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Final Fantasy IV: Echoes of Betrayal, Light of Redemption - History

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for what it's worth, i typed junly on purpose =)

is there a reason that some of the blues aren't the exact color of the rest of them? just curious.

Pretty sure the more glow-y ones signify that the track was just recently finished.


glowy ones mean i haven't received a .wav yet- Cain is having computer issues so that one is excused, and Zeromus is in the final stages of mastering. :-)

i'm starting to encode and tag them all into MP3s, so we'll have something for mixers to check out very soon! :-D


(I do get a minute every now and then on other peoples comp to check up on things)

Just so you know, I think the latest wip is good enough if I'm holding you up, I can scrounge the wav in target disk mode, then if you just fade the outro out it'll do imo (and do that secret intro thing we discussed :P), or you can wait until my exams are over and i have time to take my comp to apple. Up to you.


Well, I know you typed it that way on purpose Brad, because there is an edit button. It is a mystical button that does magical things, and the one who holds the power to use it will rule Mordor...wait, what was I talking about again? Oh, right: Junly.

I was wondering...do we want to have a release party(or parties)? I know it's just a fanciful idea, but just as MAGfest brought some of us together who worked on the project, I think it'd be awesome for people involved who might be close to each other to get together when the thing is released and hold a shindig. I'd totally throw a listening party that night: 3 hours of FF4 remixes + beer + remixers = epic. Or maybe we should all throw individual parties and turn our speakers out the windows so the neighborhood can hear the music (OA, I know at least Zeromus would help put the little one to sleep!) Anyway, I'd want to celebrate it. Or maybe I'm just dreaming big dreams of fun times....

we could do it up shizz style and have an IRC listening party. When people comment on songs.

We'd need Snappleman there though. It's just not a listening party without him.

As long as I have time to schedule it in and it's not at the same time I go to work, I'd be up for this...

  • 2 weeks later...

Because it comes out in 'episodes'. It's on wiiware in like 9 installments for $8 each. It wouldn't make as much sense to put it out on a DS cart and start including product overhead for a smaller return.

The fact that i'd have to pay $72 to get all the episodes has pretty much turned me off to it, but maybe in the future they will compile it all for a reduced price.

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