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OCR TF2 Team: Gametime 9 PM EST on OCR server MWF + some weekends

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So, is this "team" just around for pubbing/pickup groups or are you guys seriously considering joining a ladder or league?

Cuz that'd be hilarious, if a bit of a pain to organize, as some of us are already in clans.

Finding me on Steam isn't that hard; AFAIK, I'm the only "Pyrion". But I rarely pub anymore, as my clan has a scrim or match every evening it seems.

I'd say just pubbing/pickup judging by everyone's response (probably is more fun that way anyway) - most of us aren't zomg hardcore about the game, but it'd be nice to play with other OCRers for the very reason DarkeSword mentioned.

So, are there any particular map settings that are favored for this? Server settings, etc.?

Pyrion recommended these guys for a server, sounds like it might be cheaper than the first option I posed: http://www.ghostsofdarkness.com/gdgaming/index.php

I keep people posted once I get the server chosen & ordered as to monthly fees.


Just to get the context right, I recommended them cuz that's the clan I'm in.


Never mind the cheesy name, it's cheaper than gameservers (they want ~$1.48/slot every month), and the current rate isn't $1.50/slot (that's old), it's $1.25/slot every two months.

EDIT: Agreed on keeping it public.


Apparently Valve is planning on clearing all achievements from anyone that used the developer commands to give themselves the new weapons from the medic patch last night. They're not happy that people were using those commands. No bans at least, but ALL of your achievements will be lost. I'm assuming they're also going to be blocking the commands from future use.

Apparently Valve is planning on clearing all achievements from anyone that used the developer commands to give themselves the new weapons from the medic patch last night. They're not happy that people were using those commands. No bans at least, but ALL of your achievements will be lost. I'm assuming they're also going to be blocking the commands from future use.

They shouldn't have been stupid enough to leave them in. Its naive if they thought people wouldn't use them.


Well, that's fine with me, I was going to find the console line I needed to remove my achievements anyway, I just wanted to see the new weapons, which I might add are very cool. I just hope they do not remove my statistics as well... I would not like that...

Apparently Valve is planning on clearing all achievements from anyone that used the developer commands to give themselves the new weapons from the medic patch last night. They're not happy that people were using those commands. No bans at least, but ALL of your achievements will be lost. I'm assuming they're also going to be blocking the commands from future use.

I didn't have any to begin with.

I suck... >_<

The thing about making it private is that while we have a fair amount of people on OCR that play TF2, the most I've ever seen in ONE GAME was only like 5 or 6. And TF2 isn't really that fun if you have small teams, in my opinion... I think ~12 players is a good number. So, if we were to do a private server, I would want to know that people from OCR would play on it regularly and not elsewhere. Otherwise, make it public with a bunch of admins so we can kick out pubs if we are trying to do an OCR game.

I agree with this and the decision to make a server like that public, but think of this as well, if the server were private I think a few more OCR people, who don't have the patience to find a public game with the OCRgoers and get slammed down by people they don't know, would be more interested in playing. I still like the public server better (not that I really play with you guys much/at all) but food for thought.


Out of the OCR people that I recognize thus far, I've only seen one in my time playing TF2, which I've had since Christmas, and I don't remember who it was. I may have played with other OCR members, but unfortunately, I only recognize a handful of people here from the music I listen to. Of course, I'll get to know more people around... and hopefully more that play TF2. In the meantime, I'll just stick with TheVille servers, I and VII (moreso VII) and whatever else you guys play on. Username in TF2 is the exact same as my username here and I'm typically seen playing Scout (beware of my insanity) or Sniper (beware of me on Goldrush and Dustbowl). Occasionally, if no one is filling the spot, I'll be another class... except Spy, because I just can't play them well at all.

... for the record, I officially hate chains of 4+ Medics complete with Demomen, and because of the unlockables, I see that way too much.

I agree with this and the decision to make a server like that public, but think of this as well, if the server were private I think a few more OCR people, who don't have the patience to find a public game with the OCRgoers and get slammed down by people they don't know, would be more interested in playing. I still like the public server better (not that I really play with you guys much/at all) but food for thought.

Making it public could also attract more traffic to the site, and the guys who cause trouble on here could just be banned :3

... for the record, I officially hate chains of 4+ Medics complete with Demomen, and because of the unlockables, I see that way too much.

It's a Soldier's dream. Prior to this, getting anybody to play Medic was a chore.


Don't think I'd be able to play on any server not local to Australia without gettin horrid lag. Sniping's sure an interesting experience when I do play on a foreign server. Good thing the other classes don't rely on twitch hitting as much. On a different note - the medic achievements annoy me.

Yeah, the medic achievements are such bullshit. I have 7 left to go, and they're fairly tedious ones (like the healing 1 million points).

Doin' better than I am. I've only got 4 outta the 39 achievements haha. Tryin to shoot scouts with your needle gun is like tryin to swat a fly with a friggin chopstick.

Doin' better than I am. I've only got 4 outta the 39 achievements haha. Tryin to shoot scouts with your needle gun is like tryin to swat a fly with a friggin chopstick.

Here's a tip, although it may be hard to find a good server since you're in Australia - there's a map called achievement_box3 or something like that, a lot of people go there to do their achievements. It's optimal when it's organized well, and it may require a little patience, but it's by far the best way to get a lot of these achievements done.


Only works if it's organized, though. A lone Pyro can ruin everything.

EDIT: I'm definitely in support of an OCR dedicated server, and there are probably some good deals runnin with one private and one public server. Though I'm not sure how much I could really donate in terms of money, however. If we can only get one server, though, I would say make it a pub. Give admin to someOCR regulars, though.


OK, I looked into server hosts a little bit (nothing more than a quick google search), and I've found Gameservers and Darkstar.

Gameservers would cost about $30 a month for a 20-slot server, or $300 for a year at a discount.

Darkstar would cost $23 a month, or $65 per three month for a server of the same size.

It looks like Darkstar would cost less, but I like the layout and design of Gameservers' webpage better.

As for performance, I was pinging relatively well on the Darkstar servers I could actually connect to, but more than half the servers they listed as demo servers weren't up, or they were taken down. The Gameservers servers I tested went fairly well. I tested a full server in Amsterdam, and was at 140ms. A full server in Chicago put me at 20ms.

Overall, I would vote in favor of Gameservers. Their support seems to be more coherent, and their features list is more fleshed out.

However, advertisements don't tell the whole story. I would much rather take the word of someone with experience with this stuff.


Wtf, I got a ping of ~43 from Chicago for Gameservers, and it's quite closer to me.

Edit: Okay people, I bought the server - it's through Gameservers, since the ping seems to be the best on there, and price doesn't seem like it's terribly much of a concern. It's about $36 a month, although if I were to change the subscription plan to make larger payments over a longer period of time, it would be cheaper. For a reserved slot, judging from the interest, I think $3 a month sounds fair. If there's any extra money from many people doing it, I'll lower it for subsequent months, or just donate the rest to OCR. All depends on what you guys say about it.

Also, my paypal is wesley.cho@gmail.com, so send the monthly donations there and in the comment field put your OCR handle & SteamID, and send me a PM that you sent it just so I can keep track easier.

Edit #2: Also, what map settings and stuff should we have? The server address is btw.

Edit #3: Currently I'm putting a password as I figure out the server commands, but it'll be down once we're good to go.


Ok, so I'm guessing someone out there knows more about the server config more than I, so I'm going to post the server settings I got here so far, and double check to see what I need to do for other stuff.

sv_lan "0"
sv_region "0"
sv_pausable "0"
sv_cheats "0"
sv_consistency "1"
sv_allowupload "1"
sv_allowdownload "1"
sv_timeout "300"
sv_pure "1"
sv_pure_kick_clients "1"

mp_timelimit "30"
mp_footsteps "1"
mp_allowspectators "1"
mp_autoteambalance "1"
mp_autoteambalance_delay "60"
mp_autoteambalance_warning_delay "30"
mp_teams_unbalance_limit "2"

tf_flag_caps_per_round "3"
tf_stats_track "1"
tf_playergib "1"

// cvars for communication

sv_voiceenable "1"
sv_alltalk "0"

// bandwidth rates/settings
sv_minrate 13000
sv_maxrate 25000
sv_minupdaterate 33
sv_maxupdaterate 67
sv_mincmdrate 33
sv_maxcmdrate 67
sv_client_cmdrate_difference 1
sv_client_predict 1
sv_client_interpolate 1
sv_client_min_interp_ratio -1
sv_client_max_interp_ratio -1
net_maxfilesize 128
sv_voicecodec vaudio_speex
exec banned_user.cfg
exec banned_ip.cfg

// server logging

log on
sv_logbans "1"
sv_logecho "1"
sv_logfile "1"

Edit: Also if anyone wants to fool around uninterrupted for some some stupid medic achievements, the pw is djpretzel, but be warned that I could be tweaking the settings at any time.


For maps, I'm all about Dustbowl. Love that map a lot. Lots of fun and doesn't tend to stagnate as badly as 2fort, though 2fort's quite a bit of fun now and then. I'm not a fan of Hydro, though.

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