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  • 2 months later...

Seems we have quite a few requests for "relaxing," or "peaceful," mixes on these forums, as usual, I'm going to take this time to plug Brinstar Bonsai Garden by Red Tailed Fox, it's Brinstar, at some dark jazz club!


Follow that up with Midnight at Club Corel (Red Tailed Fox and Shnabubla) from the FFVII: VotL album, and you'll be in pretty good shape, hell, throw in Hyrdophone Breakdown (JigginJonT) while you're at it.

  • 3 weeks later...

^I agree with Beneath the Surface.

Other great relaxing remixes:

OA's "Afternoon Tea with Snappleman's Mom"

OA's Phoenix Wright "That Feeling"

Patrick Burn's DKL "Revisiting the Ruins"

djpretzel's EarthBound "Twoson Hits the Road"

NiGHTS "Escape into the Twilight"

Mario Kart 64 "Day's End"

Chrono Trigger "Far Away Memories"

...ok, so I really like nice music.


This thread has inspired me to make such a playlist!

I also agree with "Beneath the Surface."

bLiNd's "Blue Vision" is faster paced, but just as chill, I think.

Also Scott Peeples - Requiem for a Green Revolution. Ahhhhhhhhhh. *relaxes*

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