak. I want to know what people think of the arrangement. Give it to me straight, yo! http://tindeck.com/listen/xlrm
  6. I recorded this with a friend about a month ago, went on a trip, came back, and just today did the final mixing and arrangement. I'm proud of it, but I'm looking for some feedback before I call it done. Tell me what you think of it! :] http://www.mediafire.com/?112tqrcxap3o24x
  7. This is just a little bit of VG R&B using some Wind Waker samples & cubase. Only the first chorus/intro kind of thing but I wanted to post it to get people's opinions! It's kind of mid-way between a Remix & an original so I wasn't too sure where to post it.
  8. Click here to listen to majora004.mp3 I've visited OCR for quite a few years and used to be active on the forums under a different pseudonym, but I took a break from lots of things for a while. So I really wanted to come back and do a remix for the site and decided on the underrepresented Majora's Mask soundtrack for source material. Themes used: Song of Healing, Majora's Theme Its obviously not done and will go through many changes (along with writing the rest of it!), but what do you think so far? 8/2 Update: Due to life, I had to take a break from the mix for a little while, but I'm back! It's longer, better mixed, and a bit more complete. I still have to finish it and do a lot of mix/eq/etc work, but how's it coming along? Here's a theme breakdown thus far: 0:00-0:20: Song of Healing in reverse, repeated quickly. Adds more notes as it progresses. 0:20-0:23, 26-28, 30-33, 36-38: Majora's Theme, in its entirety, but rhythmically augmented and in different voices. 0:23-25, 28-30, 33-36: Song of Healing, pretty straightforward. 0:38-0:54: Song of Healing harmonies 0:54-1:10: Later part of Song of Healing, with harmonies added 1:12-1:58: Majora's Theme pretty much straight through. 1:42: Song of Healing interjection 1:58-2:12: Distorted Song of Healing repetitions (see intro) with underlying touches of the Majora feel 2:12-2:39: Majora's Theme, taking the chromatic dissonance in the melody and passing it through the harmonies 2:39-: Song of Healing
  9. "Oh, come on, now you're just spamming the forum." Nah. I forgot to post this one up - and to take the other one, the "dream" one - down. But this is, as you can probably tell, a Windmill Hut remix. Only now, it's mainly strings - cello, violin, harp, and guitars. And a piano. So, what do you think? It begins with original content, then progresses into the well-known theme and follows up and out. What do you think?
  10. Hi! I'm working on a remix to an old song. I'm about three hours in and I'd like to know what you think of it. I try my best to mix lots of genres and make it sound like something people aren't accustomed to hearing. If you have any suggestions or critiques, please let me know! http://www.mediafire.com/?ynxhywx3thw Also, it doesn't have a name yet. If you have suggestions for that I'll gladly accept them as well Thanks! Kruai Edit: Whoops, noticed the random cutoff at the end. Pretend there's a fade there >.>
  11. I kinda vanished for a while, eh? Well, hell... Well, I'm working on a track from a game called RPG Maker XP [ Battle #2 ] I have no clue what to name it, but I have a slight clue as to what direction I want to go in... Here's the source, I guess. o.o [ I forget a certain someone liked to get onto me for this. ] V http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bmBvPcevHs0 And here's my WIP. V http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EKyr2jQgEhg [ Look up for new version. ] One thing I forgot to mention. I borrowed a theme from two other games, since they're all "three" RPGs. Can you guess? Any tips would be greatly appreciated...
  12. UPDATE: JULY 31 2010 New version, get it while it's hot: http://www.nekofrog.com/theextreme-01.mp3 A few explanations: again. the lead guitar during the clean parts is a placeholder melody for whenever I find a vocalist (female). If something seems barren and devoid of melody, that's because vocals are supposed to eventually go there. At around 2:48, the harp arpeggios will be replaced by lead guitar (hopefully from sixto, fingers crossed...). Ignore the last 25 seconds or so, I forgot to cut it off before I mixed down the latest version. Oh, and I think I've addressed a lot of your concerns about the beginning not matching. Rerecorded it with the proper guitar parts. OLD: No title yet. You might have heard some of this 5 or 6 months ago, I've overhauled a bit of it and here's what I have so far. http://nekofrog.com/The Extreme.mp3 If there are any competent and capable female vocalists out there, I'd love to talk to you about vocals on the track (the lead guitar over the clean part near the end is where lyrics are going to go).
  13. sup guys? i thought i would share a few of my very old wips that i may be scrapping of probably might work again eh who knows? ive come a long way i dont even sound like this anymore Phoenix Wright- Trails and Tribulations (Objection theme i believe cant remember) http://www.tindeck.com/listen/syuh Doomsday Zone (Sonic 3? or S&K? i always get it mixed up) some of you mightve heard this before as my green hill zone remix http://www.tindeck.com/listen/aciz Skies Of Arcadia (Battle Theme) http://www.tindeck.com/listen/xuoz Lufia 2 (watchman seal??) cant remeber the name of the source http://www.tindeck.com/listen/dlpv Scrap Brain Zone Sonic 1 http://www.tindeck.com/listen/seug
  14. "Hey, DJSoto13, why are you rushing out all these 'remixes'? They're pretty bare, yet you keep moving on." Eh. When I hit a creative wall on one song, I save it and move on to another song. After slowing down while working on the Orchestral Link to the Past one, I threw this together - a pretty conservative, yet nice-sounding (in my opinion) version of Gerudo Valley (Ocarina of Time). Too conservative for your tastes? I know it's not balanced THAT well (fades in/out, mastering, etc), I KNOW. This is just a rough draft.
  15. Hey guys, its been for ever since i've been on here. I just recently decided to start up again in my music. Just because it seems like thats really my best talent/skill. This song was going to be longer, but for some reason I shortened it, but I think now I might extend it longer. I also just recently got EWQL Symphonic Orchestra Silver. So this is made with it. Anyways, please comment. http://www.mediafire.com/?unom5udlb8c9za3
  16. Well, in case you haven't guessed; I'm a n00b. This is just the first minute and a half of the song (because that's all I've got so far). Ummmm... Any feedback or comments would be really helpful, and I will keep on working on this. Oh, I also use FL Studio 8:tomatoface:, so if anyone knows of some good free VST plugins, that'd be great too. WIP can be found at: http://dmastermusic.webs.com/worksinprogress.htm (Sorry for using Webs.com, but I don't have many other options... yet.) "Snake! Look out! The guys who stole my stealth prototypes are in there with you!" -Hal "Otacon" Emmerich
  17. I posted this remix in the past but that was in the understanding that it was going to be a all round Mario Medly, Now the song is purely focused on the Super Mario RPG Soundtrack and will remain that way untill it is finished- I hope no one minds this but I wanted to make it clear that this is now a single game focused song Now for the Remix - I spent ALOT of time working on the reverb so I'm hoping this shows. Also the velocity, but this I'm sure still needs work! I'm not sure if the bass should be an octave higher as well? PLEASE! I want HARD Critique, be honest, Yes I'm new to remixing with major software but I NEED to learn:tomatoface: Also suggestions for what melodies to add to it are MORE then welcome. After the "Lets Play Geno!" I plan to add a softer Piano solo of "Merry More" so suggetions for after would be great. If you take the time to listen, take the time to comment please. So far the songs that are included are - < Forest Maze < Let's Play Geno! < Mushroom KingdomNote that I am always after someone to collab with and if you think you COULD ADD SOMETHING SPECIAL to this song, please let me know, Comment below or PM me.
  18. Ok so here is a track I've been working on for the past couple of days. Its for a white city in the middle of a jungle island. Its history it wrought with strife and yet it is being reinhabited and rebuilt! I was trying to capture the optimism of that reconstruction in the track. I would love to hear some feedback on this and will take any comments and suggestions and use them to better the track. Thanks in advance and I hope you enjoy it: Edit(Beefed up the drums added a vocal sample): http://www.box.net/shared/rpdsr8m06s
  19. Version 1: Vocals are drafty at best. Lyrics: (Verse) Far off the edge, of time and space eternal. I see those days... Long to see your face... An absent smile, scorched in frozen flame, yet I'll still call out your name: ([Pre-?]Chorus) Forever, young Rachel the sun shall set before you, and the stars will take this chance, to forever keep your hand. You'll awake in the flame of our embrace...
  20. http://tindeck.com/listen/uwhn Some nasty fuzz/distortion there, coming from the rhythm guitars specifically. Not sure what exactly is causing it. No sign of it when I'm using my external soundcard, so maybe it's just my laptop's fault. Newest version: http://tindeck.com/listen/lpgb
  21. Hi there. Here's my latest WIP. Feedback is appreciated! http://soundcloud.com/feather/nu-heights-original-mix-2nd-edit
  22. This is my first stab at 'remixing', though this may be more like a cover. I recorded by ear and it doesn't quite sync up with the original, but it's close enough to tell what it's modeled after. I'm guessing it's pretty far from what it can be polished, and I'm looking forward to some critiques that might help me make it better.
  23. I'm keeping a promise to Gario. I'm actually quite late. But I sat down to play with this a few days ago and have been plugging away at it, now it's feedback and improvement time. Or just leave any comment. Like, hate, like some, hate some, have toast, don't have toast...etc. Source: Final Fantasy VIII - Laguna's Theme http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a2vpqd9gKXk UPDATED 7 26 2010: Track:
  24. Hello all! This is my second WIP submission (the first can be found here). I like bouncing between two projects to get the juices.....juicing. I kind of chose an obscure choice for this one. Essentially, its a metal orchestral arrangement of the Overworld theme for Dragon Quest Monsters. It started out as an all orchestral instrumental with a male choir, but I somehow got sidetracked. Strings, wind, brass, guitar, bass, harp, piano, and of courses drums are all present. Hopefully, you'll enjoy the direction I went. Things I plan to improve on: * Extending the beginning. I go into the main rhythm a little too fast for my taste and the transition is very awkward. * The second half of the song is essentially a huge loop of the first half. I plan to humanize the guitar and perhaps put some improv in there to help keep the rest of it fresh. The drums are altered in some places but the majority of it is the same as the first half. I also intend on putting a short piano solo at the end to round things out. * Make the crescendo sound more......crescendo-ey. Only thing that gets the tension across is the cymbal crashes. One of the targets for my guitar improv. All in all, I have a lot to do before I can even hope to get this submission worthy, but I don't think its too bad of a start. Original source can be found here.
  25. Hi! I'm working on a song that mixes Drum&Bass and Orchestra. It's mostly DnB though, with some Dubstep type stuff at the beginning. Just wondering what everybody thought of this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-kQQIdwFFws I know it's a lower quality version, being on youtube, but I wanted it to be accessible (and I'm more interested in arrangement/sound ideas rather than quality). Thank you for your time! Kruai
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