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I just tried it last night and god damn... Makes the hard mode of Ikaruga feel like a simple game of catching/throwing a ball.

It's not so much as dodging the orbs and enemies (got through them with a lot of close cals..) that I'm being bombarded with, it's the motherfucking kamehameha waves I'm being blasted halfway through the boss fight.

Here's an example... fuuuuuuuuuuuuuukkkk


I love the challenge though... I'll beat that bitch somw how...

Also I've been collecting the music as well :)!!

Dew. will own your ass in his sleep

I would have imagined Coop being the one considering he's an aficianado of sorts on shmups; though I've never seen nor heard of him playng bullet hell games like "Imperishable Night".


Shit, and I thought The Red Star/Raiden game(s) were hard.

Edit:Somebody mind telling me how I can play this game? Is it free?

I'm still working on Touhou 6.

Never got the obsession with the music though.

IMO it has alot to do with the Boss theme.

It's odd but some how it's catchy as it's spawned many arrangements and remixes...

Here's some examples to explain to those that do know what I'm talking about. Forgive me if this is percieved as spam, but it's the best way I can explain it...

An earlier post of mine has the metal/hard rock variation...

The original theme:

The infamous McRolled version of the same song...


Wacky Vocal version: Those Japanese :lol:


Finally an Orchestral version:


Just a fun track to mess around with.

Where do you guys find this? I've searched through the internets and only found demo versions. Link to downloads/purchase pages plz.

Some pirate torrent sites are the best bet IMO. Search Imperishable in Piratebay.

I think the games are very hard but I still think Ikaruga is the most unforgiving at times because Touhou games at least don't throw the terrain against you.

As for hard mode, it sometimes is too stressful to play that. I let the pros/obsessives put on a show on Youtube.

And as for the fanbase of the games, it's strange how the relatively lousy character art is redone a lot too. I don't think it's necessarily because the music and characters are huge standouts other than that the game itself has a cult following.

Some pirate torrent sites are the best bet IMO. Search Imperishable in Piratebay.

This time... Just forget torrents...


Basically it has the biggest (as far as I know) touhou community...

Touhou 6 is there as well as 8 along with others...

*note - the download speed is notoriously slow... expecr overnight waits...

Also I feel it's okay to post as they are the "doujin" games that were made, not commercial games


Haha a Touhou thread. If Douli hasn"t post it already, I'm a Touhou addict (got all the shooting games, many original discs, IaMP, the SoWR Demo, the Lemmings game, Marisa World, the Megaman game, RTS...), often listening to my 10 Gigs of remixes of the themes. Thanks ZUN for all your job.

Last year, I discover Touhou 7 (Perfect Cherry Blossom). R-Type and Gradius/Parodius series fan, I love all the mess on the screen. Mmm, hit box, ok I love that game. Got later the fighting game Immaterial and Missing Power... And so the collection begins.

Funny thing, this style of shooting games is said to be a good beginning for gamers because you have to know that only the hit box (the small white dot on the character) has to be protected.

So it's very impressive even in easy, but you can clear easily the game. Unfortunately, if I remember well, you don't see the collision box in each game, so play Touhou 8 (Imperishable Night) if you want to see yours in normal or in focus mode.

Of course, the last difficulty modes are really really hard, I suppose the mighty Dew has learned perfect each pattern and second of the game... GG Dew >_<

After, it's better to play with a (PSone here) Joypad. The character moves a little faster with the pad than with the keyboard, but it's ok. (And we like speed moves when Marisa uses her mega laser against you)

About music, I suggest the 'Golden City Factory' versions of Touhou, or 'WAVE' (like orchestral/classic themes). 'Sound Holic' likes jazzy style. 'Hammer' is more trance. You can find pure piano themes also... So many themes... Great job.

Oh, and if you want original games on CD, I've ordered mine at Paletweb.

Raaah, I was creating a new track on Trackmania Forever, but because of this thread, I think I'll play some Touhou >_<

Doujin just means it's an indie game. Saying it's okay to pirate Touhou is like saying it's okay to post links for Melty Blood or Immortal Defense or Aquaria...

Wouldn't mind paying for it if I knew how and where/to et cetera. While I didn't say it's okay to pirate it, it seems vague on whether I was wrong to post it. If I'm truly wrong in the post then no doubt it will be deleted by a mod.

As for you golga (going by pronunciation) try adding more to your posts plz kthx



The music sucks and so does the art but the games are fun anyway. The bad art and music are okay though as there are groups like IOSYS that make awesome remakes of the touhou music, or music inspired by Touhou and other things. I've also found some pretty bitchin' art of Marisa and Reimu :3

If anyone wants to play one in English, Perfect Cherry Blossom is the only one so far to be translated. I think.

I've also found some pretty bitchin' art of Marisa and Reimu :3

Oh OverCoat, you and your "art."

Wouldn't mind paying for it if I knew how and where/to et cetera. While I didn't say it's okay to pirate it, it seems vague on whether I was wrong to post it. If I'm truly wrong in the post then no doubt it will be deleted by a mod.

As if a mod would willingly step foot in a Touhou thread.

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