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*blah typo in the thread name, w/ez. sry bout that

Yes I know, CT again, but hey I love this game and I gotta pay some sort of tribute to its music, especially the MAIN THEME!!!!. Here's what I think is going to be one of the more climactic or later sections of this piece. It's pretty short as of right now, but I plan to add more to it. If I took too many liberties with the melody (changing it to a pentatonic one and in a 6/8 time signature), then tell me. I know there are a lot of purists out there, and if that's the case try and treat it as a separate piece I guess. There are tons of similarities between this remix and the Decision Bell I had here awhile ago, mainly because I haven't updated any of my samples lol.

If the samples are kinda faux, they're all soundfonts (and that's all I got >.<) so I'll try and FX them up or change velocities so they get a little more real. I definitely plan to vary up the rhythmic marcato cellos and strings for a little more momentum...percussion also since it's just a boom cha sorta thing.


Hope you guys like it!

I've just recently tried adding some drums in the background so see which version sounds a little better.


Chrono Trigger - Crono's Theme ReMix

UPDATE [Oct.21]

-> made percussion a little more complex from 0:14-0:18.

-> added tom tom, guiros, castanets, tambourine, and wind chimes.

-> cleared up some muddiness.

-> layered a flute and piano.

*It's been a long time, but I decided to get this project up and running again. Added another melodic section to incorporate more of the main theme. I realize now that everything is on the LOUD side so I gotta play with volumes and stuff.

Name suggestions?


At first I didn't recognize it, but I did eventually! Definitely a different direction. I really like what you have here, and it all sounds like one giant improvisation, which in this case is a good thing. Very epic feel, and I like how your percussion emphasis is more on the higher end of things; this is very similar to the original in that regard.

Very nice work so far -- excited for updates!


Amazing... didn't really notice the theme till around :17. But I like how you started out with the percussions in a some what tribal feel xD. Then you got into that middle age atmosphere especially with the strings and the flute or is it a piccolo (not sure lol). Kind of reminded me of Shadow Madness.

If it was up to me i think i would have added like a viola but only for a small part and more violins =].... or maybe a different variation of percussions like a Vibraphone to match the feel of the flute like instrument. for example you if were to replay :14 - :28 again later on in your mix, you could use a vibraphone(or a different type of bell instrument to replace the flute) for that part somewhere around the middle of the song or the end. but thats just me xD.

edit: or maybe a piano to play the string part around the middle or end. =]

Overall this is a really great piece...keep working on it. I'd like to see your progress and end result's.

Oh and I liked your other piece as well the Manoria Cathedral. =]


Alright thanks for the comments guys. I'll clear it up a bit and see if I can get something before and after this little snippet. =p I kinda wish I had better samples blah. The marcato soundfonts are pretty average so I have to cover them up wih reverb sometimes. Oh yeah, any thoughts towards the "drum" version?

  • 2 weeks later...


OMG. This is one of the most phenomenal remixes I have heard thus far. Simply amazing. WITH the drums for sure.

What would I have to do, to get a copy of the full length track in it's current state with the drums? 1:04 is simply a teaser. Drop me a line at annex1[at]gmail[dot]com I wait, excitedly for your response.


I like it. There's not much else I can say. I'm hearing occasional melodies I recognize, but it might be a little low on source. I can't say. Technically, my only criticism so far would be that the messy drums might need some leveling, some of them could be softer.

It's cool enough to work on, and it's got a great sound. Sounds a bit like the mahabaha something Halo remix, but with lots more energy.


You are very correct. It does have a feel of the Mahabharath Highlands remix available here on OCRemix. Epic...cinematic. It feels so very movie OST. I can't hear this sample often enough. I listen to it a couple of times a day.

I've contacted the author, but he does not reply, so who knows IF and WHEN we'll ever get to hear this piece in it's entirety.

  • 6 months later...

Hey everyone. Long time since an update, and I'm afraid to say despite all that time, this is only a small update from the original. I've inserted more of the source into the remix, added a few instruments here and there, lowered a few volumes on percussion mainly, and a other minute things I can't remember off the top of my head. I had to encode this at 128 kbps because I needed to do a bit of cutting from the beginning of the track through Audacity. I recognize that it is quite loud at the moment, so the next few days I'll be playing with volumes. Apologies, but still hope you like it!

*Updated link in first post*


I love it! This track's got a New Age feel to it; it reminds me of my favorite New Age artist, David Arkenstone, in both overall style and approach. In particular, it reminds me of this song:

I absolutely look forward to the finished product. Wonderful job so far!


I'm so glad to see you haven't abandoned this mix. Even in it's incomplete form, it's been permanently on my playlist since you originally posted it back in February.

I don't really have anything particularly useful to add, just wanted to say that seeing this updated really made my day :-)


i love it man! i think you should keep the title of the song as "chrono's theme" just to piss everyone off... jk jk

but yeah, i guess i agree with what most peeps are saying about the drums being confusing (i guess thats the word?) and too loud in my opinion, i'd like the melody instruments to stick out a little more.

but yeah.. love it!

and what did that one guy (forgot who) mean by saying "too low on source?" just wondering


well i love it!

that's a lot of energy there. maybe you could stay closer to the original on some spots, but not so important.

Somehow i remember the original "age of empires" soundtrack while listening to it. well nice one.

that kind of "middle ages" ambience and the flute .... if i had to name it, i would give "bard's dance" as perfect... but of course, i'm not you XD (yah... duh).

keep up the good work.


mhmm, using squidfont orchestral samples for the strings, brass, piccolo, woodwinds. The choir sample used is terrible but a little layering made it sound less tinny. Oh, and I'll lower the volumes on the drums. They're a little jarring like you guys have said. Thanks for the comments everyone!

  • 7 months later...

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