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I don't know why, but the post office mailed me back the letter I sent to OCR with the $5 and it had the sticker on it saying "Return to sender, not deliverable as addressed." This is the address I used:

OverClocked ReMix

PO Box 223104

Chantilly, VA 20153

Is this correct? Because either the post office made a mistake, or I got the wrong address (I got it off of this website, so it should've worked).

I don't know why, but the post office mailed me back the letter I sent to OCR with the $5 and it had the sticker on it saying "Return to sender, not deliverable as addressed." This is the address I used:

OverClocked ReMix

PO Box 223104

Chantilly, VA 20153

Is this correct? Because either the post office made a mistake, or I got the wrong address (I got it off of this website, so it should've worked).

That should have worked... I'll look into it, sorry for the inconvenience.

  • 3 weeks later...

The information you seek, as of 3 weeks ago, lies below

We raised about $2400, which translates to 8 months of hosting. Of course, we've still got the (fading) google ads, and the more people use our Amazon store, Zzounds, and buy shirts, the better.

Bottom line: This was a huge success, I owe Jimmy big time, we should be really solid for 2008, and I'm not biting my nails. Well, I am, but now it's more over site development projects than funding.

That being said, it's not like we raised $10,000 and are set forever; I'm still going to be looking into better, more relevant advertising for the site, we still need folks to use the Amazon store when they can (and Zzounds), we've still got a lot of T-shirts to sell, and so I never really consider anything 100% stable/done. Nevertheless, April was awesome, and puts us in a far, far better position than ever before.


I didn't get the impression he was disappointed, rather that it was a realistic assessment. Even with raising money, it's just he needs more, so he was addressing his plans on how to do it. April did well and it took a monkey off his back for awhile, but it's not like we killed it, just merely tranq'd it and got a good laugh out of its misfortune.

I didn't get the impression he was disappointed, rather that it was a realistic assessment. Even with raising money, it's just he needs more, so he was addressing his plans on how to do it. April did well and it took a monkey off his back for awhile, but it's not like we killed it, just merely tranq'd it and got a good laugh out of its misfortune.

haha, well said.

Ah, thanks alot. I went a few pages back, but i couldn't find anything of the sorts.

2400 dollars? That's awesome. Though it did sound a bit like he was dissappointed...

Yeah. $2400 is definitely nothing to sneer at, and I'd hardly call the fund-raising effort a failure. However, if there's anything to be disappointed about, it's that there were still a lot of people who contributed large amounts of money (some over $100) which constituted a great portion of that sum. Which is super fantasic and generous of them, especially when I only asked for $5-10.

The only thing that disheartens me just a little is that for as many people as there are that frequent these forums, we still had a TINY percentage contribute anything at all.

I think the goal next year is to see if we can get enough people to simply contribute the $5-10 minimal amount. If we even got a mere 5% of the forum members to contribute a mere $5, that's over $5000, over TWICE what we managed in April. Factor in that some might contribute $10, then that's anywhere up to $10,000!

THEN, I think we could safely say the monkey on DJP's back has been obliterated.

This frame of mind would do humanity so much good on so many levels. Nobody subscribes to the EVERYBODY MAKES A DIFFERENCE belief. Which is a shame.

If we all drove a little less every day. If we all turned off lights when we're not using them. If we'd all eat a little less fast food each month. If we'd all recycle a few cans. If we'd all simply contribute a few bucks.

Anyone getting my meaning here? What overwhelms a few people is nothing to many people. Let's try to all get in this mindset for next April :nicework:


What Jimmy said :nicework:

I recently talked with folks from another site who from this thread somehow got the impression that we're in dire economic straits, on the verge of collapsing; this is not the case, nor do I think we tried to pretend it was the case so as to get more donations. The situation is simply that, with Google ads being the primary thing allowing the site to break even, their decline did for the first time since we became self-hosted jeopardize our breaking even. Furthermore, I was spending a lot of time worrying about the ads, going over statistics, etc. when - in my mind at least - I should have been working on making the site better.

This fundraiser accomplished the goal of allowing me to focus on development 120% - I've been doing tons of work and am making great progress, with help from others.

Just as a sidenote, my reaction was positive but restrained because I don't want to give people the impression that we're now "set for life" or anything... I think the idea of an annual thing like this, every April, is fantastic, but hopefully year round people will start using the Amazon and Zzounds referrals more, as that could really make up for the decline on Google's side.

At any rate, let me reiterate: this was awesome, and thanks to all who chipped in. If we get what we're working on off the ground in 2008, I think you'll understand why this was so important!

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