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Found 11 results

  1. Hi Everyone, I hope you had a great Holiday, and are looking forward to the New Year. Here is a Trumpet and Tenor Saxophone arrangement of Jack's Lament by Danny Elfman with accompaniment. Credits: Trumpet: Anthony Higham Tenor Saxophone: Brandon Pettis Arranged and Produced by Anthony Higham Video Edited by Brandon Pettis Please don't hesitate to reply with any song requests with this instrumentation!
  2. The mixing is a bit off, I'll admit. I also want to throw in a solo or something to add more original content and make it more of a "ReMix" know what I mean? https://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/891396
  3. https://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/893733 My main concern here is the solo. It's not quite where I want it to be, but I can fix it. Eventually. Critiques welcome.
  4. Hi everyone, For a musical challenge, I did a short arrangement of a Deltarune's track (The Chase). Goal was to make a Deltarune's "christmassy" arrangement in one week. Not sure why but Christmas always sounded "Burton-esque" to me, so that's where I went with it I hope you'll enjoy.
  5. Every few days in December, I uploaded a Christmas-style remix of a classic video game song to my channel. Now that December is over, I've completed the album and uploaded it as one big video. Most of these are just covers so I'm not planning on submitting any of them (unless you think certain ones could be accepted). I just want to post this here for you guys to enjoy. I had a lot of fun making these and I'd love for you to listen to them and let me know what your favorites are and how I could improve for next year. Thanks Track List A Canyon.mid Christmas 0:00 Christmas Password (Super Castlevania IV - Password) 2:04 Simon Belmont's Christmas Theme 2:49 Rastan's Christmas Theme 5:24 Christmas Dreamer (Streets Of Rage 2 - Dreamer) 7:03 Ice Cap Zone Sega Master System FM Remix 9:13 Christmas Castle Corridor (Castlevania: Aria Of Sorrow - Ruined Castle Corridor) 11:46 Christmas Snow (Fantasy Zone - Hot Snow) 15:13 Christmas Clouds (Windows 95 - CLOUDS.MID) 17:13 Dreamcast Gamer 2017 Credits (Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine - Staff Roll) 20:18 Yes, I suck at naming remixes Also, two of these are covers of classic Windows MIDIs because the hidden Windows MIDI files inspired me. Individual remixes can be found here Thanks for listening! Dallas
  6. Hello ladies and gentle peoples! After months of work and lots of pestering, the latest An OverClocked Christmas is done and ready for downloading. Featuring a record-breaking 15 remixes of Christmas carols and VGM, it's got many different moods and genres covered. R&B, Jazzy, Orchestral, Metal... that and more are present. So with a big thanks to everyone who stepped up and submitted a remix, and to Dyne for continuing to host the files, feel free to go ahead and download the finished product that we all slaved over for you http://williammichael.info/aocc/aoccv11.htm Enjoy everyone. And of course, Merry Christmas! Edit: Looks like Dyne got the official website updated, so I've changed the link. Thanks Dyne
  7. My (vaguely) christmas themed piano arrangement of Stardew Valley's Nocturne of Ice and Winter Festival music.
  8. Have a couple songs I've been working on that may go on an EP next year. The include original content and covers of classic Christmas Carols including: White Christmas, Oh Holy Night, Oh Come, Oh Come, Emanuel and Carol of bells. All feedback is welcome and appreciated! Thanks!
  9. Ever write a bunch of music for a project, to basically be told "yeah... it's good... but it's too dark and heavy"...? Well, I have. That's what happened with this collection I put together here a while ago (it occurred that I put it on Bandcamp but don't think I ever shared it here). The project director asked me to then write some music that wouldn't "scare the children," hence the title, heh. https://mazedude.bandcamp.com/album/please-dont-scare-the-children It's original, but it definitely has a video gamey quality to a whole lot of it, so, enjoy.
  10. An OverClocked Chrismtas v.9 -- RELEASED!! To grab the latest album, FOR FREE, go here: http://williammichael.info/aocc/ I just wanted to take a moment and thank The Coop for once again helming this album project. It takes a tremendous amount of effort by him, as well as our musicians to put this album together, and I just want to say, from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU! I wish everyone a safe, healthy, and happy, Merry Christmas.
  11. Well, it's about that time again boys and girls! I contacted Dyne several weeks ago, but I've not heard anything from him. And considering how little he's posted this year, I'm not really inclined to continue waiting until we reach a point where no one will have any time to work on a remix for this. So, I'm taking the initiative and making a thread. If Dyne shows up and he wants to do the project later, I'll contact LT and see if the thread can be altered. Or, Dyne can make a new one and we'll direct everything to that thread. So, here we go! This project is open to any and all OCR members, regardless of whether you're a posted remixer or not. And now, a few details... When's The Project Deadline?- December 20th, 2015 at 11:59 P.M. EST. This is now a REALLY hard, non-negotiable deadline, since it's even closer to Christmas. The last few years have proven to be a mess of last second entries. Even last year, things came down to the wire for a number of people. And to be perfectly honest, it shouldn't be that way. It's made the evenings hectic for myself and Dyne in the past, and still made for a "hurry up so it's ready" scenario last year. As such, you have until one minute before midnight EST on December 18th to get me the final WAV or MP3 of your song. After that, you're shit outta luck until next year. I need time to do everything, including possibly make a little website to host this one if Dyne doesn't come back. So this deadline's set in stone. What Information Does The Coop Need?- When you send me your final versions, I'll need your name, the name of the song you're remixing and the name of your track. All of this is for the back of the album art, and the comments section of the MP3s, so make sure you let me know all of this... especially what name you want to use (real, screenname, etc.). What Can Be Remixed?- Any song, really. Traditional Christmas carols, video game music, published music by a signed artist... whatever gets your heart racing and into that Christmas spirit. This isn't an official OCR album, so you can draw from more sources than just VGM. Plus, you can take a non-Christmas tune, like the Main Theme from Space Harrier, Stage 6 Mission 2 from Metal Head, or I Defend STM from Truxton II, and turn it into a Christmasy one. So know that it's not limited only to songs that are Christmas-like to begin with. All that said, do keep in mind that if you want to submit your song to OCR later, you'll need to stick to the site's guidelines. But for this album, you can take it in just about any direction you want. How Long Can My Song Be?- As long as you want it to be. There are no restrictions on this, so whether it's 1:30, or 9:51 with a five minute guitar solo ala Metallica, it's all good. But again, if you want to get your song on OCR later, stick to their guidelines. What Genres Can I Remix In?- Again, the door's wide open here. Rap, Metal, Pop, Piano-solo, Orchestral, Jazz, 8/16-bit, Barber Shop Quartet, Death Polka... it's up to you where you want to take it. What Format Should I Submit My Song In?- WAV and/or an MP3 of at least 192KB/s quality. I'll be tagging the MP3s, and making MP3s from any submitted wavs, so you don't have to worry about that. But, if you'd like your website to be in the MP3 comments section, be sure to give it to me when you submit your song. How About A Little Music To Get Us In The Mood?- To help everyone along, here's a YouTube list of Christmasy tunes made by Ocre a couple of years ago... http://ocremix.org/f...72&postcount=19 But remember, not all famous Christmas tunes are upbeat and cheerful. There are some that are more somber or haunting in tone, so you have more moods to play with than happy happy joy joy. What's The Website's Address Again?- It's got a new home at... http://williammichael.info/aocc/ How Do We Contact This The Coop Person?- If you've got questions, comments, concerns, or your track is done and ready to be sent to me, you can PM me here on OCR, or send me an E-mail at thecoopscorner@yahoo.com. So yeah, there we go. You've got roughly two-and-a-half months to get something done for the lovely people of OverClocked Remix, and the listeners around the world who've become followers of our project. I don't know what's going to happen as far as Dyne's involvement, or what I'll have to make for people to grab the album, but I'll see it through one way or another. Good luck, have fun, and make everyone some Nice Work™! Artists involved thus far... The Coop (director and remixer) CelestialSonata (remixer) Jfaferrie (remixer) Rozovian (remixer) Garpocalypse (remixer) HoboKa (remixer) Trism (remixer) Lampje4life (remixer) classic_gamer_76 (remixer) mattmatrice (remixer) Dj Mokram (remixer) DusK (remixer) Draconiator (remixer)
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