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Donkey Kong Country 2: Serious Monkey Business - History

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A project I've wanted to see done for a long time is nearing completion, and I am beyond excited. Get those last tracks in peoples, don't keep us waiting any longer!

The mixers aren't really that much of a holdup...but the FF4 project being virtually done and staggering release dates does.

The mixers aren't really that much of a holdup...but the FF4 project being virtually done and staggering release dates does.

Ahh so. Well...I hope it all gets done sooner rather than later! Good luck to y'all!


Right now we're rather vague, as some people are rather busy. Perhaps in a month or two we may institute harder deadlines again, but as of now there's no need I feel.

Edit: So I'm up to the end of the rollercoaster part of the island...which I forget the name of. So far, so good, with no missed bonuses and all of the DK coins up to my point (25 or 26?).

Animal Antics.

Even if it had some tough levels, you have to admit they were fun as hell.

Really, I thought the Castle world had more "dick move" type stuff. Most notably the acid level and Castle Crusher.

So I beat Toxic Tower earlier today...ugh that was annoying. I kept getting greedy and trying to jump too many spots as Rattle :sad:

But now I'm up to Screetch's Sprint!


I meant how "sang" is past tense and "breastfeeds" is present tense. If "sang" had been present tense, i.e. "sings", this would had implied she still breastfeeds him, which would have been funny. And it doesn't matter who wrote it first. I'm pretty sure the current grammar is wrong. Either the above suggested change or a change from "breastfeeds" to "breastfed" would correct it.

Meh. It's lost whatever was fun about it now anyway.

I meant how "sang" is past tense and "breastfeeds" is present tense. If "sang" had been present tense, i.e. "sings", this would had implied she still breastfeeds him, which would have been funny. And it doesn't matter who wrote it first. I'm pretty sure the current grammar is wrong. Either the above suggested change or a change from "breastfeeds" to "breastfed" would correct it.

Meh. It's lost whatever was fun about it now anyway.

ah, fuck, i was doing southern english to emphasize the moron-ness.

oh words, you escape me.


I should have replied earlier to this.

I had to listen to these on the toilet in order to prevent any mess. Party song was a little scary though.

The Mining Melancholy track actually isn't the final version - I still haven't heard whether Taucer re-recorded those vocals (the non-rapping).

Hey! It's the party thread! Party's over here! Come on!

There are so many party-worthy details with this project - I'll just say that everyone will be quite surprised with the end product (except maybe SnappleMan).

wait, aren't you that bitch who complained about vocals in a song because nothings as good as the song your momma sang you when she breastfeeds you or something?

Hey, don't you make fun of my momma. You haven't lived until you've tried some of her breast milk.

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